EMS Scientific Journal Contributions

The following list consists of Mineral Industries Experiment Station papers that were reprinted in scientific journals. (See also the technical paper series.)

Contributions to Scientific Journals from the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences Library
Identification NumberPaper Information
42-1Petroleum in Southwestern Ohio, by E. Willard Miller. Reprinted. The Ohio Journal of Science, v.XLIII, no.3, May 1943.
44-1Cleveland–A Great Lake's Port, by E. Willard Miller. Reprinted. The Scientific Monthly, September, v.LIX, 1944.
44-2Quantity Interpretation of Gravity Meter Surveys, by Sylvain J. Pirson. Reprinted. The Oil Weekly, April 16, 1945.
45-1Economic Geography of the Bradford Oil Region, by E. Willard Miller. Reprinted. Economic Geography, v.21, 1945.
45-2Clay Research and Oil Development Problems, by J. C. Griffiths. Reprinted. The Journal of the Institute of Petroleum, v.32, no.265, January 1946.
46-1Influence of Clay Content on Water Conductivity of Oil Sands, by T. F. Bates, R. M. Gruver and S. T. Yuster. Reprinted. The Oil Weekly, October 21, 1946.
46-2Sedimentary Petrography and the Oil Industry, by J. C. Griffiths. Reprinted. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v.17, no.1, April 1947.
46-3Faunal Development, Conditions of Deposition, and Paleogeography of Some Appalachian Mid-Paleozoic Sediments, by Frank McKim Swartz. Reprinted. Anais do Segundo Congresso Panamericano de Engenharia de Minas e Geologia, v.III,2.a Comissao. Geologia, Paleontologia, Mineralogia e Petrologia, Outubro de 1946 .
47-1Mineral Resources of Indo-China, by E. Willard Miller. Reprinted. Economic Geography, v.23, 1947.
47-2Industrial Resources of Indochina by E. Willard Miller. Reprinted. The Far East Quarterly, v.VI, no. 4, August 1947.
47-3Oxidation and Reduction of Glasses by Means of Electrolysis by G. E. Rindone, Evelyn C. Marboe and W. A.Weyl. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.30, no.10, October 1947.
47-4Functions of Minor Constituents in Commercial Selenium Ruby Batch, by R. R. Shively, Jr., and W. A. Weyl. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.30, no.10, October 1947.
47-5Staining of Glass Containers in Contact with Iron, by Evelyn C. Marboe. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.30, no.10, October 1947.
47-6Training, Professional Work, and Military Experience of Geographers, 1942-1947, by George F. Deasy. Reprinted. The Professional Geographer, v.6, 1947.
47-7War-Time Changes in Occupation of Geographers, by George F. Deasy. Reprinted. The Professional Geographer, v.7, 1947.
47-8Investigation of the Micaceous Minerals in Slate, by Thomas F. Bates. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, v.32: 625-636, 1947.
47-9Geophysical Exploration for Ground Water Supplies, by Sylvain Pirson. Reprinted. The Compass of Sigma Gamma Epsilon, v.25, no.4, May 1948.
48-1The Geographer's Salary, by George F. Deasy. Reprinted. The Professional Geographer, v.8, 1948.
48-2Some Aspects of the United States Mineral Self-Sufficiency, by E. Willard Miller. Reprinted. Economic Geography, v.24, 1948.
48-3United States of America, by George F. Deasy. Reprinted. The World Book Encyclopedia, 1948.
49-1The Dielectric Properties of Glass and Their Structural Interpretation, by W. A. Weyl. Reprinted. Transactions of the Society of Glass Technology, v.33, 1949.
49-2The Tourist Industry in a "North Woods" County, by George F. Deasy. Reprinted. Economic Geography, v.25, 1949.
49-3Gas Evolution from Supersaturated Liquids, by Evelyn Marboe. Reprinted. Chemical and Engineering News, v.27, August 1, 1949.
49-4The Blueberry Industry in an Upper Michigan County, by George F. Deasy. Reprinted. The Journal of Geography, v.XLVIII, no.6, September 1949.
49-5Ground Vibrations Near Explosions, by B. F. Howell, Jr. Reprinted. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v.39, no.4, October 1949.
49-6Photosensitivity of Mechanical Mixtures of Non-Sensitive Compounds, by W. A. Weyl and A. I. Cramer. Reprinted. Journal of the Optical Society of America, v.39, no.10, October 1949.
49-7Surface Polarization and Wettability of Inorganic Substances by Water, by D. P. Enright, L. R. Sonders and W. A Weyl. Reprinted. Journal of Applied Physics, v.20, no.10, October 1949.
49-8Photosensitivity of Metal Halides as Affected by Adsorbed Ions, by W. A. Weyl and D. P. Enright. Reprinted. Journal of the Optical Society of America, v.39, no.10, October 1949.
49-9Mineral Fuel Situation in the United States, by E. Willard Miller.Reprinted. The Journal of Geography, v.XLVIII, no.8, November 1949.
49-10Surface Structure and Surface Properties of Crystals and Glasses, by W. A. Weyl. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.32, no.11, November, 1949.
49-11Agriculture in Luce County, Michigan, 1880 to 1930, by George F. Deasy. Reprinted. Agricultural History, v.24, January 1950.
49-12Photochemistry of Rutile, by W. A. Weyl and Tormod Förland. Reprinted. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, v.42, February 1950.
49-13Glasses as Electrolytes in Galvanic Cells: Silver Glasses, by G. E.  Rindone and W. A. Weyl. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.33, no.3, March 1959.
49-14Some Aspects of the Mineral Position of Eight Principal Industrial Nations, by E. Willard Miller. Reprinted. Economic Geography, v.26, no.2, 1950.
49-15Wettability, a Function of the Polarizability of the Surface Ions, by L. R. Sonders, D. P. Enright and W. A. Weyl. Reprinted. Journal of Applied Physics, v.21, no.4, April 1950.
49-16The Role of Ionic Deformation in Surface Chemistry, by W. A. Weyl. Reprinted. Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, Series II, v.12, no.8, June 1950.
49-17Formation of a Sulfate Glass, by T. Förland and W. A. Weyl. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.33, no.6, June 1950.
50-1Glass Formation in Nonsilicate Systems, by W. A. Weyl. Reprinted. Journal of Chemical Education, v.27, September, 1950.
50-2Mechano Chemistry of the Dispersion of Mercury in Liquids in an Ultrasonic Field by Evelyn C. Maboe and W. A. Weyl. Reprinted. Journal of Applied Physics, v.21, no.9, September 1950.
50-3Sales and Service Industries in Luce County, Michigan, by George F. Deasy. Reprinted. Economic Geography, v. 26, no.4, October 1950.
50-4Crystal Chemical Considerations of the Surface Chemistry of Silica, by W. A. Weyl. Reprinted. Research, v.3, Supplement 3-5, 1950.
50-5Eine Atomistische Deutun der Verformbarkeit und Spodigkeit, by W. A. Weyl. Reprinted. Zeitschrift fur Glaskunde, Jahrg..23, Heft.6/7, 1950.
