The Office for Remote Sensing of Earth Resources (ORSER), of Penn State's Space Science and Engineering Laboratory, operated from the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s. Their reports had varied titles: ORSER or ORSER-SSEL.
Series Number | Title | Author(s) | Year |
1-73 | Canal Program Description | Lachowski, H.M. F.Y. Borden | 1973 |
9-73 | Interdisciplinary applications and interpretations of ERTS data within the Susquehanna River Basin (resource inventory, land use, and pollution) | G.J. McMurtry G.W. Petersen | 1973 |
10-73 | Program Descriptions | F. Y. Borden D. N. Applegate B. J. Turner H. M. Lachowski J. R. Hoosty | 1973 |
11-73 | ERTS and Aircraft Multispectral Scanner Digital Data Users Manual | G. J. McMurtry G. W. Petersen F. Y. Borden D. N. Applegate B. J. Turner | 1973 |
12-73 | Storage and Retrieval of Erts and Underflight Imagery | N. B. Bolling | 1973 |
13-73 | Development of the Hybrid Approach to Data Processing | H. A Weeden F.Y. Borden D. N. Applegate N. B. Bolling | 1973 |
14-73 | Land Use Mapping | Bordern, F. Y H. A. Weeden D. N. Applegate N. B. Bolling | 1973 |
15-73 | Comparison of Preprocessing and Classification Techniques as Applied to Multispectral Scanner Data | J. R. Hoosty and G. J. McMurtry | 1973 |
16-73 | Survey and Inventory of Forest Resources | B. J. Turner D. L. Williams | 1973 |
17-73 | Cananical Analysis Applied to the Interpretation of Multispectral Scanner Data | H. M. Lachowski F. Y. Borden | 1973 |
18-73 | Catalogues for Remote Sensing Digital Data Tapes | F. Y. Borden H. M. Lachowski D. N. Applegate | 1973 |
19-73 | Processing of Remote Sensing Data | G. J. McMurtry S. J. Chung N. B. Bolling | 1973 |
20-73 | Mapping of Anthracite Refuse | D. N. Thompson F. Y.Borden | 1973 |
21-73 | Investigation of Vegetative Cover Conditions | B. F. Merembeck F. Y. Borden | 1973 |
22-73 | Correction of Banding in Mss Digital Data | F. Y. Borden | 1973 |
23-73 | Acid Mine Drainage and Strip Mines | S. S. Alexander J. L. Dein | 1973 |
24-73 | Analog to Digital Conversion and Processing of Mss Data Using a hybrid Computer | C. E. Rambert G. J. McMurtry | 1973 |
25-73 | Agricultural Land Use Mapping | A. D. Wilson G. W. Peterson | 1973 |
1-74 | Analysis and Application of ERTS-1 Data for Regional Geologiocal Mapping | David P. Gold Richard R. Parizek Shelton S. Alexander | 1974 |
2-74 | Geologic Investigations of the Great Valley in Pennsylvania | D. Krohn D. P Gold | 1974 |
3-74 | Gray Scale Printing and Photographic Reductions of Large Area Computer Generated Maps | A. David Wilson Richard E. Ackley | 1974 |
5-74 | Computer Analysis and Mapping of Gypsy Moth Defoliation Levels in Northeastern Pennsylvania using ERYS-1 Data | D. L. Williams B.J Turner | 1974 |
6-74 | Preliminary Investigation of the Effects of Conversion of ERTS Data to Radiometric Values of the Performance of the Orser Remote Sensing Classification Routines | L. E. Links, Jr. | 1974 |
7-74 | A Method of Specifying Remotely Sensed Units for Soil Sample Points | G. A. May G. W. Peterson Bordern, F. Y. D. N Applegate | 1974 |
9-74 | The Penn State ORSER system for processing and analyzing ERTS and other MSS data | G. J. McMurtry G. W. Petersen F. Y. Borden H. A. Weeden | 1974 |
10-74 | Application of Remote Sensing to Natural Resource and Enviromental Problems in Pennsylvania | David P. Gold Shelton S. Alexander Richard R. Parizek | 1974 |
11-74 | Transference of ERTS-1 Spectral Signatures in Time and Space | B. F. Merembeck; Bordern, F. Y. D. N. Applegate | 1974 |
12-74 | Classification and Mapping of Coal Refuse, Vegetative Cover Types, and Forest Types by Digital Processing Erts-1 Data | F. Y. Borden B. F Merembeck D. N. Thompson B. J. Turner; D. L. Williams | 1974 |
