Coal Research Section Technical Papers

These papers consist of bound copies of papers published in scientific journals that were distributed by the Experiment Station. These were issued from 1932 to 1953.

Technical Papers 1932-1953
T.P. 1Variations in Microstructure Inherent in Processes of Manufacturing Extruded and Forged Brass, by Ogden B. Malin. 1932. Reprinted. American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers - Transactions, v.99, 1932.
T.P. 2Condition of Water in Coals of Various Ranks, by A.W. Gauger. Reprinted. The Colliery Guardian, v.144, June 1932.
T.P. 3Revision of the Ostracode Family Thlipsuridae, with Descriptions of New Species from the Lower Devonian of Pennsylvania, by Frank McKim Swartz. Reprinted. Journal of Paleontology for March 1932.
T.P. 4Physical Tests and Properties of Oil and Gas Sands, by George H. Fancher, James A. Lewis and Kenneth B. Barnes. Reprinted. World Petroleum Congress, July 18-24, 1933, London.
T.P. 5Utilization of Coal and Scientific Research, by A.W. Gauger. 1933. Reprinted. 1933 Year Book on Coal Mine Mechanization, The American Mining Congress.
T.P. 6Dimorphism and Orientation in Ostracodes of the Family Kloedenellidae from the Silurian Sections Near Mount Union, Central Pennsylvania, by Frank McKim Swartz. 1934. Reprinted. Journal of Paleontology, v.7, no.3, September 1933.
T.P. 7Flow of Simple Fluids through Porous Materials, by George H. Fancher and James A. Lewis. 1933. Reprinted. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, v.25, October 1933.
T.P. 8The Hydrogenation of Coal, by C.C. Wright and A.W. Gauger. 1934. Reprinted. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, v.26, February 1934.
T.P. 9Silurian Sections Near Mount Union, Central Pennsylvania, by Frank McKim Swartz. 1934. Reprinted. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, v.45, February 1934.
T.P. 10Observing Formation of Martensite in Certain Alloy Steels at Low Temperatures, by O.A. Knight and Helmut Muller-Stock. 1934. Reprinted. American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Technical Pub. No.537.
T.P. 11Correlation Studies of the Central and South Central Pennsylvania Bentonite Occurrences, by R.R. Rosenkrans. 1934. Reprinted. American Journal of Science, 5th Series, v.XXVII, no.158, February 1934.
T.P. 12Reactions Between solids in the Absence of a Liquid Phase, by Nelson W. Taylor. 1934. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.17, no.6, June 1934.
T.P. 13Mineral Matter in Coal. A Preliminary Report, by A.W. Gauger, E.P. Barrett and F.J. Williams. 1934. Reprinted. Transactions, AIME, v.108, Coal Division.
T.P. 14The System Na2O-B2O3. I. Preparation of Crystalline B2O3 and Some of Its Physical Properties, by Sanford S.Cole and Nelson W. Taylor. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.18, no.2, February 1935.
The System R2O-B2O3. II. Properties of Anhydrous and Hydrated Metaborates of Sodium and Potassium, by Sanford S. Cole, S.R. Scholes and C.R. Amberg. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.18, February 1935.
The System Na2O-B2O3. III. The Optical Properties, X-Ray Patterns and Melting Points of the Anhydrous Sodium Borates, by Stanford S. Cole, Nelson W. Taylor and S.R. Scholes. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.18, no.3, March 1935.
The System Na2O-B2O3. IV. Vapor Pressures of Boric Oxide, Sodium Metaborate and Sodium Diborate Between 1150 and 1400°C., by Stanford S. Cole and Nelson W. Taylor. 1934. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.18, March 1935.
T.P. 15Reactions Between Solids in the System CaO-MgO-SiO2 in the Temperature Range 600°C.-1200°C., by Nelson W. Taylor and F.J. Williams. 1935. Reprinted. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, v.46, July 1935.
T.P. 16A Furnace for the Measurement of Coal-Ash Softening Temperature, by Elliott P. Barrett. 1935. Reprinted. Proceedings of the American Society for Testing Materials, Philadelphia, PA, v.35, part II, 1935.
T.P. 17Relations of the Silurian Rochester and McKenzie Formations near Cumberland, Maryland and Lakemon, Pennsylvania, by Frank McKim Swartz. 1935. Reprinted. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, v.46, August 1935.
T.P. 18Dickite from Pennsylvania, by Arthur P. Honess and F.J. Williams. 1935. Reprinted. American Mineralogists, v.20, no.6, June 1935.
T.P. 19Some Correlations Between the Occurrences of Deep- and Shallow-Focus Earthquakes, by H. Landsberg. 1935. Reprinted. Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 16th Annual Meeting, 1935.
T.P. 20Kinetics of Solid-Phase Reactions of certain Carbonates with Mullite, Silica and Alumina, by Gordon R. Pole and Nelson W. Taylor. 1935. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.18, no.11, November 1935.
T.P. 21Remarks on the Temperature Distribution in Pennsylvania, by H. Landsberg. 1936. Reprinted. The Bulletin of the Geographical Society of Philadelphia, v.34, no.1, January 1936.
T.P. 22Recording of Roof Subsidence, by H. Landsberg. 1936. Reprinted. American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Technical Pub. No.685.
T.P. 23A New Method for Studying the Flow Characteristics of Glasses and Slags at Elevated Temperatures, by Elliott P. Barrett and James A. Taylor. 1936. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.19, no.2, February 1936.
T.P. 24The Chemical Nature of Ligin, by Walter M. Fuchs. 1936. Reprinted. Paper Trade Journal, March 26, 1936.
T.P. 25A Theoretical Consideration of Ideal Liquid Inclusion, by S.T. Yuster. 1936. Reprinted. American Journal of Science, v.31, May 1936.
T.P. 26Investigations on the Recovery of Oil from Sandstones by Gas Drive, by Gerald L. Hassler, Raymond R. Rice and Erwin H. Leeman. 1936. Reprinted. Transactions A.I.M.E., v.118, 1936.
