- Analyses of Lignite Samples, by Thomas Bates. 1960.
- The Assessment and Reduction of Risks in the Formation of an Oil Producing Company, Murray Bennett. 1958.
- Mid-Appalachian Silurian Fossils. Frank Swartz. 1958.
- Mid-Appalachian Devonian Fossils. Frank Swartz. 1958.
- The Building Materials of Pennsylvania. I. Brownstones, by Thomas C. Hopkins. 1896. [full text at Google Books]
- Calculated X-ray Powder Patterns and Their Applications in Quantitative Interpretations, Cyrus Jahanbagloo, Vladmir Vand, and Gerald G. Johnson. MRL Monograph No. 3. 1968.
- Catalyst Dispersion and Activity Under Conditions of Temperature-Staged Liquefaction: Final Report. 1993.
A celebration of accomplishment : centennial fellows of the College of Earth & Mineral Sciences at Penn State. 1997. (catalog record)
- Clays and Clay Industries of Pennsylvania. I
- Clays and Clay Industries of Pennsylvania. II
- Ceramics, by Edward P. McNamara. 1940-1944.
- Coal Mining, v.1, 3rd ed.
- Coal preparation
Coal reserve characterization studies, task 4 : comparative analysis of coal, channel, uncrushed and crushed run-of-mine quality and washability date from Lucerne #9 Mine for use in predictive models / Ramani, R. V. (Raja V.) et al. circa 1986.
- A comparison of three associated environments, glacial till, fluvioglacial delta and beach sand, in terms of the shapes of their quartz, garnet, and hornblende grains, by Donald McIntyre. 1960.
- A comparative study of four hydrothermal alteration halos with a method for distinguishing barren from metallized halos: a terminal report of research on Project No. B-38 with Kennecott Copper Corporation, by Wayne Burnham. 1959.
A Few Recollections of a Life in the 20th Century," by C.L. Hosler. 2015.
- The Creation of a College, by Louis J. Venuto. 1966.
Elements of Mineral Economics, by John J. Schanz. Mineral Industries Continuing Education, 1959.
- Energy Level Diagrams for Transition Metal Ions in Cubic Crystal Fields. John S. Berkes. MRL Monograph No. 2. 1968
- Equilibria in Ternary Systems: A collection of papers by F. A. H. Schreinemakers
Experimental Evaluation of Geochemical Conditions in Geothermal Energy Systems, by H. L. Barnes, W. F. Downs. 1976.
- Ferrous Metallurgy, 3 v., by Ernest J. Teichert. 1940.
- Fog Characteristics and Modification Concepts, by James Jiusto, Charles Hosler, Larry Davis, and Eugene Mack. 1968.
- Fuels and Combustion Fundamentals, by Michael Zulkoski. 1958.
- Gas Reactions of Carbon (ebook), Philip Walker. 1975.
- Genth Collection of Meteorites, Vladimir Vand. 1963.
Geochemical Drainage Surveys for Uranium: Sampling and Analytical Methods Based on Trial Surveys in Pennsylvania. Arthur Rose. 1976.
Geochemistry of the Stable Isotopes of Carbon and Oxygen: Bibliography. Jon N. Weber. MRL Monograph No. 1. 1967.
- Guidebook for Field Trips Pittsburgh Meeting, Prepared for the Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America and Associated Societies. 1959.
- High Temperature Materials Research, Maurice Bell. 1959.
- Hydraulics in Mining Equipment, Part I. M. E. Altimus, Jr. Mineral Industries Extension Pamphlet. 1955.
- Hydraulics in Mining Equipment, Part II. M. E. Altimus, Jr. Mineral Industries Extension Pamphlet. 1956.
The Impact of coal on the U.S. economy, Adam Rose. Department of Mineral Economics. 1994.
Magnesium in Echinoderm Calcite. Jon N. Weber. MRL Monograph No. 4. 1969.