14-74 | Sensitivity of Normailized Classification Procedures for Floodplain Soils | L. E. Links, Jr. | 1974 |
15-74 | The Use of Remote Sensing and Natural Indicators to Deliniate Floodplains- Preliminary Findings | S. C. Sollers | 1974 |
17-74 | A Survey of Image Enhancement Techniques | G. J. McMurtry | 1974 |
18-74 | Storage and Handling of Satellite and Aircraft Imagery in Orser | N. B. Bolling | 1974 |
19-74 | Satellite Detection of vegetative Damage and Alteration Caused by Pollutants Emitted by a Zinc Smelter | E.L. Fritz S. P. Pennypacker | 1974 |
20-74 | Interpretations of Pennsylvania Agricultural Land Use from ERTS-1 Data | G. W. Peterson A. D. Wilson | 1974 |
21-74 | Land Use Mapping in the Susquehanna River Basin | G. A. May G. J. McMurtry | 1974 |
22-74 | Interpretation and Mapping of Gypsy Moth Defoliation from Erts(LandSat)-1 Temporal Composites | W.S. Kowalik | 1974 |
23-74 | Techniques for Delineation and Portrayal of Land Cover Types Using Erts-1 Data | G. W. Peterson A. D. Wilson | 1974 |
24-74 | Land Use Mapping in Erie County, Pennsylvania - A Pilot Study Remote Sensing for Resource and Environmental Surveys: A Progress Review-1974 | G.A. May | 1974 |
26-74 | Application of Erts Imagery to the Study of Residual Kaolins | R.W. Pollok | 1974 |
2-75 | Preliminary Skylab Mss Channel Evaluations | D. M. Barr F. Y.Borden | 1975 |
3-75 | Spectral Signature Selection for Mapping Bare Soils | G. A. May G. W. Peterson | 1975 |
4-75 | Processing Erts and Aircraft Mss Data with the General Electric Image 100 System | B. F. Merembeck F. Y.Borden | 1975 |
5-75 | Lineament Map of Pennsylvania | W. S. Kowalik D. P. Gold | 1975 |
6-75 | Application(s) of Cluster Analysis in Natural Resources Research | B.J. Turner | 1975 |
7-75 | A Method of Specifying Remotely Sensed Units for Soil Sample Points | G. A. May G. W. Peterson F. Y.Borden D. N. Applegate | 1975 |
9-75 | Relation of Lineaments to Sulfide Deposits: Bald Eagle Mountain, Centre County, Pennsylvania | M. D. Krohn D. P. Gold | 1975 |
11-75 | Diazo Printing of Erts Color Composites | W. S. Kowalik | 1975 |
12-75 | Comparison of Skylab and LandSat Lineaments with Joint Orientations in Northcentral Pennsylvania | W. S. Kowalik | 1975 |
13-75 | The Use of Landsat-1 Imagery in Mapping Lineaments in Pennsylvania | W. S. Kowalik D. P. Gold | 1975 |
14-75 | Lineaments and Mineral Occurrences in Pennsylvania | W. S. Kowalik D. P. Gold | 1975 |
15-75 | Remote Sensor Digital Image Data Analysis using the General Electric Image 100 Analysis System (A Study of Analysis Speed, Cost, and Performance) | General Electric Company, Space Division (on subcontract to Orser) | 1975 |
16-75 | Photointerpretation of Skylab Photography | H. W. Weeden C. Kleeman S. Daelhausen G. Helser | 1975 |
17-75 | Reconnaissance Mapping From Aerial Photographs | H. W. Weeden N. B. Bolling | 1975 |
18-75 | Canonical Analysis and Transformation of Skylab Multispectral Scanner Data | D. M. Barr B. F. Merembeck | 1975 |
19-75 | Land Use Classification Mapping using Erep Mss Data | D.M. Barr | 1975 |
20-75 | Floodplain Delineation Using Landsat-1 Data | D. L. Henninger M. L. Stauffer G. W. Petersen G. J. McMurtry | 1975 |
1-76 | Floodplain Delineation Using Aircraft Data | D. L. Henninger M. L. Stauffer H. A. Weeden G. W. Petersen | 1976 |
2-76 | Interdisciplinary Applications and Interpretations of Erep Data Within the Susquehanna River Basin | G. J. McMurtry G. W. Petersen | 1976 |
4-76 | Use of Landsat-1 Data for the Detection and Mapping of Saline Seeps in Montana | G. A. May G. W. Peterson | 1976 |
5-76 | Interdisciplinary Analysis and Interpretations of LandSat Data | G. J. McMurtry G. W. Petersen F. Y. Borden | 1976 |