T.P. 27Applications of Potash in the Ceramic Industry, by Nelson W. Taylor. 1936. Reprinted. American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Contribution No.101.
T.P. 28Coal and Its Mineral Matter with Reference to Carbonization, by A.W. Gauger. 1936. Reprinted. Blast Furnace and Steel Plant, issues of April, May and June, 1936.
T.P. 29High Temperature Properties of Nickel-Cobalt-Iron Base Age-Hardening Alloys, Parts I and II, by Charles R. Austin. 1936. Reprinted. Transactions of the American Society for Metals, Cleveland, Ohio.
T.P. 30Note on Earthquake Intensities on Different Floors of Houses, by H. Landsberg. Reprinted. Gerlands Beitrage zur Geophysik, v.48, p.84-85, 1936.
A Genetic System of Earthquake-Origin, by H. Landsberg. 1936. Reprinted. Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 17th annual meeting, 1936. Reports and Papers, Seismology.
Measurements with a Climatological Ultra-Violet Dosimeter in Central Pennsylvania, by H. Landsberg. 1936. Reprinted. Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 17 annual meeting, 1936. Transactions, American Geophysical Union.
Remarks on the Diurnal Variation of Earthquake Occurrence with Reference to the Helena, Mondana, Swarm, by H. Landsberg. 1936. Reprinted. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v.26, no.3, July 1936.
T.P. 31Progress Report on Coal Hydrogenation, by C.C. Wright and A.W. Gauger. 1936. Reprinted. Bituminous Coal Research Technical Report No.2.
T.P. 32Revision of the Primitiidae and Beyrichiidae, with New Ostracoda from the Lower Devonian of Pennsylvania, by Frank McKim Swartz. 1936. Reprinted. Journal of Paleontology, v.10, no.7, October 1936.
T.P. 33Method of Impregnating Porous Materials to Facilitate Pore Studies, by Allen W. Waldo and S.T. Yuster. 1937. Reprinted. Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, v.21, no.2, February 1937.
T.P. 34A Study of the Elastico-Viscous Properties of a Soda-Lime-Silica Glass at Temperatures Near the “Transformation Point,” by Nelson W. Taylor, Edward P. McNamara and Jack Sherman. Reprinted. Journal of the Society of Glass Technology. 1937.
T.P. 35Etch Figure Investigations with Optically Active Solvents, by Arthur P. Honess and J. Robert Jones. 1937. Reprinted. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, v.48, May 1, 1937.
T.P. 36Elastic and Viscous Properties of Several Soda-Silica Glasses in the Annealing Range of Temperature, by Nelson W. Taylor and Paul S. Dear. 1937. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.20, no.9, September 1937.
T.P. 37Effect of Tempering Quenched Hypereutectoid Steels on the Physical Properties and Microstructure, by Charles R. Austin and B.S. Norris. 1938. American Society for Metals - Preprint.
T.P. 38Mathematical Analyses of Field Results, by A.J. Saxe and S.T. Yuster. Reprinted. The Producers Monthly, January 1938.
T.P. 39The Significance of Ash Softening Temperature and Ash Composition in the Utilization of Coal, by A.W. Gauger, 1938. Reprinted. Proceedings of the American Society for Testing Materials, Philadelphia, PA, v.37, pt.II, 1937.
T.P. 40A Study of the Elastico-Viscous Properties of a Soda-Lime Glass at the Temperatures Near the Transformation Point. II. A Reply to “Criticism,” by V.H. Scott and Nelson W. Taylor. Journal of the Society of Glass Technology.
The Law of Annealing of Glass, Quantitative Treatment and Molecular Interpretation, by Nelson w. Taylor. 1938. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.21, no.3, March 1938.
T.P. 41The Technological Aspects of Water Flooding Curtailment, by S.T. Yuster. Reprinted. The Producers Monthly, July 1938.
T.P. 42Temperature Gradient Studies on Tempering Reactions of Quenched High Carbon Steels, by C.R. Austin and B.S. Norris. 1938. Reprinted. American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Technical Pub. no.923.
T.P. 43Acid and Base Binding Capacities and Viscosity Relations in Certain whiteware Clays, by E.C. Henry and Nelson W. Taylor. 1938. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.21, no.5, May 1938.
T.P. 44Surface Properties of Fused Salts and Glasses. I. Sessile-Drop Method for Determining Surface Tension and Density of Viscous Liquids at High Temperatures. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.21, no.6, June 1938.
II. Contact Angle and Work of Adhesion on Gold and Platinum in Various Atmospheres, by Bennett S. Ellefson and Nelson W. Taylor. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.21, no.6, June 1938.
The Diffusion of Helium and of Hydrogen through Pyrex Chemically Resistant Glass by Nelson W. Taylor and William Rast. 1938. Reprinted. Journal of Chemical Physics, v.6, October 1938.
T.P. 45Comparison of the Tensile Deformation Characteristics of Alloys at Elevated Temperatures, by Charles R. Austin and H. D. Nickol. 1938. Reprinted. Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, no.1, 1938.
T.P. 46Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania, by Raymond E. Murphy and Marion Murphy. 1938. Reprinted. Economic Geography, October 1938, v.14, no.4.
T.P. 47Viscosity and Electrical Resistivity and Their Bearing on the Nature of Glass, by Nelson W. Taylor. 1938. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.22, no.1, January 1939.
T.P. 48Intensities of Earthquake-Noises, by H. Landsberg. 1937. Reprinted. Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 18th annual meeting, 1937.
The Clover Creek Earthquake of July 15, 1938, by H. Landsberg. 1938. Reprinted. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v.28, no.4, October 1938.
Determinations of Sky-Blue, by H. Landsberg and H. Jobbins. 1937. Reprinted. Reports and Papers, Meteorology, 1937.
Relations of Travel-Time Curves to the Seismic Wave-Velocities in the Continental and Suboceanic Lithosphere, by H. Landsberg and H. Neuberger. 1938. Reprinted. Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 19th Annual Meeting, 1938.
On the Estimation of Focal Depth from Macroseismic Data, by H. Neuberger. 1938. Reprinted. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v.28, no.4, October 1938.
