Building Durable Links

Links to full-text articles in library databases can be added to your courses in Canvas.

Click on the name of the resource below for information about finding the most stable links or DOIs (Digital Object Identifier) for articles in licensed databases.

If you have any questions or can't find information about a database below or one not on this list, please contact: UL-RESERVES-STAFF@LISTS.PSU.EDU

Find stable links in:


ACM can be linked two ways.

ACM db


Annual Reviews

Copy and paste the link from the address bar for Annual Reviews. The link already contains the ezaccess proxy and will not need to go into the widget.



For BMJ, copy the link under the title. It already has the ezaccess proxy attached. The link is highlighted in the example below:

BMJ db


Cambridge University Press/Cambridge Core

Click on Cite just above the abstract:

Cambridge University db

This brings up a pop up.

Cambridge University 2 db

Copy and paste the DOI (highlighted above), into the widget.

Congressional Quarterly/ CQ Press

This database is part of SAGE. CQ Press stable links (highlighted) are found under the chapter or article title as in the example below. The link already contains the ezaccess proxy.

Congressional Quarterly



​EBSCOHost’s stable link contains the ezaccess proxy.

To access the link, go to the citation view of the article. On the left hand side of the screen, click on the Permalink:

EBSCO Host db

This reveals a pop up with the link, including the ezaccess proxy. Copy the entire link.

Ebsco Host 2 db


Elsevier ScienceDirect

Copy the DOI link as seen in the example and paste it into the widget to attach the ezaccess proxy.

Elsevier link.


Gale Onefile

​Click on Get Link, highlighted in the example:

Gale OneFile db

This brings up a pop up with the link. Copy and paste it into the widget to add the ezaccess proxy.

Gale OneFile 2 db


Health Affairs

​Copy the link from the address bar. It already contains the ezaccess proxy.


Hein Online

​Click on the link widget to open a small pop up.

HeinOnline Dataabase

Copy and Paste the link from the pop up into the widget to attach the ezaccess proxy.

HeinOnline 2 db



​Copy and paste the remote access link. It already contains the ezaccess proxy.




Copy the link from the address bar and paste it into the widget to add the ezaccess proxy.


National Academies Press

Copy the link in the address bar and paste it into the widget to attach the ezaccess proxy.



​Copy the link from the address bar and paste it into the widget to add the ezaccess proxy.


Nexis Uni

​Click on Export Citation under the article title for a pop up.

Nexis Uni db screenshot

The link, highlighted in the example, already contains the ezaccess proxy.

Nexis Unit db



​Copy the link from the address bar. The ezaccess proxy is already attached.



Copy the link from the address bar. The ezaccess proxy is already attached.

Project Muse

Copy the link in the address bar. It already contains the ezaccess proxy.



​Click on the Details tab for the article. Scroll down the page and copy the Document URL. It already contains the ezaccess proxy.


Proquest Ebook Central

Copy the link from the address bar and paste it into the widget to attach the ezaccess proxy.

Safari Books Online

Copy the link in the address bar. Do not put in the widget! Use as is.

Sage Premier

Copy the link under the title. The ezaccess proxy is already attached.




​Copy the DOI found under the title and paste it into the widget to attach the ezaccess proxy.

Screenshot Science Database



​Copy the link from the address bar. It already contains the ezaccess proxy.


Taylor & Francis

​Copy and paste the link under the title as seen in the example. The ezaccess proxy is already attached.

Tayilor Francis db


Wiley Interscience

​Copy and paste the link under the title as seen in the example. The ezaccess proxy has already been attached.

Wiley Interscience db