50-6The Color Change of Ferrous Hydroxide Upon Oxidation, by R. R. Shively, Jr., and W. A. Weyl.
Reprinted. The Journal of Physical and Colloid Chemistry, v.55, no.4, April 1951.
50-7Light Absorption as a Result of an Interaction of Two States of Valency of the Same Element, by W. A. Weyl. Reprinted. The Journal of Physical and Colloid Chemistry, v.55, no.4, April 1951.
50-8Morphology and Structure of Endellite and Halloysite, by Thomas F. Bates, Fred A. Hilderbrand and Ada Swineford. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, v.35: 463-484, 1950.
50-9Terra Firma, by B. F. Howell, Jr. Reprinted. Mineral Industries, v.20, no.3, 1950
50-10Size Versus Sorting in Some Caribbean Sediments, by John C. Griffiths. Reprinted. The Journal of Geology, v.59, no.3, May 19591.
51-1Surface Structure of Water and Some of its Physical and Chemical Manifestations, by W. A. Weyl. Reprinted. Journal of Colloid Science, v..6, no.5, October 1951.
51-2Agricultural Developments in Interior Alaska, by E. Willard Miller. Reprinted. The Scientific Monthly, v.LXXIII, no.4, October 1951.
51-3Bildung und Struktur von Silikagel, by W. A. Weyl and E. A. Hauser. Reprinted. Kolloid-Zeitschrift, Band 124, Heft 2, Seite 72, 1951.
51-4On the Crystallization of Supercooled Clouds, by Oscar F. Spencer. Reprinted. Journal of Meteorology, v.8, no.5, October 1951.
51-5Petroleum Production Economics, by Oscar R. Spencer. Reprinted. Petroleum Monthly, v.15, no.11-12, 1951.
51-6The Stability Field of Sapphirine in the System MgO-Al2O3-SiO2, by M. L Keith and J. F. Schairer. Reprinted. The Journal of Geology, v.60, no.2, March 1952.
51-7On the Effect of Time Lapse Between Sampling and Expansion in the Aitken Nuclei Counter, by C.L. Hosler, M. D. Burkhart and Hans Neuberger. Reprinted. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, v.33, no.6, June 1952.
51-8Fortschritte im Glasschmelzen wahrend des letzten Jahrzehnts in USA, by W. A. Weyl. Reprinted. Herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Jahrg.63, Nr.4, 1951.
51-9Transitions in Glass, by W. A. Weyl. Reprinted. Phase Transformations in Solids, v.9, 1951.
51-10Petrographic Aspects of the Finer-grained Rocks of Pennsylvania, by J. C. Griffiths. Reprinted. Mineral Industries, v.21, no.4, 1951.
51-11Grain-Size Distribution and Reservoir-Rock Characteristics, by John C. Griffiths. Reprinted. Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, v.36, no.2, 1952.
51-12The Geochemistry of the Ores of Franklin, New Jersey, by John Drew Ridge. Reprinted. Economic Geology, v.47, no.2, 1952.
51-13On the Role of Nickel in Porcelain Enameling, by J. H. Keeler, P. K. Chu and H. M. Davis. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.35, no.3, 1951.
52-1Significance of Variation in the High-Low Inversion of Quartz, by M. L. Keith.. Reprinted. American Journal of Science, no.1183, 1952.
52-2The System Diopside–Forsterite–Anorthite, by E. F. Osborn and D. B. Tait. Reprinted. American Journal of Science, no.1190, 1952.
52-3Studies in the System Alumina-Silica-Water, by R. Roy and E. F. Osborn. Reprinted. Problems of Clay and Laterite Genesis Symposium. American Institutes of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, 1952.
52-4Pennsylvania Mineral Conservation–A Geographic Approach, by E. Willard Miller. Reprinted. Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, v.XXVI, 1952.
52-5Penn Township–An Example of Local Governmental Control of Strip Mining in Pennsylvania, by E. Willard Miller. Reprinted. Economic Geography, v.28, no.3, 1952.
52-6Andrew Carnegie, Geochemistry and Refractories, by E. F. Osborn. Reprinted. Prepared for presentation at Pittsburgh Regional Technical Meeting of American Iron and Steel Institute, October 16, 1952.
52-7An Analysis of Airborne Surveying for Surface Radioactivity, by John C. Cook. Reprinted. Geophysics, v.17, no.4, 1952.
52-8Some Simple Aids in the Hydrothermal Investigation of Mineral Systems, by Rustum Roy and E. F. Osborn. Reprinted. Economic Geology, v. 47, no.7, 1952.
52-9Flouride Models, by E. F. Osborn. Reprinted. Ceramic Age, November, 1952.
52-10Flouride Model Systems: II, The Binary Systems CaF2-BeF2, MgF2-BeF2, and LiF-MgF2, by W. E. Counts, Rustum Roy and E. F.Osborn. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.36, no.1, 1953.
52-11Electrical Conduction in Fluid-Saturated Rocks, by B. F. Howell, Jr. Reprinted. World Oil, February and March, 1953.
52-12Potentialities of Gravity Surveys in Locating Oil in Pennsylvania, by B. F. Howell, Jr. Reprinted. Producers Monthly, v.17, no.5, 1953.
52-13Conductivity Study of Mineral Suspensions, by S. C. Sun and E-An Zen. Reprinted. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, v.62, 1952-53.
52-14Polymorphs of Alumina and Gallia, by Rustum Roy, V. G. Hill and E. F. Osborn. Reprinted. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, v.45, April, 1953.
52-15Concerning the so-called Y(OH)3-type structure, and the structure of La (OH)3, by Rustum Roy and H. A. McKinstry. Reprinted. Acta Cyrstallographica, v.6, part 4, 1953
52-16The System MgO-Al2O3-H2O) and Influence of Carbonate and Nitrate Ions on the Phase Equilibria. Reprinted. v.251, May 1953.
52-17Subsolidus Reactions in Oxide Systems in the Presence of Water at High Pressures, by E. F. Osborn. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.36, no.5, 1953.
52-18Preparing Peruvian Anthracite, by E. O. Monge and S. C. Sun. Reprinted. Colliery Engineering, May, 1953.
52-19Gravity Investigation in North-Central Pennsylvania, by B. F. Howell. Reprinted. Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v.34, no. 3, 1953.
52-20The Competitive Fuel–Part 1 and Part 2, by Oscar F. Spencer. Reprinted. American Gas Journal, June, 1953.
52-21The Low-Temperature Viscosity of Glass, by Lewis C. Hoffman, T. A. Kupinski, Ram Lakhan Thakur and W. A. Weyl. Reprinted. Transactions of the Society of Glass Technology, v.36, 1952.
52-22Interrelationships of Structure and Genesis in the Kaolinite Group, by Thomas F. Bates. Reprinted. Problems of Clay and Laterite Genesis Symposium, American Institute of Mining and Metallurgica Engineers, 1952.
52-23Mineralogy and Petrography of the Ordovician "Metabentonites" and Related Limestones, by Charles E. Weaver and Thomas F. Bates. Reprinted. Clay Minerals Bulletin, v.1, No.8, 1952.