T.P. 49Some Observations on Mine-Roof Action, by H. Landsberg. 1938. Reprinted. American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Technical Pub. No.934.
T.P. 50Reactions to Annealing Above the Eutectoid Temperature of Quenched Hypereutectoid Steels, by Charles R. Austin and M.C. Fetzer. 1938. Reprinted. Transactions of the American Society for Metals, Cleveland, Ohio.
T.P. 51A New Mastodon Locality at Saltillo, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, by C.W. Robinson and P.D. Krynine. Reprinted. Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, v.XII, 1938.
Mineralogy of the Mapleton Glass Sand, by P.D. Krynine, M.R. Klepper and M. Glasser. 1940. Reprinted. Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, v.XIII, 1939.
T.P. 52Opal Glass, by Norbert J. Kreidl and W.A. Weyl. 1940. Reprinted. The Glass Industry, February 1940.
T.P. 53Authigenic Albite from the Lowville Limestone at Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, by A.P. Honess and C.D. Jeffries. 1940. Reprinted. Sedimentary Petrology, April 1940.
T.P. 54The Process of Precipitation from Solid Solution. I. A Crystallographic Mechanism for the Aluminum-Copper Alloys, by Carl H. Samans, 1940. Reprinted. American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Technical Pub. No.1186.
T.P. 55Effects of Temperature of Pre-Treatment on Creep Characteristics of 18-8 Stainless Steel at 600° to 800° C., by Charles R. Austin and Carl H. Samans. 1940. Reprinted. American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Technical Pub. No.1181.
T.P. 56Diffusion of Helium Through Several Glasses, by Paul L. Smith and Nelson W. Taylor. 1940. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.23, no.5, May 1940.
T.P. 57Plans and Progress of Anthracite Research, by A.W. Gauger and C.C. Wright. 1940. Reprinted. Transactions of the 3rd annual Anthracite Conference of Lehigh University, May 9-10, 1940, Bethlehem, PA.
T.P. 58Investigations Concerning Hydroxy Carboxylic Acids from Bituminous Coal, by Walter Fuchs and Allan G. Sandhoff. 1940. Reprinted. Fuel in Science and Practice, 1940, no.19.
T.P. 59Determination of Hydroxyl Groups with Grignard Reagent, by W. Fuchs, Norman H. Ishler and A.G. Sandhoff. 1940. Reprinted. Analytical Edition, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, v.12, September 15, 1940.
T.P. 60Collapsible Steel Props in Long-Wall Anthracite Mining, by John W. Buch. 1940. Reprinted. American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. Technical Pub. No.1093
T.P. 61Radioactivity Tests of Rock Samples for the Correlation of Sedimentary Horizons. Reprinted. American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. Technical Pub. No.1103
Measurements of Radioactivity for Stratigraphic Studies, by H. Landsberg and M.R. Klepper. 1940. Reprinted. Transactions of 1939 of the American Geophysical Union.
T.P. 62Physical Chemistry of Gas-Producer Reactions in Relation to Ceramic Firing, by A.W. Gauger. 1940. Reprinted. Bulletin of the American Ceramic Society, v.19, no.10, October 1940.
T.P. 63Paleozoic Heavy Minerals from Central Pennsylvania and Their Relation to Appalachian Structure, by P.D. Krynine. Reprinted. Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, v.XIV, 1940.
Heavy Minerals of the Ordovician-Silurian Boundary in Central Pennsylvania, by O.F. Tuttle. 1940. Reprinted. Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, v.XIV, 1940.
T.P. 64Effect of Composition and Steel-Making Practice on Graphitization Below the A1 of Eighteen One Per Cent Plain Carbon Steels, by Charles R. Austin and Maurice C. Fetzer. Reprinted. American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Technical Pub. No.1228.
Cementite Stability and its Relation to Grain Size, Abnormality and Hardenability, by Charles R. Austin and M.C. Fetzer. American Society for Metal - Transactions, June 1941.
Effects of Small Amounts of Alloying Elements on the Tempering of Pure Hypereutectoid Steels, by C.R. Austin and B.S. Norris. 1940. American Society for Metal - Transactions, March1941.
T.P. 65Properties of Coal Surfaces, by G.A. Brady and A.W. Gauger. Reprinted. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, v.32, December 1940. Investigations Concerning Hydroxycarboxylic Acids from Bituminous Coal, by Walter Fuchs and Frieda Fuchs. 1940.
T.P. 66Thermodynamic Treatment of the Swelling Pressure of Coal, by W. Fuchs. 1941. Reprinted. Journal of the Franklin Institute, v.231, no.2, February 1941.
T.P. 67Thermodynamics and Coal Formation, by Walter Fuchs. 1941. Reprinted. American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. Technical Pub. No.1333.
T.P. 68Anthracite Fuel Beds in Water Gas Generators, by C.C. Wright and L.L. Newman. 1941. Reprinted. Transactions of the 4th Annual Anthracite Conference of Lehigh University, May 8-9, 1941, Bethlehem, PA.
T.P. 69Effect of Various Catalysts on Conversion of Quartz to Cristobalite and Tridymite at High Temperatures, by Nelson W. Taylor and Cho-Yuan Lin. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.24, no.2, February 1941.
Elastic and Viscous Properties of Several Potash-Silica Glasses in the Annealing Range of Temperature, by Nelson W. Taylor and Robert F. Doran. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.24, no.3, March 1941.
Electrolytical Replacement of Sodium by Ammonium in Glass, by Norber J. Kreidl, Bruce F. Trumm and Rodger F. Scott. 1941. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.24, no.7, July 1941.
T.P. 70Ostracodes of the Middle Devonian Onondaga Beds of Central Pennsylvania, by Charles K. Swartz and Frank M. Swartz. 1941. Reprinted. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, v.52, March 1, 1941.
T.P. 71Early Devonian and Late Silurian Formations of Southeastern Pennsylvania, by Charles K. Swartz and Frank M. Swartz. 1941. Reprinted. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, v.52, August 1, 1941.
