Arthur Edwin Bye, Jr., was born in Arnhem, the Netherlands, on August 15, 1919. He came to Pennsylvania at an early age when his father was a professor of art history at Swarthmore. Bye received a bachelor’s degree in landscape architecture from the Pennsylvania State University in 1942. As a Quaker, he was a conscientious objector during World War II and he spent the 1940s surveying properties in the Great Smoky Mountains. He preferred calling himself a gardener, instead of a landscape architect, in allegiance to the English tradition. One of his earliest projects was designing a woodland landscape for the Reisley home, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in Pleasantville, NY. Bye published several books, most notably Art into Landscape, Landscape into Art, filled with photographs, many of his own works, framing landscaped views both natural and man-made that he thought successful. Bye died on November 25, 2001.
This collection of the papers of Arthur Edwin Bye, Jr. includes architectural drawings, articles, correspondence, plans, prints, brochures, invoices, contracts, reports, and photographs [102 cu. ft.]
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