52-24Stability of Chrysotile Asbestos, by Bartholonew Nagy and Thomas F. Bates. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, v.37, 1952.
52-25The Rate of Surface Tension Equilibrium Attainment and Possible Applications to Petroleum Technology, by Emil J. Burcik. Reprinted. Producers Monthly, v.17, no.2, 1952.
52-26Hydrocarbon Burning Velocities Predicted by Thermal Versus Diffusional Mechanisms. Reprinted. Journal of the American Chemical Society, v.74, 1952.
52-27Molecular Weights of Humic Acids Prepared from Nitric Acid Treated Bituminous Coal, by T. S. Polansky and C. R. Kinney. Reprinted. Fuel, v.XXXI, 1952.
52-28Ignition Arches–Approved Accessory for Bituminous Single-Retort Stokers, by T.S. Spicer, R.J. Grace and C. C. Wright. Reprinted. Combustion, March, 1952.
52-29Chemical Nature of the Hydroxyl Groups Found in Humic Acids Prepared from Nitric Acid Treated Bituminous Coal, by C. R. Kinney and P. M. Kerschner. Reprinted. Fuel v.XXXI, 1952.
52-30Mathematical Analysis of Size-Frequency Distributions of Particles in the Subsieve Range, by E. E. Petersen, P. L. Walker and C. C. Wright. Reprinted. ASTM Bulletin, no. 183, 1952.
52-31Drainage Behavior and Water Retention Properties of Fine Coal, by D. W. Gillmore and C. C. Wright. Reprinted. Mining Engineering, September, 1952.
52-32Use Statistical Averages for More Precise Material Balances, by M. G. Boobar and H.J. Donald. Reprinted. Chemical Engineering, September, 1952.
52-33Surface Active Agent Phenomena in Dust Abatement, by P. L. Walker, Jr., E. E. Petersen and C. C. Wright. Reprinted. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, v.44, October, 1952.
52-34Prediction of Hydrocarbon Burning Velocities by the Modified Semenov Equation, by P.L. Walker, Jr., and C. C. Wright. Reprinted. Journal of the American Chemical Society. v.75, 1953.
52-35Combustion Through Ash Barriers, by H.T. Grendon and C. C. Wright. Reprinted. "Transactions of the Eleventh Annual Anthracite Conference of Lehigh University." May 7-8, 1953

Spectrographic Analysis of Trace Elements in Anthracite, by R. C. Nunn, H. L. Lovell and C. C. Wright. Reprinted. "Transactions of th Eleventh Annual Anthracite Conference of Lehigh University." May 7-8, 1953.

52-37Action of Light on Tar Fractions, by C. R. Kinney and M. B. Dell. Reprinted. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, v.45, no.4, 1953.
52-38Reaction Relation in the Finer-Grained Rocks, by John C. Griffiths. Reprinted. Clay Minerals Bulletin, v.1, no.8, 1952.
52-39A Comparison of Sieve and Thin-Section Technique for Size Analysis, by Melvin A. Rosenfeld, Lynn Jacobsen and John C. Ferm. Reprinted. The Journal of Geology, v.61, no.2, 1953.
52-40A Review of Dimensional Orientation of Quartz Grains in Sediments, by J. C. Griffiths Reprinted. Mineral Industries Experimental Station Bulletin, no.60, 1952.
52-41On the Distinction of Sillimanite from Mullite by Infra-Red Techniques, by Rustum Roy and E. E. Francis. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, v.38, 1953.
52-42Comments of Capillary Equilibrium, by J. Jones-Perra. Reprinted. Combustion, Technical Note no.152, 1952.
52-43Climatic Study of the Philippines, l. Negros Island, by F. L. Wernstedt. Reprinted. Philippine Geographical Journal, v.1, no.1, 1953
52-44The Intensive Analysis of Oil Field Cores, by J. C. Calhoun, F. W. Preston and C. R. Killins. Reprinted. Producers Monthly, v.17, no.6, 1953.
52-45Flouride Models for Oxide Systems of Dielectric Interest. The Systems KF-MgF2 and AgF-AnF2, by R. C. Devries and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. Journal of the American Chemical Society, v.75, 1953.
52-46A Study of Gases in Porcelain Enameling, by P. K. Chu, J. H. Keeler and H. M. Davis. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v.36, no.2, 1953.
53-1Capillary Desaturation in Unconsolidated Beads, by F.T. Bethel and John C. Calhoun
53-2Selection of Wetting Agents for Coal, by H. B. Charmbury and D. R. Mitchell
53-3Multiplicity and Disorder in the Lattice of Ekmanite, by Bartholomew Nagy Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 39: 946-956, 1954.
53-4Effect of Pressure and Temperature on Oil-Water Interfacial Tensions for a Series of Hydrocarbons, by M. E. Hassan, R. F. Nielsen, and J. C. Calhoun
53-5Vertical Distribution of Atmospheric Properties and Air Pollution, by Hans Neuberger
53-6Computation of a Linear Flood by the Stabilized Zone Method, by J. Jones-Parra and John C. Calhoun
53-7An Examination of Reboiling in Vitreous Enamels, by J. H. Keeler, Gordon P. K. Chu and H. M. Davis. Reprinted. Sheet Metal Industries, March, 1954
53-8Optimum Composition of Blast Furnace Slag as Deduced From Liquidus Data for Quaternary System CaO-MgO-Al₂O₃-SiO₂, by E. F . Osborn, R. C. DeVries, K. G. Gee, and H. M. Kraner. Reprinted. Journal of Metals, January 1954
53-9An Experimental Study of the Formation and Properties of Synthetic Serpentines and Related Layer Silicate Minerals by Della M. Roy and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 39: 957-975, 1954.
53-10Self-Potentials of Reservoir Sands, by E. B. McConnell, Jr.
53-11Progress in Electric Logging Research at the Pennsylvania State University During 1952-1953, by Charles R. Holmes. Reprinted. Producers Monthly, Vol 18, No. 3, 33-38, January, 1954
53-12The Effect of Solvent Extraction on the Determination of Porosity by Saturation, by P. H. Licastro and J. C. Griffiths. Reprinted. Producers Monthly, Vol 18, No. 2, 16-19, December, 1953
53-13Reconnaissance Investigation into Relationships Between Behavior and Petrographic Properties of Some Mississippian Sediments, by J.R. Emery and J. C. Griffiths
53-14Further Studies on Heat Transfer in Unconsolidated Sands During Water Injection, by Floyd W. Preston and Richard D. Hazen. Reprinted. Producers Monthly, Vol 18, No 4., 24-34, February, 1954
53-15A Theoretical and Experimental Study of Constant Rate Displacements in Water Wet Systems, by J. Jones-Parra and C. D. Stahl, and J. C. Calhoun. Reprinted. Producers Monthly, Vol.18, No. 3, 18-26, January 1954
53-16Capillary Desaturation and Imbibition in Porous Rocks, by C. R. Killins, R. F. Nielsen, and J. C. Calhoun. Reprinted. Producers Monthly, Vol 18, No. 2, 30-39, December 1953
53-17Correlation of Oil Residuals Following Surfactant Floods, by Edmundo Ojeda, Floyd Preston, and J. C. Calhoun. Reprinted. Producers Monthly, Vol 18, No.2, 20-29, December 1953
53-18Phase Equilibria for Mixtures of Carbon Dioxide and Several Normal Saturated Hydrocarbons, by W. C. Stewart and R. F. Nielsen. Reprinted. Producers Monthly, Vol 18, No. 3, 27-32, January, 1954
53-19Energy Distribution in Explosion-Generated Seismic Pulses, by B.F. Howell, Jr. , and D. Budenstein
53-20High-Temperature Zirconium Phosphates, by D. E. Harrison, H. A. McKinstry, and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 37, No. 6. June, 1954
53-21Recent Trends in the Pattern of European Manufacturing, by E. Willard Miller.