T.P. 72Phosphates in Ceramic Ware. I. In Opal Glasses, by W.A. Weyl. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.24, no.7, July 1941.
II. Role of Phosphorous in Bone China, by W.A. Weyl. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.24, no.8, August 1941.
III. Phosphorous Compounds as Reducing and Fining Agents in Glass, by W.A. Weyl and N.J. Kredil. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.24, no.10, October 1941.
IV. Phosphate Glasses, by N.J. Kreidl and W.A. Weyl. 1942. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.24, no.11, November 1941.
T.P. 73Studies on the Measurement of Water Vapor in Gases, by F.C. Todd and A.W. Gauger. 1942. Reprinted. Proceedings of the American Society for Testing Materials, Philadelphia, PA, v.41, 1941.
T.P. 74Plastic and Drying Properties of Certain Clays as Influenced by Electrolytic Content, by E.C. Henry and A.C. Seifert. 1942. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.24, no.9, September 1941.
T.P. 75Theory of Coal Pyrolysis, by Walter Fuchs and A.G. Sandhoff. 1942. Reprinted. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, v.34, May 1942.
T.P. 76Silurian and Early Devonian Studies in the Middle Appalachians, by Frank M. Swartz. 1942. Reprinted. Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, Series II, v.4, no.6, April 1942.
T.P. 77Effects of Small Amounts of Alloying Elements on Graphitization of Pure Hypereutectoid Steels, by Charles R. Austin and B.S. Norris. 1942. Reprinted. Transactions of American Society for Metals, June 1942.
T.P. 78The Heat Treatment of Refractory Materials, by Nelso W. Taylor and Samuel Zerfoss. Elastic After-Effects and Dielectric Absorption in Glass, by Nelson W. Taylor. 1942. Reprinted. Blast Furnace and Steel Plant, issue of May 1942.
T.P. 79Control of Coke-Tree Formation in Domestic Underfeed Stokers, by C.C. Wright and T.S. Spicer. 1942. Reprinted. American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Contribution No.123.
T.P. 80Progress in Air Cleaning of Coal, by David R. Mitchell. 1942. Reprinted. American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Contribution No.124.
T.P. 81Micro and Macro Structures of Gray Iron and Meechanite, by C.R. Austin and M.M. Lipnick. 1942. Reprinted. The Iron Age, issues of May 7 and 14, 1942.
T.P. 82Measurements of Workability of ceramics Bodies for Plastic Molding Processes, by E.C. Henry. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.26, no.1, January 1943.
Rare Earths, by N.J. Kreidl. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.25, no.5, May 1942.
Zirconium Oxide and Thorium Oxide in Ceramics, by N.J. Kreidl. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.25, no.5, May 1942.
Development of Leadless Glazes Containing Fluorite, by Paul M. Corbett and N.J. Kreidl. 1942. Reprinted. Ceramic Industry, Aug/Sept 1942.
T.P. 83Application of Oscillograph to Determination of Cooling Rates of Quenched Steels, by C.R. Austin, R.M. Allen and W.G. Van Note. Reprinted. Transactions of American Society for Metals, September 1942.
T.P. 84Coal Oxidation, by Walter Fuchs, T.S. Polansky and A.G. Sandhoff. 1943. Reprinted. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, v.35, March 1943.
T.P. 85Nature of Georgia Kaolin: 1. Evidence of Chemical and Colloidal Analysis, by Lane Mitchell and E.C. Henry. 1943. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.26, no.4, 1943.
T.P. 86Anomalous Flow in Glasses, by Nelson W. Taylor. 1943. Reprinted. Journal of Physical Chemistry, v.47, no.3, 1943.
T.P. 87Effects of Elements in Solid Solution on Hardness and Response to Heat Treatment of Iron Binary Alloys, by Charles R. Austin. 1943. Reprinted. Transactions of American Society for Metals, June 1943.
T.P. 88Third Element Effects on Hardenability of a Pure Hypereutectoid Iron-Carbon Alloy, by Charles R. Austin, W.G. Van Note and T.A. Prater. 1943. Reprinted. Transactions of American Society for Metals, September 1943.
T.P. 89The Fly-Ask Problem with Domestic Stokers and the Use of Settling Chambers and Firebox Baffles, by T.S. Spicer, R.G. Bowman, and C.C. Wright. 1943. Reprinted. American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Technical Pub. No.1630.
T.P. 90Observations on Solid-Phase Inversions of Calcium Orthosilicate, Constituent of Dolomite-Silica Brick, by Samuel Zerfoss and H.M. Davis. 1944. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.26, no.9, 1943.
T.P. 91Air-Drive Experiments on Long Horizontal Consolidated Cores, by Harry Krutter and R.J. Day. 1944. Reprinted. American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Technical Pub. No.1627.
T.P. 92Aging Thermometers, by Nelson W. Taylor and Bradford Noyes, Jr. 1944. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.27, no.2, 1944.
T.P. 93The Hydrogenolysis of Abietic Acid, by H.B. Charmbury and C.C. Wright. 1944. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.66, no.526, 1944.
T.P. 94A Colorimetric Method for Determining the Water Vapor Content in Fuel Gases, Utilizing the Evelyn Colorimeter, by R.J. Pfister and D.J. Kerley. 1944. Reprinted. ASTM Bulletin No.127, March 1944.
T.P. 95The Drowning and Revival of Gas Wells, by S.T. Yuster and K.J. Sonney. Reprinted. The Producers Monthly, April 1944.
Treatment of Gas Sands to Prevent or Overcome Detrimental Effects of Water by K.J. Sonney and Charles E.Williams. Reprinted. The Producers Monthly, April and June 1944.
T.P. 96The Selective Plugging of Oil Sands, by S.T. Yuster and J.C. Calhoun, Jr. Reprinted. The Producers Monthly, May 1944.
T.P. 97On the Measurement and Frequency of Traces of Precipitation, by H. Neuberger. 1944. Reprinted. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, v.25, May 1944.
T.P. 98A New Production Map of the Appalachian Bituminous Coal Region, by Raymond E. Murphy and Hugh E. Spittal. 1945. Reprinted. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, v.XXXIV, no.3, September 1944.