2-77 | Canonical Analysis as a Preprocessing and Feature Selection Method for Multispectral Data | F. Y. Borden G.J McMurtry | 1977 |
3-77 | Application of Canonical Analysis to Multispectral Scanner Data | B. F Merembeck Bordern, F. Y. M. H. Podwysocki D. N. Applegate | 1977 |
4-77 | Use of the Ramtek Color Display System in Metereorological Studies | John P. Scheib | 1977 |
5-77 | The Orser Digital Data Processing System: A Short Description | D. N. Appelgate | 1977 |
6-77 | Preliminary Classification and Mapping of Presque Isle and Environs with LandSat-1 Data from Erie County, Pennsylvania | Eva Tucker, Jr. | 1977 |
7-77 | The Orser System for Processing and Analyzing LandSat and other mss Data | G. J. McMurtry F. Y.Borden H. A. Weeden G. W. Peterson | 1977 |
8-77 | Statistical analysis of remote sensing data for ORSER program users | Brian J. Turner | 1977 |
10-77 | Geometric correction of Landsat MSS data | D. N. Applegate | 1977 |
11-77 | Outline of digital display devices and related equipment | G.J. McMurtry | 1977 |
12-77 | A Study of the Tyrone-Mount Union Lineament by Remote Sensing Techniques and Field Methods | M. R Canich D. P. Gold | 1977 |
1-78 | Airphoto Specifications for Subsequent Digitization by Scanning Microdensitometer | C. Robert Mathewson | 1978 |
2-78 | Preliminary Microdensitometric Analysis of Color Infrared Photography of Lakebeds in Central Mexico | C. Robert Mathewson | 1978 |
3-78 | Medium-Scale Thematic Mapping from Digitized Photography | C. Robert Mathewson | 1978 |
5-78 | Principal Components and Canonical Analysis for Reduction of the Dimensionality of Large Data Sets | B. F. Merembeck F. Y.Borden | 1978 |
6-78 | Regional Land Cover Mapping From Pennsylvania Landsat Mss Data | G. A. May G. W. Petersen G. J. McMurtry | 1978 |
8-78 | Land Use Classification of Rome and Milan from Landsat Multispectral Scanner Data--A Preliminary Analysis | Mauro Salvemini | 1978 |
9-78 | Satellite and aircraft multispectral scanner digital data user manual | Brian J. Turner D.N. Applegate B.F. Merembeck | 1978 |
10-78 | Introduction to Linear Algebra for Orser System Users | B. F. Merembeck | 1978 |
11-78 | The Orser System for Processing Satellite and Related Digital Data | G. J. McMurtry F. Y.Borden H. A. Weeden G. W. Peterson | 1978 |
12-78 | Digital Image Enhancement for Soil Mapping | C. Robert Mathewson | 1978 |
13-78 | Vegetation and Engineering Suitability Analysis of Asateague Island National Seashore | D. N. Thompson B. J. Turner | 1978 |
14-78 | The Orser Digital Data Processing System: A Short Description | D. N. Appelgate | 1978 |
1-79 | Digital Thematic Mapping from Landsat Mss Data of an Area North of Vikisburg, Mississippi | George J. McMurtry | 1979 |
2-79 | Classification and Mapping of Defoliated and Underfoliated Central Pennsylvania Hardwood Forests Using Two-Date LandSat and Topographic Data | Brian J. Turner | 1979 |
3-79 | Landsat image enhancement using the ORSER system | Marc L Imhoff | 1979 |
106/OR | The ORSER system for MSS pattern recognition | Jeffrey Newcomer | 1980 |
81 | Delineation of Soil Temperature Regimes from Hcmm Data | R. L. Day G. W. Petersen | 1981 |
109 | The ORSER remote sensing analysis system : a user's manual | B. J.Turner G. M. Baumer W. L. Myers | 1982 |
85 | Remote Sensing of Hydrologic Transport Processes Using Spot Simulation Data. Final Report, August 1, 1983-April 30, 1985 | T. W. Gardner G. W. Petersen K. F. Connors G. M. Baumer | 1985 |
87 | Synoptic-Scale Assessment of Surface Runoff: Final Report for Period July 1, 1984-September 30, 1986 | D. A. White G. W. Petersen J. R. Eyton C. G. Knight | 1987 |