53-22An Investigation of the Freezing of Water in Capillaries, by Charles L. Hosler and C. Robert Hosler.
53-23Factors Governing the Temperature of Ice-Crystal Formation in Clouds, by C. L. Hosler. Reprinted. Proceedings of the Toronto Meteorological Conference, 1953.
53-24Twin Plants Combine Flexibility and Economy, by H. B. Charmbury.
53-25Solid Solution and Chromium Oxide Loss in Part of the System MgO-Al2O3-Cr2O3-SiO2, by I. Warshawa and M. L. Keith. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 37: 161-168, 1954.
53-26The Granite Problem: Evidence from the Quartz and Feldspar for a Tertiary Granite, by O. F. Tuttle and M. L. Keith. Reprinted. Geological Magazine, Vol. XCI, No. 1, 61-72, January-February 1954
53-27Structural Relations Among Double Oxides of Trivalent Elements by M.L. Keith and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 39: 1-23, 1954
53-28Phase Equilibria in the System MgO-Cr₂O₃SiO₂ by M.L. Keith Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 37: 10, 490-496, 1954
53-29The Spontaneous Growth of Silver Films in Glasses of High Silver Content, by G.E. Rindone. Reprinted. Journal of the Society of Glass Technology, Vol. 37 124-128, 1953
53-30Synthetic Minerals, by W.A. Weyl Reprinted. Economic Geology Vol. 48, No.4, June-July 1953
53-31Fluoride Model Systems: IV, The Systems Lif-BeF₂ and PbF₂-BeF₂ by D.M. Roy, R. Roy, and E.F. Osborn Reprinted. Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol 37, No. 7 , July 1954
53-32A Note on the Density Change in Melting of Several Alkalis and Alkali Halides, By Victor Zackay. Reprinted. News and Reviews of the Society of Glass Technology, Vol 37 18-19, 1953
53-33Quantitative Bubble Pick-Up Methods, by S.C. Sun and R.C. Troxel
53-34Quantitative Analysis of Endellite, Halloysite, Kaolinite by Differential Thermal Analysis, by Leonard B. Sand and Thomas F. Bates. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 38: 271-278, 1953
53-35A Lath Shaped Non-Expanded Dioctahedral 2:1 Clay Minerals, by Charles Edward Weaver Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 38: 279-280, 1953
53-36A Classification of the 2:1 Clay Minerals, by Charles Edward Weaver. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 38: 698-706, 1953
53-37Minerology and Petrology of Some Ordovician K-Bentonites and Related Limestones, by Charles Edward Weaver. Reprinted. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, Vol. 64, 921-942, 1953
53-38Pyrolytic Behavior of Unsubstituted Aromatic Hydrocarbons, by C.R. Kinney and Elsio DelBel. Reprinted. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol. 46, 548, March 1954
53-39Phases Present and Phase Equilibrium in System In₂O₃-H₂O, by Rustum Roy and M.W. Shafer Reprinted. Journal of Physical Chemistry 58, 372, 1954
53-40Verbindungsbildung und Phasengleichgwich in den Systemen Cr₂O₃-H₂OSc₂O₃ and Ti₂O₃-H₂O, by M.W. Shafer and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. Zeitschrift fur anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, Bd. 276, Heft 5-6, 1954
53-41The Application of Phases Equilibrium Data to Certain Aspects of Clay Minerology, by Roy Rustum
53-42New Data on the Composition and Identification of Chlorites, by Bruce W. Nelso and Rustum Roy
53-43A Phase Diagram for the System Ti-TiO₂ Constructed from Date in Literature, by R.C. DeVries and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 33 No. 12, December 15, 1954
53-44Metals in the Atomic State in Glasses, by W.A. Weyl Reprinted. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 57: 753, 1953
53-45Crystal Chemistry Applied to "Foreign Atoms" in Titanate Ceramics, by W.A. Weyl and N.A. Terhune Reprinted. Ceramic Age, August 1953
53-46Effect of Graphite Flake Size on Tensile and Fatigue Properties Gray Cast Iron, by R.W. Lindsay and J.H. Hoke. Reprinted. American Foundrymen's Society No. 54-29, 1954
53-47South American Coal Preparation, by Vincent Mutis and S.C. Sun
53-48Surface Area Studies of Carbon-Carbon Dioxide Reaction, by P.L. Walker Jr., R.J. Foresti, Jr. and C.C Wright
53-48 (cont.)X-Ray Diffraction Studies of a Graphitized Carbon, by P.L. Walker Jr., H.A. McKinstry and C.C. Wright
53-48 (cont.)Adsorption-Desorption Studies of Nitrogen, Argon, and Carbon Dioxide on Carbon Rods, by P.L. Walker, Jr., and C.C. Wright
53-48 (cont.)Reprinted. Industrial Engineering Chemistry Vol, 45, 1703, 1711, and 1715, August 1953
53-49Effect of Electrolytes on the Rate of Surface Tension Lowering; The Rate of Surface Equilibrium Attainment as a Factor in Detergency, by Emil J. Burcik. Reprinted. Journal of Colloid Science, Vol. 8, No. 5, October 1953
53-50Nuclear Emulsions for Electron Microscopy, by J.J. Comer and S.J. Skipper Reprinted. Science Vol. 119 No. 2002, 441-442, April 2, 1954
53-51Some Influences of Carbon in Enameling of Steel, by G. P .K. Chu, J .K. Magor and H. M. Davis. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 37, No. 9. September, 1954
53-52Dispersion of Seismic Waves Near a Small Explosion, by George V. Keller Reprinted. American Geophysical Union, Vol. 36, No. 6, December 1955
53-53Additional Phase Equilibrium Data for the System CaO-MgO-SiO₂, by R.W. Ricker and E.F. Osborn. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 37(3) 133-139, 1954
53-54Hypothesis for Different Floatabilities of Coals, Carbons, and Hydrocarbon Minerals, by S.C. Sun Reprinted.
53-55The System TiO₂-SiO₂, by R.C. DeVries, Rustum Roy, and E. F. Osborn. Transactions of the British Ceramic Society Vol. 53, No.9, September 1954
53-56, 53-57 & 53-58Reaction of Artificial Graphite with Carbon Dioxide, by E. E. Peterson, C. C. Wright and P. L. Walker, Jr. Reprinted. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol. 47, Page 1624, August 1955.