T.P. 99Volume Change Attending Low-to High Inversion of Cristobalite, by M.D. Beale and Samuel Zerfoss. 1945. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.27, no.10, October 1944.
T.P. 100Qualitative Spot Tests for Common Constituents in Glass, by S. Zerfoss and R.L. Hess. 1945. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.28, no.1, January 1944.
T.P. 101Sediments and the Search for Oil, by PD. Krynine. The Producers Monthly, January 1945.
T.P. 102Annealing Studies on Cold-Rolled Iron and Iron Binary Alloys, by Charles R. Austin, L.A. Luini and R. W. Lindsay.
Factors Controlling Graphitization of Carbon Steels at Subcritical Temperatures, by Charles R. Austin and M.C. Fetzer. 1945. Reprinted. Transactions of American Society for Metals, v.35.
T.P. 103Pressure Partings, by S.T. Yuster and J.C. Calhoun, Jr. Reprinted. The Producers Monthly, February 1945.
T.P. 104Creep Properties of Som Binary Solid Solutions of Ferrite, by Charles R. Austin, C.R. St. John and R.W. Lindsay. 1945. Reprinted. American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Technical Pub. No.1837.
T.P. 105The Chemistry of Nitrogen in Humic Acids from Nitric Acid Treated Coal, by H.B. Charmbury, J.W. Eckerd, J.S. Latorre and C.R. Kinney. 1945. Reprinted. Journal of the American Chemical Society, v.67, no. 625, 1945.
T.P. 106A Simple Mechanical Aid in the Statistical Analysis of Climatic Data, by Hans Neuberger. 1945. Reprinted. Transactions of 1944 of the American Geophysical Union, Reports and Papers, Meteorology.
T.P. 107The System Magnesium Oxide-Boric Oxide, by H.M. Davis and M.A. Knight. 1945. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.28, no.4, April 1945.
T.P. 108Use of Anthracite Fines in By-Product Coke Production, by J.D. Clendenin, K. M. Barclay and C.C. Wright. 1945. Reprinted. Transactions of the A.S.M.E. for August 1945.
T.P. 109Movements of the Center of Coal Mining in the Appalachian Plateaus, by Raymond E. Murphy and Hugh E. Spittal. 1945. Reprinted. The Geographical Review, v.XXXV, no.4, October 1945.
T.P. 110Testing of Chrome-Magnesite Brick for Resistance to Iron Oxide Bursting, by S. Zerfoss and H.M. Davis. 1946. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.29, no.1, January 1946.
T.P. 111The Tourmaline Group in Sediments, by Paul D. Krynine. 1946. Reprinted. The Journal of Geology, v.LIV, no.2, March 1946.
T.P. 112Hold-Fire Controls for Bituminous Coal Stokers, by C.C. Wright, T.S. Spicer and H.A. Bauman. 1945. Reprinted. ASHVE Journal section, Heating, Piping & Air Conditioning.
T.P. 113Strength and Ductility, by Maxwell Gensamer. 1946. Transactions of American Society for Metals, v.36.
T.P. 114Ostracoda from the Upper Jurassic Cotton Valley Group of Louisiana and Arkansas, by Frank M. Swartz and F.M. Swain. Reprinted. Journal of Paleontology, v.20, no.4, July 1946.
Ostracoda from the Tertiary of Florida, by F.M. Swain. 1946. Reprinted. Journal of Paleontology, v.20, no.4, July 1946.
T.P. 115Bituminous Coal—A Price Problem, by Paul W. Graff. 1946. Reprinted. Coal Age, November 1946.
T.P. 116Coal and the Carbon-Chemicals Market, by Corliss R. Kinney. Reprinted. American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Technical Pub. No.2063.
Decreasing Fuel Costs in Pulverized Coal-Fired Cement Kilns, by J.D. Clendenin. Reprinted.
Study of Millin Technique for Determination of Carbon and Hydrogen in Coal, by R.J. Grace and A.W. Gauger. 1947. Reprinted. Analytical Edition, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, v.18, September 1946.
T.P. 117Note on Reactions of Alkali with Kaolin and Metakaolin, by S. Zerfoss and B.A. Utter. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.29, no.8, August 1946.
Effect of Exchangeable Cations on Hydrophilic Nature and Bentonite, by A.A. Siefert and E.C. Henry. 1947. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.30, no.2, February 1947.
T.P. 118Middle Mesozoic Nonmarine Ostracoda from Brazil and New Mexico, by F.M. Swain. 1947. Reprinted. Journal of Paleontology, v.20, no.6, November 1946.
T.P. 119The Use of Anthracite as a Cupola Fuel, by C.C. Wright. 1947. Reprinted. Transactions of the 5th Annual Anthracite Conference of Lehigh University, May 8-9, 1947, Bethlehem, PA.
T.P. 120The Clay Content of Oil Sands, by T.F. bates, R.M. Gruver and S.T. Yuster. Reprinted. The Producers Monthly, August 1946.
Gas Requirements in Gas Drive Recovery, by S.T. Yuster and R.J. Day. Reprinted. The Producers Monthly, October 1946.
T.P. 121The Source of Acetic Acid Obtained by Oxidation of Coal, by Corliss R. Kinney. 1947. Reprinted. Journal of the American Chemical Society, v.69, no.284, 1947.
T.P. 122The Oxygen Gasification of Anthracite in the Wellman-Galusha Producer, by C.C.Wright and L.L. Newman. Reprinted. American Gas Association, 1947.
T.P. 123The Alteration of Feldspar and Its Products as Studied in the Laboratory, by Robert L. Folk. 1947. Reprinted. American Journal of Science, v.245, June 1947.
T.P. 124Relative Permeability Measurements on Small Core Samples, by R.A. Morse, P. L. Terwilliger and S.T. Yuster. Reprinted. The Producers Monthly, August 1947.
T.P. 125Precision Determination of Stress-Strain Curves in the Plastic Range, by John R. Low, Jr., and S.T. Yuster. Reprinted. Experimental Stress Analysis, v.IV, 1947.
