This service is for other libraries that would like to request materials from us. If you are an individual not affiliated with the University, please contact your closest public or academic library.
Loan Requests
Books, dissertations, theses, government documents, video and sound recordings, and some microfilms can be borrowed from Penn State.
Dissertations are available for loan to U.S. and Canadian libraries. Copies of Penn State dissertations from 1939 to present are available for purchase from ProQuest (link). You can also search the Electronic Theses and Dissertations (eTD) database for newer dissertations online.
Article Requests
We will provide scans of journal articles, book proceedings or chapters, or newspapers and journals on microfilm and microfiche. Articles are delivered through Odyssey, OCLC Article Exchange, email, or U.S. mail.
Billing and Payment Methods
Type | Fee |
Loan - Domestic Libraries | $15.00 (1 1/2 IFLA vouchers) |
Loan - International Libraries | $35.00 (3 IFLA vouchers) |
Article/Scan - Domestic and Inernational | $15.00 (1 1/2 IFLA vouchers) |
Thesis scan | $30.00 (2 1/2 IFLA vouchers) |
Other - Lost Book | $125.00 (minimum charge) |
Loan charges do not apply to any Pennsylvania library or consortial partner. Article charges do not apply to any PA academic, PA public, PA school library or consortial partner.
If requesting via OCLC, IFM payment is preferred. Invoices are issued on a monthly basis.
Payment is accepted in U.S. dollars or IFLA vouchers. If you have lost or misplaced an item borrowed through ILL, please contact us to request a replacement quote. Libraries can also contact us at to inquire about replacement options.
Questions about invoices should be directed to the Libraries Business Office by calling 814-863-5440.