53-59X-Ray Diffraction Studies on Carbon Gasification by P. L. Walker, Jr., H. A. McKinstry and J. V. Pustinger. Reprinted. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol. 46, Page 1651, August 1954.
53-60Synthesis and Stability of Minerals in the System MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O, by Della M. Roy and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 40: 147-178, 1955.
53-61Stevensite, A Montmorillonite-Type Mineral Showing Mixed-Layer Characteristics, by G. W. Brindley. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 40: 239-247, 1955.
53-62Replica Studies of Bulk Clays, by J. J. Comer and J. W. Turley. Reprinted. Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 26, No. 3, 346-350, March, 1955.
53-63Dew Point Water Contents of Methane-Ethane Mixtures at a Series of Pressures and Temperatures, by Juan F. Villarreal, L. T. Bissey and R. F. Nielsen.
53-64Phase Equilibria in the System Cao-TiO2, by R. C. DeVries, R. Roy and E. F. Osborn. Reprinted. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 58, 1069, 1954.
53-65Effects of Oxidation of Coals on Their Flotation Properties by S. C. Sun.
53-66Displacement of Gas by Water From Unconsolidated Sands, by Paul J. Root and John C. Calhoun, Jr.
53-67Mineralogy of a Uraninite Deposit at Caribou, Colorado, by Harold D. Wright. Reprinted. Economic Geology, Vol. 49, No. 2, March-April, 1954.
53-68Operator Variation in Experimental Research, by J. C. Griffiths and M. A. Rosenfeld. Reprinted. The Journal of Geology, Vol. 62, No. 1, January 1954.
53-69Multiple Ion Substitution in the Perovskite Lattice, by Rustum Roy. Reprinted. The Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 37, No. 12, December 1954.
53-70Attenuation of Seismic Waves Near an Explosion, by B. F. Howell, Jr. and E. K. Kaukonen. Reprinted. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 44, No. 3, July 1954.
53-71Phase Equilibria in the System BaO-TiO2, by D. E. Rase and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. The Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 38, No. 3, March 1955.
53-72Phase Equilibria in the System BaTiO3-CaTiO3, by R. C. DeVries and R. Roy. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 38, No. 4, April 1955.
53-73Effect of Stemming on the Energy Content of Explosion-Generated Seismic Pulses, by Joseph W. Berg.
53-74Photomechanical Wave Analyzer for Seismic Wave Analysis, by Alday Bishop Andrews.
53-75Effect of Shot Depth on the Generation of Seismic Energy, by Eugene Stengel.
53-76Caracteristicas de la Preparacion del Carbon Bituminoso de la mina la Fragua en el Municipio de Cali, by Vicente Mutis and S. C. Sun.
53-77Phase Equilibria in the System FeO-Fe2O3-SiO2, by Arnulf Muan. Reprinted. Journal of Metals, September 1955.
53-78Synthetic Mica Research in Japan, by Tokiti Noda. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 38, No. 4, April 1955.
53-79Phase Equilibria in the System Lithium Metasilicate-Forsterite-Silca, by M. Krishna Murthy and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 38, No. 2, February 1955.
53-80Polarography of Humic Acid-Like Oxidation Products of Bituminous Coal, by A. F. Cody, S. R. Milliken and C. R. Kinney. Reprinted. Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 27, Page 362, March 1955.
53-81Gravity Surveys of Central Pennsylvania, by Lloyal O. Bacon.
53-82The Role of Corn in the Agricultural Economy of Negros Oriental, by Frederick Wernstedt.
53-83How to Calculate Unsteady Flow, by R. F. Nielsen. Reprinted. The Oil and Gas Journal, July 26, 1954.
53-84Hydrothermal Synthesis of Andalusite, by Della M. Roy. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 39: 140-143, 1954.
53-85The System Al2O3-SiO2-H2O, by Rustum Roy and E. F. Osborn. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 39: 853-885, 1954.
53-86Phase Equilibria in the System CaO-TiO2-SiO2, by R. C. DeVries, R. Roy and E. F. Osborn. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 38, No. 5, May 1955.
53-87Reactions in the System Li2O-Mg(-Al2O3-SiO2: I, the Cordierite-Spodumene Join, by M. D. Karkhanavala and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 36, No. 12, December 1953.
53-88The Polymorphism of Cordierite, by M. D. Karkhanavala and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 36, No. 12, December 1953.
53-89Phase Equilibria in the System Lithium Metasilicate-B-Eucryptite, by M. Krishna Murthy and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 37, No. 1, January 1954.
53-90The Textural Pattern of the Serpentines, by Bartholomew Nagy. Reprinted. Economic Geology, Vol. 48, No. 7, November 1953.
54-1A Study of Water Flood Efficiency in Oil-Wet Systems, by J. E. Warren and John C. Calhoun, Jr.
54-2The Crystal Structure of Barium Dititanate, BaO₂.2TI-O₂, by F. W. Harrison Reprinted. Acta Crystallographic, Vol. 9, Part 6, June 1956
54-3The Unit Cell and Space Group of Tetratitanate, BaO₂.4TiO₂, by F.W. Harrison Reprinted. Acta Crystallograpahics, Vol. 9, Part 2, February 1956
54-4The Effect of Organic Additives on the Rate of Surface Tension Lowering of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Solutions, by Emil J. Burcik and Robert C. Newman. Reprinted. Journal of Colloid Science, Vol. 9, No. 6, December 1954
54-5Some Factors Related to the Measurement of the Electrical Properties of Porous Sandstones, by C. R. Holmes
54-6Notes on the B₂O₃-SiO₂-P₂O₅ System Part 1. The BPO₄-SiO₂ Join, by W. F. Horn and F.A. Hummel Part II The Ternary System, by W.J. Englert and F. A. Hummel Reprinted. Transaction of the Society of Glass Technology, Vol. 39, 113-127, 1955
54-7A Study of Three-Phase Equilibria for Carbon Dioxide-Hydrocarbon Mixtures, by A. H. Meldrum and R. F. Nielsen. Reprinted. Producers Monthly, Vol 19, No. 10, 22-35, August 1955
54-8Progress in Electric Logging Research at the Pennsylvania State University During 1953-1954, by E. J. Moore
54-9Differentiation of Oil-Bearing From Barren Sediments by Quantitative Petrographic Analysis , by J.R. Emery and J. C. Griffiths
54-10Directional Permeability of Sandstones; A Test of Technique, by J. J. Hutta and J. C. Griffiths
54-11Relationships Between Oil Recovery, Interfacial Tension and Pressure Gradient in Water Wet Porous Media, by Jose Perez, Philip Reed, and John C. Calhoun, Jr.