T.P. 126Shuttle-Car Haulage, by David R. Mitchell, J.H. Kelly, Richard L. Ash, J.D. Morgan, Jr. W.H. McCracken and William Bellano. 1947. Reprinted. American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Technical Pub. No.2198.
T.P. 127A Study of the Flow of Homogeneous Fluids Through Ideal Porous Media, by J.C. Calhoun, Jr., and S.T. Yuster. 1947. Reprinted. The Producers Monthly, v.XI.
T.P. 128Underground Gasification, by J.C. Clendenin. 1947. Reprinted. Chemical Engineering Progress, v.43, no.11, November 1947.
T.P. 129Homogeneous Permeability Determination, by S.T. Yuster. Reprinted. The Producers Monthly, November 1947.
T.P. 130The Megascopic Study and Field Classification of Sedimentary Rocks, by Paul D. Krynine. 1948. Reprinted. Journal of Geology, v.56, no.2, March 1948.
T.P. 131Condensation Nuclei, by Hans Neuberger. 1948. Reprinted. Mechanical Engineering, March 1948.
T.P. 132Small Coal Fired Central Heating Plant Pays Dividends, by T.S. Spicer. 1948. Reprinted. Utilization, February 1948.
T.P. 133Evaluation of Underground Loading and Haulage Machines, by David R. Mitchell and Staff of the Division of Mining. 1948. Reprinted. Mechannual - 1947.
T.P. 134Solvent Extraction of Indene and Coumarone from Coal Tar Light Oils, by A.W. Gauger and J.N. Breston. 1948. Reprinted. Journal of the Institute of Petroleum, v.33, no.287, November 1947.
T.P. 135The Effect of Variation in Notch Severity on the Transition Temperature of Ship Plate Steel in the Nothced Bar Impact Test, by R.S. Zeno and J.F. Low Jr. 1948. Reprinted. Welding Journal Research Supplement, March 1948.
T.P. 136The Blending of Anthrafines in Coke Production, by J.C. Clendenin and Joseph Kohlberg. 1948. Reprinted. Transactions of the 6th Annual Anthracite Conference of Lehigh University, May 6-7, 1948, Bethlehem, PA.
T.P. 137Cupola Operations with Anthracite, by C.C. Wright and W.J. Reagan. 1948. Reprinted. Transactions of the 6th Annual Anthracite Conference of Lehigh University, May 6-7, 1948, Bethlehem, PA.
T.P. 138Production of Hydrogen and Synthesis Gas by the Oxygen Gasification of Solid Fuel, by C.C. Wright K.M. Barclay and R.F. Mitchell. 1948. Reprinted. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, v.40, April 1948.
T.P. 139Increasing the Value of Coal Silts by Pelletization, by R.J. Day and C.C. Wright. 1948. Reprinted. American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Technical Pub. No.2429.
T.P. 140Mineralogy and Thermal Behavior of Phosphates: 1. Magnesium Pyrophosphate, by Rustum Roy, E.T. Middleswarth and F.A. Hummel. 1948. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, v.33, 1948.
T.P. 141Trenton and Sub-Trenton of Outcrop Areas in New York, Pennsylvania, and Maryland, by Frank M. Swartz. 1948. Reprinted. Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, v.32, no.8, August 1948.
T.P. 142Ostracoda from Middle Devonian Windom Beds in Western New York, by Frank M. Swartz and Steven S. Oriel. 1948. Reprinted. Journal of Paleontology, v.22, no.5, September 1948.
T.P. 143A Suggested Approach to the Analysis of Mineral Suspensions by High-Frequency Electrical Measurements, by John D. Morgan, Jr. and Sylvain J. Pirson. 1949. Reprinted. American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, Technical Pub. No.2462.
T.P. 144Atmospheric Surface Pressure Related to Coal Mine Explosions, by Charles L. Hosler. 1949. Reprinted. Transactions American Geophysical Union, v.29, no.5, October 1948.
T.P. 145Cellular Structures in Glass as Related to Structures in Lava, by E.F. Osborn. Reprinted. The Journal of Geology, v.57, no.1, January 1949.
T.P.146Solid and Gaseous Fuels, by A.W. Gauger and H.T. Darby. 1949. Reprinted. Analytical Chemistry, v.21, February 1949.
T.P. 147A System Correlating Molecular Structure of Organic Compounds with Their Boiling Points. VII. New Boiling Points for Certain Paraffins and Olefins, by C.R. Kinney and W.L. Spliethoff. Reprinted. Journal of Organic Chemistry, v.14, no.1, January 1949.
The Distribution of Nitrogen in the Oxidation Products of Coals and Selected Nitrogen Compounds, by C.R. Kinney, J.W. Eckerd, Pauline Rexford and H.B. Charmbury. Reprinted. Journal of the American Chemical Society, v.70, no.392, 1948.
Alternate Fuels for the Ceramic Industry, by C.C. Wright. Reprinted. Bulletin of the American Ceramic Society, v.28, no.1, January 15, 1949.
The Nature of Acetone-soluble and acetone-insoluble humic acids, by S.A. Herbert, H.B. Charmbury, C.R. Kinney. Reprinted. Fuel v.xxvii, no.5.
T.P. 148Notes on the Determination of the Effectively Possibly Duration of Sunshine, by Hans Neuberger. Reprinted. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, v.26, no.3, March 1945.
A Simple Method for Shallow Meteorological Soundings by Hans Neuberger. 1949. Reprinted. Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v.30, no.1, February 1949.
T.P. 149The Origin of Red Beds, by Paul D. Krynine. 1949. Reprinted. Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, Series II, v.2, no.3, January 1949.
T.P. 150Examination of Polished Specimens of Refractories by Reflected Light, by J. Raymond Hensler and Samuel Zerfoss. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.30, no.4, April 1947.
Precision Method of Thermal Analysis, by R.M. Gruver. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.31, no.12, December 1948.
Nature of Some Indian Clays, by M.L. Misra and E.C. Henry. Reprinted. Bulletin of the American Ceramic Society, v.28, no.5, May 1949.
