The collection contains photographs of railroad bridges in Pennsylvania, mostly in the Pittsburgh area, 1891-1915; photographs of technical drawings produced by the Pennsylvania State College, Civil Engineering Dept. depicting structural details and complete designs of modern railroad bridges, 1903-1904; and lantern slides of railroad bridges, 1884-ca. 1904.
The railroad bridges, built in the 19th century, were photographed between 1891-1915, and depict different types of bridges, structural details, transmission towers, and bridge construction. The bridges were used by at least seventeen different railroads including the Pennsylvania Railroad, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad, Susquehanna and Buffalo Railroad, West Penn Railway, and the West Virginia and Ohio Railroad.
Photographers include H. B. Harmer, R. W. Johnston, F. H. Miller, C. K. Mohler, H. E. Platt, and Lewis R. Snow.