Laptops, iPads, and Calculators


  • Laptops are available at the Pattee Library for 7-day loan. A valid PSU ID required.
  • Over due fee is $25.00 per day. Fail to return within 4 days after due date, $2,500 may be assessed in addition to overdue fees.
  • Upon return, any file saved to the laptop during use will be deleted. Always make copies of your work before returning the laptop.
  • You are responsible for any laptop borrowed on your account. Report any hardware or software problems to a Library service desk immediately.


iPad are available with Penn State wireless preconfigured, and available for 7 day loan.

Sign in with your Apple ID on a library iPad

  1. Go to Settings --> Store. If there is an AppleID currently logged in, it will be listed as "Apple ID. Click on the ID to select it.
  2. Then select "Sign Out."
  3. Select "Sign In."
  4. Either sign in with your existing AppleID or create a new one.
  5. Sign in with your username and password. You will now be able to download and or pruchase applications using your account.


Calculators Available to Borrow
LocationType of CalculatorLoan period
Common Services Deskbasic, business, scientific, and graphing calculators24-hour checkout
Life Sciences Librarytwo basic calculators and one scientific calculator4-hour checkout, no overnight loans
Physical and Mathematical Sciences Librarycalculator for patron use4-hour checkout, no overnight loans
Earth and Mineral Sciences LibraryScientific and Graphing calculators4-hour checkout, no overnight loans
Engineering Library

TI 84 Plus (2) , TI 36X Pro (1), and TI 89 Titanium (2)

4-hour loan, no overnight loans