54-12The Inlet Saturation Distribution Transient in a Water Flood, by J. E. Warren and J. C. Calhoun, Jr.. Reprinted Producers Monthly, Vol. 19, No. 8, 34-44, June 1955
54-13Use of Radioactive Tracers in a Study of Displacement in a Model 5-Spot System, by R. E. Wainerdi and R. F. Nielsen
54-14The Inhibition of Gypsum Precipitation by Sodium Polyphosphates, by Emil J. Burcik Reprinted. Producers Monthly, Vol XIX, No.1, 42-44, November 1954
54-15Nitric Acid Oxidation of Bituminous Coal, by C. R. Kinney and K. F. Ockert Reprinted. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol. 48, 327, February 1956
54-16New Data on Thermal Decomposition of Kaolinite and Hallyosite, by Rustum Roy, Della M. Roy, and E. E. Francis. Reprinted The Journal of American Ceramic Society, Vol. 38 , No. 6, June 1955
54-17Phase Equilibrium Studies of Steel Plant Refractories Systems, by E. F. Osborn. Reprinted. Regional Technical Meetings , American Iron and Steel Institute, 1954
54-18On the Behavior of Linear Floods, by J. Jones-Jones Parra and J. C. Calhoun, Jr.
54-19Natural Gas Pipeline Deposits, by L. T. Bissey Reprinted. Petroleum Engineer, Vol. 27, No. 3, D-28-31, March 1955
54-20Rapid Estimation of Mill Product Purity by Transparency Measurement, by S. C. Sun, H.M. Fisher, and R. E. Snow
54-21Studies in the System of CaO-MgO-CO₂ Part 1 The Thermal Dissociation of Calcite, Dolomite, and Magnesite, by R. I. Harker an d O. F. Tuttle. Reprinted. American Journal of Science, Vol. 253 209-224, April 1955
54-22Studies in the System of CaO-MgO-CO₂ Part 2 Limits of Solid Solution Along the Binary Join CaCO₃-MgCO₃, by R. I. Harker an d O. F. Tuttle. Reprinted. American Journal of Science, Vol. 253 274-2821, May 1955
54-23Alleverdite, A Swelling Double-Layer Mica Mineral, by G. W. Brindley. Reprinted. American Mineralogist 41:91-103, 1956
54-24Basic Parameters for Describing Porous Systems, by John C. Calhoun, Jr. Reprinted. Producers Monthly, Vol 18, No. 11, 35-39, September 1954
54-25Thermal Shock Testing, by W. R. Buessem, Reprinted. The Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 38, No. 1, January, 1955
54-26Essais De Sythèse Des Minérazu Agileux Dits A "Couches Mixtes", by L. A. Romo and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. Bull. Soc. Franc. Minér. Crist., LXXVII, 433-448, 1955
54-27Studies of the Substitution of OH- By F- In Various Hydroxylic Minerals, by L. A. Romo and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 42: 165-177, 1957
54-28Thermal Fracture of Ceramic Materials Under Auasi-Static Thermal Stresses (Ring Test), by W. R. Buessem and E. A. Bush. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol 38, No. 1, January 1955
54-29Weather Control, by Charles L. Hosler Reprinted. The Compass of Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Vol. 32, No.1, November 1954
54-30Preparation and Inspection of High-Purity Copper Single Crystals, by J. H. Wernick and H. M. Davis Reprinted. Journal of Applied Physics. Vol.27, 149-153, February 1956
54-31Preliminary Report on the System SiO₂-H₂O, by O. F. Tuttle and J. L. England. Reprinted Bulletin of The Geological Society of America. Vol. 66, 149-152, Fig. 1, January 1955
54-32A Study of Waterflood Efficiency in Oil-Wet Systems, by J. E. Warren and John C. Calhoun, Jr.. Reprinted. Petroleum Transactions, AIME, Vol 204. 1955
54-33Geology of the Lima Region, Southwestern Montana and Adjacent Idaho, by Robert Scholten, K. A. Keenmon and W. O. Kupsch. Reprinted. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, Vol. 66, 345-404, April 1955
54-34The Mechanism of the Deformation of Clay, by W. R. Buessem and Bartholomew Nagy. Reprinted.
54-35Electron Microscopy of Clay Surfaces, by Thomas F. Bates, and J. J. Comer. Reprinted. Proceedings of the Third National Conference of Clays and Clay Minerals, 395, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 1955
54-36X-Ray Identification of Chlorite Species, by G.W. Brindley and F. Gillery. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 41: 169-186, 1956.
54-37Properties of Sepctra of Atmospheric Turbulence at 100 Metres, by Hans A. Panofsky and Robert A. McCormick. Reprinted. Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society, Vol. 80 No. 346, October 1954
54-38Some Aspects of Population Trends in Pennsylvania, by E. Willard Miller. Reprinted. The Journal of Geography Vol. LIV, No.2, February, 1955.
54-39Détermination de L'Effectif Optimum Des Équipes de Chantier dans les Quartiers de Mines Mécanisées, by A. W. Asman
54-40Blasting Research Leads to New Theories and Reductions in Blasting Costs, by B.J. Kochanowsky. Reprinted. Transactions AIME, Mining Engineering, September 1955
54-41Solid and Gaseous Fuels, by Hayes T. Darby. Reprinted. Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 27, Page 660, April 1955.
54-42The Thermal Reactions of Nacrite and the Formation of Metakaolin, y-alumina, and Mullite, by G. W. Brindley and K. Hunter. Reprinted. Mineralogical Magazine, London, March 1955, Vol. XXX, No. 228, pp. 574-584.
54-43Ionization and Dissociation by Electron Impact; Methylene, Methyl, Methane, by A. Langer, J. A. Hipple and D. P. Stevenson. Reprinted. The Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 22, No. 11, pp. 1836-1844, November 1954.
54-44Structural Behavior in the System (Ba, Ca, Sr) TiO3 and Its Relation to Certain Dielectric Characteristics, by Malcolm McQuarrie. Reprinted. The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 38, No. 12. December 1955.
54-45The Southern Anthracite Region a Problem Area, by E. Willard Miller. Reprinted. Economic Geography, Volume 31, No. 4, October 1955.
54-46Factors Affecting Strength of Clays in the Temperature Range 110˚ to 800˚C, by Willard H. Sutton and Frederick R. Matson. Reprinted. The Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 39, No. 1, January 1956.
54-47Phase Equilibria at Liquidus Temperatures in the System Mg0-Fe0-Fe203-SiO2, by Arnulf Muan and-E. F. Osborn. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 39, No. 4, April 1956.
54-48Kinetic Study of the Steam-Carbon Reaction, by J. M. Pilcher, P. L. Walker, Jr., and C. C. Wright. Reprinted. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol. 47, Page 1742, September 1955.
54-49The Origin of Granite, by O. Frank Tuttle. Reprinted. Scientific American, April 1955
54-50, 54-51Withdrawn
54-52Preliminary Report on the System SiO₂-H₂O, by O. F. Tuttle and J. L. England. Reprinted Bulletin of The Geological Society of America, Vol. 66, 149-152, January 1955
54-53Changing Locational Patterns in Soviet Pulp and Paper Industry, by Allan Rodgers. Reprinted. Annals of The Association of American Geographers. Vol. XLV, No. 1, 85-104, March 1955
54-54Role of Domain Processes in Polycrystalline Barium Titanate, by Malcolm McQuarrie. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 39, No. 2 February 1956.
