In August 2006 the Historical Collections and Labor Archives (HCLA) division of the Special Collections Library of the Pennsylvania State University acquired the corporate archives of Transaction Publishers, a gift of Dr. Irving Louis Horowitz, chairman of the board of Transaction Publishers and the Hannah Arendt Distinguished University Professor (Emeritus), Department of Sociology, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.
The Penn State University Libraries, in partnership with Irving L. Horowitz / Transaction Publishers, arranged, described, preserved, and cataloged the Archives. The Archives are arranged in three series: Transaction Publishers Archives, Irving L. Horowitz Academic Papers, and C. Wright Mills - the series links above lead to more contextual information about them.
A Note about the Content and Searching of this Online Collection
While this online collection encompasses a range of materials, including advertisements, photo images, catalogs, and reviews, the bulk of it consists of correspondence. Thus, the search parameters are based on information about the letters in the online collection (which represents a portion of the entire Horowitz Transactions Archive).
Each letter has been assigned a "title" consisting of a name (either sender or recipient) and the date of the letter's composition - hence the search fields and the drop-down menu for dates that you see below.
When searching by sender or recipient, input either the last name of the correspondent, or the last name and first name, but without a comma (e.g.,Baez Joan). If a comma is included in any name, no results will be returned.
The materials in this collection are made available for use in research, teaching, and private study. Texts and images from this collection may not be used for any commercial purpose without prior permission from The Pennsylvania State University Libraries.
Although these texts and images are made publicly accessible for the limited uses described above, they are not all in the public domain. Where copyright persists in this material, that right is owned either by The Pennsylvania State University Libraries or by the creators of the object or their descendants. When use is made of these texts and images, it is the responsibility of the user to secure any necessary permissions and to observe the stated access policy, the laws of copyright and the educational fair use guidelines.
If individuals or other entities believe their rights have been compromised through digitization leading to unwarranted access to such documents, The Pennsylvania State University Libraries may undertake a review of any such claims and remove digital surrogates in those cases where there is a valid claim. Such requests will be reviewed by the Dorothy Foehr Huck Chair for Special Collections and Head, Special Collections Library, in consultation with the Associate Dean for Research, Collections, and Scholarly Communications and others, including University Counsel, as appropriate.