- Manual of Literature Demonstrations, Laboratory Experiments, and Observational Equipment for Teaching Elementary Meteorology in Schools and Colleges. Hans Neuberger and George Nicolas. 1962.
- Mineral Industries Education, by Edward Steidle. 1950.
- Mining Mathematics, by Donald C. Jones. 1st ed. 1947. 2nd ed. 1949.
- Oil and Gas Reserves and Resources Information Systems
- Ordovician carbonate rocks near Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, by Frank M. Swartz, Morris Rones, Allen Donaldson, George Macaulay. 1959. (Contributions from Department of Geology, College of Mineral Industries, no. 6. Revised from guidebook of 21st Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists.)
- Pennsylvania: A Regional Geography, by Raymond Murphy. 1937.
- Pennsylvania Mineral Heritage. 1944.
- Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, 2nd ed., by Maynard M. Stephens. 1948.
- Petroleum Engineering Fundamentals, 3rd ed., by Maynard M. Stephens. 1952.
- Petroleum Refining, v.III, by D.C. Jones. 1941.
- Port of Genova: External and Internal Relations, Allan Rodgers. 1958.
- The Rifling of Diamond Drill Cores, by W.R. Crane; The Formation and Decomposition of Sulphate During Roasting, by Boyd Dudley, Jr. 1917.
Silurian sediments and relationships at Susquehanna Gap in Blue or Kittatinny Mountain, five miles north of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, by Frank Swartz. 1958. No. 3 of contributions from the Department of Geology.
- Sixth quarterly progress report on crystal chemistry studies for the period 1 January 1959- 31 March 1959
- Some Applications of Statistics to Meteorology (1953 edition)
- Some Applications of Statistics to Meteorology, by Hans A. Panofsky and Glenn W. Brier. 1958.
- Space Applications of Solid State Luminescent Phenomena: Proceedings of a workshop organized by the Materials Research Laboratory, Penn State, University Park. May 18-19, 1970. Edited by Jon N. Weber. 1970.
Stratigraphy of Ordovician limestones and dolomites of Nittany Valley from Bellefonte to Pleasant Gap, Pennsylvania. Trip itinerary / [by] F.M. Swartz [and others] Stratigraphy and structure of ridge and valley area from University Park to Tyrone, Mount Union and Lewistown, Pennsylvania. Trip itinerary [by] Frank M. Swartz. Reissued, with three appendices, from 'Guidebook' of twenty-first annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists, held May 27-29, 1955, at University Park, Pennsylvania." Appendices: Erosional benches along Bald Eagle Mountain in the area from Waddle Gap to Milesburg Gap, Pennsylvania. Subsurface faults in the vicinity of Birmingham and Jacksonville, Pennsylvania. Comparison of geologic, magnetic and gravimetric features in parts of central Pennsylvania. 1966.
- A Study of the Tyrone - Mount Union Lineament by Remote Sensing Techniques and Field Methods, M.R. Canich and D.P. Gold. ORSER Technical Report 12-77. 1977.
- Thermal Conductivity of Refractories, by Boyd Dudley, Jr. 1917.
- Training Personnel in the Problems of Mechanical Mining: Anthracite Mining. Presented before the Mining Section of the 13th National Safety Congress and Exposition, Chicago. 1941.
- Treatment of coal wastes for reduction of acid generation : final report, Project PSU-07. By Subash Chander. 70 leaves. August 1992. Center for Mine Land Reclamation Research, MLR9202. Contract no. CO388026.
Valuation of Coal Lands Taken for Highways in Pennsylvania. G.H.K. Schenck and R.L. Frantz. 1981.
War meteorology. by Hans Neuberger. Geophysical Laboratory, 1943. 80 p
- Waste water renovation and conservation / by R. R. Parizek [and others]. The Pennsylvania State University, 1967. The Pennsylvania State University studies ; no. 23
Wonders of Work and Labor: the Steidle Collection of American Industrial Art. Betsy Fahlman and Eric Schruers. Penn State University Press, 2008.