54-55Statistics for the Description of Frequency Distributions Generated by the Measurement of Petrographic Properties of Sediments, by John C. Griffiths
54-56Atomistic Interpretation of the Melting of Simple Compounds, by W. A. Weyl. Reprinted. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 59:147, 1955
54-57On the Stability and Hydro-Thermal Synthesis of Benitoite, by D. F. Rase and Rustum Roy
54-58The System Cadmium Oxide -Boric Oxide I. Phase Equilibria, by E. C. Subbarao and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. The Journal of Electrochemical Society. Vol. 103, No. 1, January 1956
54-59Phase Equilibria in the System BaTiO₃-SiO₂, by D. E. Rase and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. Journal of American Ceramic Society, Vol. 38, No. 11 November 1955
54-60The Structure of Electrodeposited Metals, by Rolf Weil and Harold J. Read. Reprinted, Metal Finishing, Westwood: N.J.
54-61Meteorological Applications of Power-Spectrum Analysis, by H. A. Panofsky Reprinted. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol. 36 No. 4, 463-1661, April 1955.
54-62The Colors of Platinum, Palladium and Rhodium in Simple Glasses, by G. W. Rindone and J. L. Rhoads. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 39, No. 5, May 1956
54-63A Modified From of the Tilted-Axis X-Ray Rotation Diagram, by G. E. Brindley. Reprinted. Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 107, 4, 1956
54-64Possible Explanation for Gas evolution After Fining in Barium Glasses Containing Sulfates, by G. E. Rindone
54-65A Note on Some Properties of Synthetic Montmorillonites, by Rustum Roy and L. B. Sand Reprinted. American Mineralogist 41: 505-509, 1956
54-66Subsolidus Data for the Join Ca₂SIO₄-CaMgSIO₄ and the Stability of Merwinite, by Della M. Roy Reprinted. Mineralogist Magazine, Vol. XXXI, No. 233 187-194, June 1956
54-67Note on Surface Smoothness of Kaolinite Flakes, by Harold W. Stetson. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society. Vol. 38, No. 12, December 1955
54-68Hydrothermal Study of Chromium Orthophosphate, by M. W. Shafer and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. Journal of the American Chemical Society 78: 1087, 1956
54-70Pyrolytic Behavior of Unsubstituted Aromatic Hydrocarbons, by C.R. Kinney and Elsio DelBel. Reprinted. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Vol 46, 548, March 1954.
54-71Mineral Flotation with Ultrasonically Emulsified Collecting Reagents, by S. C. Sun and L. Y. Tu, and E. Ackerman.
54-72A Study in Morphology by Electron Diffraction, by L. B. Sand and J. J. Comer Reprinted. Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Clays and Clay Minerals , 395, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 1955.
54-73The Structural Scheme of Sepiolite, by Bartholomew Nagy and W. F. Bradley
55-1Spectra and Cross-Spectra of Velocity Components in the Mesometerological Range, by H. A. Panofsky and I. Van Der Hoven. Reprinted. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Vol. 81, No. 350, October 1955
55-2Power-Spectrum Analysis Over Large Ranges of Frequency, by H. L. Griffith, H. A. Panofsky, and I. Van Der Hoven .
55-3A New Replica Technique for Making Electron Micrographs of Surfaces of Paper Sheets, by J. J. Comer, H. W. Stetson, an S. C. Lyons. Reprinted. TAPPI, Vol. 38, No. 10, October 1955
55-5Experimental Data on the PCO₂-T Curve for the Reaction: Calcite + Quartz=Wollastonite + Carbon Dioxide, by R. I. Harker and O.F. Tuttle. Reprinted. American Journal of Science, Vol. 254, 239-256, April 1956
55-7Try Bubble Pick-up for Rapid Flotation Testing, by S. C. Sun and R. C. Troxell
55-8The Lower Limit of Stability of Akermanite CA₂MgSi₂O₇, By R. I. Harker and O. F. Tuttle. Reprinted. American Journal of Science Vol. 254, 408-478, August 1956
55-10Studies of Silica-Structure Phases: I, GaPo₄, GaAsO₄, and GaSbO₄, by Elena C. Shaffer and Rustum Roy. Reprinted The Journal of The American Ceramic Society , Vol. 39 No. 10, October 1956
55-11Removal of Copper From Iron-Copper-Carbon Melts by the Use of Sodium Sulfide Slags, by Frederick Landenberg, Robert W. Lindsay, D.P. Robertson
55-13The Effect of Condensation Nucleus Size and Type of Temperature of Ice Crystal Formation in Clouds, by C. L. Hosler and G. R. Spalding
55-14The Carbon-Oxygen Reactions at High Temperatures and High Gas Flow Rates, by R. J. Day, P. L. Walker, and C. C. Wright. Reprinted. Industrial Carbon & Graphite, 1958
55-15Method and Apparatus to Measure the "Running Resistance" of Belt Convery Idler Rolls, by Felix du Breuil and George Radomsky
55-16Phase Equilibria and Fluorescence in the System Zinc Oxide-Boric Oxide, by D. E. Harrison and F.A. Hummel. Reprinted. Journal of Electrochemical Society Vol. 103, No. 9, September 1956
55-17Reactions in the System Li2O-Mg-Al2O3-SiO2: II Phase Equilibria in High-Silica Region by T. I. Prokopowicz and F. A. Hummel . Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 39, No. 8, August 1956.
55-18Ostracorda of the Silurian Decker and Manlius Limestones in New Jersey and Eastern New York, by Frank Swartz and Frank C. Whitmore, Jr. Reprinted. Journal of Paleontology, Vol. 30, No. 5, September 1956.
55-19To Float Low-Grade Manganese Ore, by S. C. Sun and P. E. Morris. Reprinted. Engineering and Mining Journal, May 1956.
55-20Ceramics for Thermal Shock Resistance, by F. A. Hummel.
55-21More From Belt Conveyors, by A. W. Asman. Reprinted. Coal Age, December 1955.
55-22The Structure and Morphology of a Kaolin Clay From Les Eyzies (France), by G. W. Brindley and J. J. Comer. Reprinted. Proceedings of Fourth National Conference on Clays and Clay Minerals, National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council Publication 456, 1956, pp. 61-66.
55-23Method and Apparatus to Measure the "Conveying Resistance" of Belt Conveyor by Felix du Breuil, George Radomsky, Peter Cooper
55-24Geology of the Blue Ridge Near Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, by Richard P. Nickelsen. Reprinted Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. Vol. 67, 239-270, March 1956
55-25X-Ray Studies for the Alteration of Soda Feldspar, by G. W. Brindley and E. W. Radoslovich. Reprinted Proceedings of Fourth National Conference on Clays and Clay Minerals, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 456, 330-336, 1956
55-26Aids in Hydrothermal Experimentation: II, Method of Making Mixtures for Both "Dry" and "Wet" Phase Equilibrium Studies, by Rustum Roy. Reprinted. The Journal of American Ceramic Society, Vol. 39, No. 4, April 1956
55-27Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange in Clays and Problems in the Assignment of Infrared Frequencies in the Hydroxyl Region, by Della M. Roy and Rustum Roy. Reprinted Proceedings of Fourth National, Conference on Clays and Clay Minerals, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 456, 82-84, 1956
55-28The Influence of Ionic Substitution on the Hydrothermal Stability of Montmorillanoids, by F. A. Mumpton and Rustum Roy.
