EMS Circulars

Earth and Mineral Sciences Experiment Station Circulars present reviews of research in progress, reports of scientific information presented at technical meetings, and other matters of interest concerning the E&MS College. These were issued from 1929 to 1970.


Circulars 1929-1970
Cir. 1Economic Outlook for the Basic Industries of Pennsylvania. 1929.
Cir. 2An Industrial Need Fulfilled. 1930.
Cir. 3Opportunities in Pennsylvania's Basic Industries. 1932.
Cir. 4Basic Trends in Mineral Industries Education, by Edward Steidle. 1933.
Cir. 5Bituminous Coal Neither Plant Food nor Fertilizer, by W.R. Chedsey. 1933.
Cir. 6The Functions of Pennsylvania's Mineral Industries Experiment Station. 1935.
Cir. 7Coal Selection for Steam Plants, by A.W. Gauger. 1936.
Cir. 8Vocational Guidance in the Mineral Industries. 1936.
Cir. 9Correspondence Courses and Extension Instruction in Mineral Industries. 1940.
Cir. 10Water for Oil Well Flooding Operations, by H.W. Nelson. 1938.
Cir. 11Mineral Industries Correspondence and Extension-Class Instruction 1938.
Cir. 12Mineral Industrial Correspondence and Extension-Class Instruction 1941.
Cir. 13Industrial Scholarships. A Partnership of Industry and Education. 1942.
Cir. 14Evaluation of Present-Day Mining Instruction, by Edward Steidle.
Cir. 15Preliminary Training and Education of Mine Officials, by D.C. Jones. 1943.
Cir. 16The Technical and Economic Aspects of the Use of Anthracite Fines in By-product Coke Production, by J.D. Clendenin, K.M. Barclay and C.C. Wright. 1944.
Cir. 17Careers and Mineral Industries. 1944.
Cir. 18Mineral Industries Correspondence and Extension Class Instruction. 1944.
Cir. 19Mineral Industries Correspondence and Extension Class Instruction. 1944.
Cir. 20Opportunities for Productive Work Through Mineral Industries Research. 1945.
Cir. 21Some Practical Aspects of Mineral Industries Education in the Latin Americas, by Edward Steidle. 1945.
Cir. 22Post-War Possibilities of Bituminous Coal Mining, by Edward Steidle. 1945.
Cir. 23Future of Pennsylvania's Mineral Industries, by Edward Steidle. 1946.
Cir. 24Mineral Industries Correspondence and Extension Class Instruction 1946.
Cir. 25Principles of Mineral Conservation, by W.M. Myers. 1945.
Cir. 26Mineral Industries Extension Services - Class Centers in Pennsylvania 1931-1946. 1946.
Cir. 27Frederick Augustus Genth. 1820-1893, Chemist-Mineralogist-Collector, by W.M. Myers and S. Zerfoss. 1946.
Cir. 28Correspondence and Extension-Class Instruction. 1947.
Cir. 29The School of Mineral Industries of the Pennsylvania State College. 1948.
Cir. 30Mineral Industries Extension and Correspondence Instruction 1948.
Cir. 31Roots of Human Progress, by Edward Steidle. 1948.
Cir. 32Analysis of Mineral Industries Education in the Western Hemisphere, by Edward Steidle. 1948.
Cir. 33A Philosophy for Conservation, by Edward Steidle. 1949.
Cir. 34Mineral Industries Extension and Correspondence Instruction 1949.
Cir. 35Wanted: Mineral Industries Colleges, by Edward Steidle. 1950.
Cir. 36Mineral Industries Research. 1950.
Cir. 37Minerals and Posterity, by Edward Steidle. 1951.
Cir. 38Mineral Industries Extension and Correspondence Instruction 1952.
Cir. 39Mineral Forecast—2000 A.D. by Edward Steidle. 1952.
Cir. 40Mineral Industries Extension and correspondence Instruction. 1952.
Cir. 41The World is Your Workshop, by Edward Steidle. 1953.
Cir. 42Publications of the School of Mineral Industries, The Pennsylvania State College, State College, PA. July 1, 1951 to June 30, 1952. 1953.
Cir. 43Publications of the College of Mineral Industries, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA. July 1, 19552 to June 30, 1953. 1954.
Cir. 44Publications of the College of Mineral Industries of The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA. July 1, 1953 to June 30, 1954. 1955.
Cir. 45College of Mineral Industries of The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA. 1955.