Some Properties of Indian Clays and Indian Whiteware Bodies, by M.L. Misra and F.A. Hummel. Reprinted. Bulletin of the American Ceramic Society, v.28, no.6, June 1949.
Decomposition and Resynthesis of the Micas, by Rustum Roy. 1949. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.32, no.6, June 1949.
T.P. 151Combustion Research Facilities Expanded by Penn State, by C.C. Wight. Reprinted. Utilization, June 1949.
Low Cost Stem from Stoker-Fired Coal, by T.S. Spicer and A.W. gauger. 1949. Reprinted. Utilization, March 1949.
T.P. 152Muscle Marks Hinge and Overlap Features and Classification of Some Leperditiidae, by Frank M. Swartz. 1949. Reprinted. Journal of Paleonotology, v.23, no.3, May 1949.
T.P. 153The Electron Microscope Applied to Geological Research, by Thomas F. Bates. 1949. Reprinted. Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, Ser. II, v.11, no.4, February 1949.
T.P. 154The Use of Pyrheliometer Records in Objective Weather Forecasting, by Charles L. Hosler. 1949. Reprinted. Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v.30, no.2, April 1949.
T.P. 155Measurement of Ductility in Sheet metals, by John R. Low, Jr., and Thomas A. Prater. Reprinted. Symposium on Deformation of Metals as Related to Forming and Service, Special Technical Pub. No.87, American Society for Testing Materials, 1949.
Methods for Testing Thickness of Electrodeposits. Effect of Internal Stress on Thickness Determination by the Jet Method, by Harold J. Read and J. Howard Thompson. Reprinted. 35th Annual Proceedings published by American Electroplaters Society, 1949.
T.P. 156The System Lithium Metasilicate-Spodumene-Silica, by Rustum Roy and E.F. Osborn. 1949. Reprinted. Journal of the American Chemical Society, v.71, 2086, 1949.
T.P. 157Strip Mining and Land Utilization in Western Pennsylvania, by E. Willard Miller. 1949. Reprinted. The Scientific Monthly, v.LXIX, no.2, August 1949.
T.P. 158Improved Apparatus for Measuring Viscosity of glasses in Annealing Range of Temperature, by James P. Poole. Reprinted. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.32, July 1949.
Systematic Study of Effect of Oxide Constituents on Viscosity of Silicate Glasses at Annealing Temperatures, by James P. Poole and Maxwell Gensamer. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.32, July 1949.
Low-Temperature Viscosity of Alkali Silicate Glasses, by James P. Poole. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.32, July 1949.
An Experimental Glassmelting Furnace, by James P. Poole. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.32, July 1949.
A Glass Sand Beneficiation Process, by James P. Poole. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.32, July 1949.
T.P. 159Replacement and the Equating of Volume and Weight, by John Ridge. Reprinted. Journal of Geology, v.57, no.5, September 1949.
T.P. 160Thermal and Electrical Properties of Anthracite and Bituminous Coals, by J.D. Clendenin, K.M. Barclay, H.J. Donald, D.W. Gillmore and C.C. Wright. Reprinted. Transactions of the 7th Annual Anthracite Conference of Lehigh University, May 5-6, 1949, Bethlehem, PA.
Evaluating Performance of Anthracite Fine Coal Cleaning Plants, by J.D. Clendenin. 1949. Reprinted. Transactions of the 7th Annual Anthracite Conference of Lehigh University, May 5-6, 1949, Bethlehem, PA.
T.P. 161Reactions of BeO and SiO2: Synthesis and Decomposition of Phenacite, by R.A. Morgan and F.A. Hummel. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.32, no.8, August 1949.
Properties of Some Substances Isostructural with Silica, by F.A. Hummel. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.32, no.10, October 1949.
Effects of Major and Some Minor Constituents on Glassmelting, by D.P. Enright, P.A. Marshall, Jr., and J.P. Poole. 1949. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.32, no.11, November 1949.
T.P. 162XXII. The Surface Properties of Glasses as Affected by Heavy Metal Ions by W.A. Weyl; XXIII. The Influence of Heavy Metals Ions on the Hydroscopicity of A Glass Surface, by M.K. Roman, E.C. Marboe and W.A. Weyl; XXIV. Some Adhesion Phenomena Involving Glasses, Metals and Fused Salts and Their Interpresentation, by E.C. Marboe, W.D. Smiley and W.A. Weyl; XXV. Release of Gas Supersaturation from Liquids by Solid Surfaces, by E.C. Marboe and W.A. Weyl. 1949.
All reprinted in Journal of the Society of Glass Technology, v.32, 1948.
T.P. 163Efficiency of Packed Fractionating Columns. Effect of Vacuum Operation, by Robert T. Struck and Corliss R. Kinney. 1950. Reprinted. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, v.42, January 1950.
T.P. 164Ozonization of Humic Acids Prepared from Oxidized Bituminous Coal, by Mofizud-Din Ahmed and Corliss R. Kinney. 1950. Reprinted. Journal of the American Chemical Society, v.72, no.559, 1950.
T.P. 165Some Aspects of the Mineral Position of Eight Principal Industrial Nations, by E. Willard Miller. 1950. Reprinted. Economic Geography, v.26, no.2, April 1950.
T.P. 166Pyrolysis of Humic Acids Prepared from Oxidized Bituminous Coal, by Mofizud-Din Ahmed and Corliss R. Kinney. 1950. Reprinted. Journal of the American Chemical Society, v.72, no.556, 1950.
T.P. 167Solid and Gaseous Fuels, by Hayes T. Darby. 1950. Reprinted. Analytical Chemistry, v.22, February 1950.
T.P. 168Experimental Study of the Effect of Air Pollution on the Persistence of Fog, by Hans Neuberger and M. Gutnick. 1950. Reprinted. Proceedings of the First National Air Pollution Symposium.
T.P. 169Observations on the Thermal Expansion of Crystalline and Glassy Substances, by F.A. Hummel. 1950. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.33, no.3, March 1950.