Cir. 46Publications of the College of Mineral Industries of the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. July 1, 1954 to June 30, 1955.
Cir. 47Publications of the College of Mineral Industries of The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. July 1, 1954 to June 30, 1955 (Circ.48).
Cir. 48Progress in Research for Biennium 1955-1957. 1957.
Cir. 49Manganese: Its Minerals, Deposits and Uses, by John N. Hoffman. 1957.
Cir. 50Publications of the College of Mineral Industries of The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. July 1, 1956 to June 30, 1957. 1958.
Cir. 51Selected Electron Micrographs of Clays and Other Fine-Grained Minerals, by Thomas F. Bates. 1958.
Cir. 52Publications of the College of Mineral Industries of The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. July 1, 1957 to June 30, 1958. 1959.
Cir. 53Future Energy Sources for Pennsylvania, by John J. Schanz, Jr., Robert K. Amole, Donald G. Frendel, John N. Hoffman, and W. Gibson Jaworek. Prepared under the sponsorship of the State Planning Board, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Jan. 1959.
Cir. 54Progress in Research for Biennium 1957-1959. 1959.
Cir. 55Mass Spectroscopic Analysis of Solids-Abstracts 1953-1956, by L.F. Herzog. 1959.
Cir. 56Proceedings of the Twenty-First Technical Conference on Petroleum Production, August 24-26, 1959.
Cir. 57Publications of the College of Mineral Industries of The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. July 1, 1958 to June 30, 1959.
Cir. 58Publications of the College of Mineral Industries of The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. July 1, 1959 to June 30, 1960.
Cir. 59Progress in Research for Biennium 1959-61
Cir. 60Publications of the College of Mineral Industries of The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. July 1, 1960 to June 30, 1961.
Cir. 61Twenty-Second Technical Conference on Petroleum Production, Oct. 23-25, 1961.
Cir. 62Publications of the College of Mineral Industries of The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. July 1, 1961 to June 30, 1962. 1963.
Cir. 63Twenty-Third Technical Conference on Petroleum Production. September 26-28, 1962.
Cir. 64Discussion on Dust Explosions. Report on Conference Proceedings. September 4 and 5, 1962.
Cir. 65Research Publications of the College of Mineral Industries. July 1, 1962 to June 30, 1963. 1964.
Cir. 66Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Technical Conference on Petroleum Production, October 23-25, 1963.
Cir. 67Bibliography—Geochemistry of the Stable Isotopes of Carbon and Oxygen, by Jon N. Weber. 1964.
Cir. 68Research Publications of the College of Mineral Industries July 1, 1963 to June 30, 1964. 1965.
Cir. 69Progress in Research, Mineral Industries Experiment Station. 1961-1965.
Cir. 70Research Publications of the College of Mineral Industries July 1, 1964 to June 30, 1965. 1966.
Cir. 71Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Technical Conference on Petroleum Production, Oct. 19-21, 1966.
Cir 72Petroleum Production Research at Penn State in Retrospect. With Contents of Bulletins and Circulars and M.S. and Ph.D. Theses in the Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas, 1930-1966 by R.F. Neilsen and L.T. Bissey. 1966.
Cir. 73Research Publications of the College of Mineral Industries July 1, 1965 to June 30, 1966. 1967.
Cir. 74Research Publications of the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences July 1, 1966 to June 30, 1967.
Cir. 75Research in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences 1966-1967. 1968.
Cir. 76Analytical Techniques: Tools to Aid Industrial and academic Research and Development. June 1969.
Cir. 77Research Publications of the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences July 1, 1967 to June 30, 1968.
Cir. 78Trace Element Concentration Determinations, April 1970.
Cir. 79Research Publications of the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences July 1, 1968 to June 30, 1969.
Cir. 80Research in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, 1970.
Cir. 81Research Publications of the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences July 1, 1969 to June 30, 1970.
Cir. 82Hydrogeology and Geochemistry of Folded and Faulted Rocks of the Central Appalachian Type and Related Land Use Problems - Richard C. Parizek, Wm. B. White and Donald Langmuir.
Cir. 83Zinc-Lead Occurrences Near Mapleton, Huntingdon Co. Pa. - Robert C. Smith II, David C. Herrick, Arthur W. Rose and James M. McNeal.
Cir. 84Research Publications of the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences July 1, 1970 to June 30, 1971.
Cir. 85Research in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, 1973.
Cir. 86Representative Research in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, Pennsylvania State University. Fall 1976.