T.P. 170Differential Thermal-Analysis Studies of Ceramic Material: 1. Characteristic Heat Effects of Some Carbonates, by R.M. Gruver. 1950. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.33, no.3, March 1950.
T.P. 171Phase Relations and Structural Phenomena in the Fluoride-Model Systems LiF-BeF2 and NaF-BeF2, by Della M. Roy, Rustum Roy, and E.F. Osborn. 1950. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.33, no.3, March 1950.
T.P. 172Glasses as Electrolytes in Galvanic Cells: Silver Glasses, by G.E. Rindone and W.A. Weyl. 1950. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.33, no.3, March 1950.
T.P. 173Subsurface Projection of Cambro-Ordovician Sediments in the Pennsylvania-new York Region, and Relation to Oil and Gas Possibilities by Frank M. Swartz. Reprinted. The Producers Monthly, 1949.
T.P. 174Stability of Burner Flames with Propane-Hydrogen Mixtures, by S.H. Reiter and C.C. Wright. 1950. Reprinted. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, v.42, April 1950.
T.P. 175Compositional and Stability Relationships Among the Lithium aluminosilicates: Eucryptite, Spodumene, and Petalite, by Rustum Roy, Della M. Roy and E.F. Osborn. 1950. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.33, no.5, May 1950.
T.P. 176The Mechanism of Coarse Coal and Mineral Froth Flotations, by S.C. Sun and R.E. Zimmerman. 1950. Reprinted. Mining Engineering, May 1950, Transactions AIME, v.187.
T.P. 177Behavior of Mineral Particles in Elastrostatic Separation by Shiou-Chan Sun, J.D. Morgan, Jr., and R.F. Wesner. 1950. Reprinted. Transactions, AIME, v.187, March 1950, Mining Engineering. .
T.P. 178Segregation of Elements During the Crystallization of a Magma, by E.F. Osborn. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.33, no.7, July 1950.
T.P. 179The Dielectric Properties of Glass and Their Structural Interpretation, by W.A. Weyl. Reprinted. Journal of the Society of Glass Technology, v.33, 1949.
T.P. 180The Application of Crystal Chemistry to the Search for New Refractories, by Norman R. Thielke. 1950. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.33, no.10, October 1950.
T.P. 181Selective Plugging in the Bradford Field, by D. Martin and H.H. Danielson. Reprinted. The Producers Monthly, v.15, 1950.
T.P. 182Preliminary Investigation of Condensation Nuclei Under the Electron Microscope, by C.L. Hosler. Reprinted. Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v.31, no.5, October 1950.
New Standards for Landsberg’s glass Rod Method of Integrating Ultraviolet Radiation, by J. Sherrod, H. Neuberger and D. Yerg. 1951. Reprinted. Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v.31, no.5, October 1950.
T.P. 183Water in Primordial and Derivative Magma and Its Relations to the Ore-Forming Fluid, by John Drew Ridge. 1951. Reprinted. American Journal of Science, v.249, July 1951.
T.P. 184Thermal Expansion of Some Glasses in the System Li2O-Al2O-SiO2, by C.E. Brackbill, H.A. McKinistry and F.A. Hummel. 1951. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.34, no.4, April 1951.
Thermal Expansion Properties of Some Synthetic Lithia Minerals, by F.A. Hummel. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.34, no.8, August 1951.
T.P. 185Fundamental Investigation of Steel Plant Refractories Problems: I, Phase relations in the System 2CaO, SiO2-CaO. SiO2-2CaO. Al2O3. SiO2-FeO, by Arnulf Muan and E.F. Osborn. Reprinted. Iron and Steel Engineer, v.28, August 1951.
T.P. 186Concentrating Operations of the Yunnan Consolidated Tin Corporation Kochiu, Yunnan, China, by T.T. Ni and Shiou-Chuan Sun. Reprinted. Transactions, v.LIV, 1951.
Destruction of Flotation Froth With Intense High-Frequency Sound, by Shiou-Chuan Sun. Reprinted. Mining Engineering, v.3, no.10, October 1951 and Transactions, AIME, v.190.
T.P. 187General Meteoroligcal Optics, by Hans Neuberger. 1952. Reprinted. Compendium of Meteorology, published by the American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA.
T.P. 188Frothing Characteristics of Pine Oils in Flotation, by Shiou-Chuan Sun. 1952. Reprinted. Mining Engineering, v.4, no.1, January 1952 and Transactions, AIME, v.193.
T.P. 189Grain-Size Distribution and Reservoir-Rock Characteristics, by John C. Griffiths. 1952. Reprinted. Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, v.36, no.2, February 1952.
T.P. 190On the Role of Nickel in Porcelain Enameling, by J.H. Keeler, P.K Chu and H.M. Davis. 1952. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.35, no.3, March 1952.
T.P. 191Ignition Arches—A Proved Accessory for Bituminous Single-Retort Stokers, by T.S. Spicer, R.J. Grace and C.C. Wright. 1952. Reprinted. Combustion, March 1952.
T.P. 192Density and Hydrogen Occlusion of Some Ferrous Metals, by J.H. Keeler and H.M. Davis. Reprinted. Journal of Metals, v.5, no.1, January 1953.
T.P. 193A Study of Gases in Porcelain Enameling, by P.K. Shu, J.H. Keeler and H.M. Davis. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.36, no.2, February 1953.
T.P. 194A Further Test of Dimensional Orientation of Quartz Grains in Bradford Sand, by J.C. Griffiths and M.A. Rosenfeld. Reprinted. American Journal of Science, v.251, no.3, March 1953.
T.P. 195Frothing Characteristics of Cresylic Acids in Flotation, by Shiou-Chuan Sun. Reprinted. Transactions Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, v.62, no.7, April 1953.
T.P. 196A Comparison of Sieve and Thin-Section Technique for Size Analysis, by Melvin A. Rosenfeld, Lynn Jacobsen and John C. Ferm. Reprinted. Journal of Geology, v.61, no.2, March 1953.
T.P. 197Connellsville Beehive Coke Region A Declining Mineral Economy, by E. Willard Miller. Reprinted. Economic Geography, v.29, no.2, April 1953.