55-29Laboratory Analysis of the Electric Logging Parameters of the Weir Sand, by E. James Moore.
55-30Comparison of X-Ray Diffraction and K-Factor Studies of the Clay Content of Artificial Cores, by B. F. Howell, Jr. and J. Cervik.
55-31Gravity Investigation in the Renovo Area of Central Pennsylvania, by Sol Jarmell.
55-32A Study of the Hydrothermal Reconstitution of the Kaolin Minerals, by Rustum Roy and G. W. Brindley. Reprinted. Proceedings of Fourth National Conference on Clays and Clay Minerals, National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council, Publication 456, 1956, pp. 125-132.
55-33Polarographic Determination of Tin in Ores, by Daniel L. Love and S. C. Sun. Reprinted. Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 27, Page 1557, October 1955.
55-34Flotation Characteristics of a Florida Leached Zone Phosphate Ore with Fatty Acids, by S. C. Sun, R. E. Snow and V. I. Purcell.
55-35Polarographic Determination of Xanthates in Flotation Liquors, by S. C. Sun and Richard T. Holzmann. Reprinted. Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 29, Page 1298, September 1957.
55-36The Crystal Structure of Dickite, by R. E. Newnham and G. W. Brindley. Reprinted. Acta Crystallographica, Vol. 9, Part 9, September 1956.
55-37The Preshadowed Carbon Replica Technique and Its Application, by J. J. Comer.
55-38Pattern of International Trade in Metal Raw Materials, by John D. Ridge.
55-39Transportation and Deposition of Hydrothermal Minerals, by John D. Ridge.
55-40Selected Bibliographies of Hydrothermal and Magmatic Mineral Deposits, by John Drew Ridge.
55-41The Unsteady-State Behavior of Linear Gas-Storage Reservoirs, by J. E. Warren.
55-42Carbonization of Anthracene and Graphitization of Anthracene Carbons, by C. R. Kinney, R. C. Nunn and P. L. Walker, Jr. Reprinted. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol. 49, Page 880, May 1957.
55-43Cebu: Focus of Philippine Interisland Trade, by Frederick L. Wernstedt. Reprinted. Economic Geography, Volume 32, No. 4, October 1956.
55-44Phase Equilibrium Studies in the System Iron Oxide-Al2O3 in Air and At 1 Atm. O2 Pressure, by Arnulf Muan and C. L. Gee. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 39 [6] 207-214 (1956).
55-45Effect of Wetting Agents on the Deformation Behavior of Kaolinite-Water Systems, by W. C. Ormsby, R. M. Witucki and W. A. Weyl. Reprinted. Proceedings of Fourth National Conference on Clays and Clay Minerals, National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council, Publication 456, 1956, pp. 251-272.
55-46The Effects of the Polarisation of the Constituent Ions on the Photoelastic Birefringence of the Glass, by Megumi Tashiro.
55-47The Stability of Smithsonite, by R. I. Harker and J. J. Hutta. Reprinted. Economic Geology, Vol. 51, No. 4, June-July, 1956.
55-48Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange in Clays and Problems in the Assignment of Infra-Red Frequencies in the Hydroxyl Region, by Della M. Roy and Rustum Roy.
55-49Stability of Minerals in the System ZnO-SiO2-H2O, by Della M. Roy and F. A. Mumpton. Reprinted. Economic Geology, Vol. 51, No. 5, August, 1956.
55-50The Formation of Color Centers in Glass by Solar Radiation, by G. E. Rindone. Reprinted. Travaux du IV Congress International du Verre, Paris, 1956.
55-52OH-F Exchange in Fluorine Phlogopite, by Tokiti Noda and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 41: 929-931 (1956).
55-53Phase Equilibria in High-Alumina Part of the System CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2, by R. C. Devries and E. F. Osborn. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 40 [1] 6-15 (1957).
55-54The System CaO-Al2O3-H2O , by A. J. Majumdar and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 39 [12] 434-442 (1956).
55-55Stability Relations of Some Minerals in the Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O System, by L. B. Sand, Rustum Roy and E. F. Osborn. Reprinted. Economic Geology, Vol. 52, No. 2, March-April, 1957.
55-57The Calculation of Water Flood Performance for the Bradford Third Sand From Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure Data, by P. T. Bail.
55-58, 55-59 & 55-65A New Acid-Base Concept Applicable to Aqueous Systems, Fused Salts, Glasses and Solids, by W. A. Weyl; Development of an Oxygen Electrode for Measurements of Acid-Base Properties of Glasses, by T. Forland and M. Tashiro; application of the Oxygen Electrode in Galvanic Cells with Glasses of Different Compositions, by G. S. Smith and G. E. Rindone. Reprinted. The Glass Industry, May, June, July, and August, 1956.
55-60Studies in the System (Ba, Ca, Pb)TiO3, by Malcolm McQuarrie. Reprinted. The Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 40, No. 2, February, 1957.
55-61A Method for the Continuous Measurement of the High Temperature Heat Content of Glasses and of Fused Salts, by Megumi Tashiro.
55-62What Are Ceramic Bodies Really Like?, by J. J. Comer, J. H. Koening, and S. C. Lyons. Reprinted. Ceramic Industry, October & December 1956
55-63Electron Diffraction Studies of Serpentine Minerals , by J. Zussman, G. W. Brindley, and J. J. Comer. Reprinted American Mineralogist, 42 :133-153, 1957
55-66To Float Low-Grade Manganese Ore, by S. C. Sun and P. E. Morris. Reprinted. Engineering and Mining Journal, Vol. 57, No. 5. May 1956.
55-67Guide to the Fieldtrip of Fourth National Clay Conference: Clay Minerals and Sedimentary Rocks, by J. C. Griffiths, T. F. Bates, and H.W. Shadle. Reprinted. Proceedings of Fourth National Conference on Clays and Clay Minerals National Academy of Sciences- National Research Council, 456, 1-20, 1956
55-68Ultrasonic Desliming and Upgrading of Ores, by S.C. Sun and P. E. Morris.
55-69Investigations Under Hydrothermal Conditions, by Rustum Roy and O. F. Tuttle. Reprinted. Physics and Chemistry of Earth, Vol. 1, 1956.
55-70Degré Géothermique et Magmas Granitiques, by O. F. Tuttle. Reprinted. Collique International de Petrographie Nancy, 4-11, Septembre 1955
55-71L'Origine et la Classification des Granites a al Lumière des Études Expérmentales dans le Système NaAlSi₃O₈-SiO₂-K₂O, by O. F. Tuttle Reprinted. Collique International de Petrographie Nancy, 4-11, Septembre 1955
55-72Spectrum and Cross Spectrum Analysis of Hemispheric Westerly Index, by H. A. Panofsky and P. Wolff. Reprinted. Sätryck ur. Tellus nr. 2, 1957
55-73Fugacities and Free Energies of CO₂ at High Pressures and Temperatures, by A. J. Majumdar and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. Geochimica et Cosmochimica , Vol 10, 311-315, 1956.
55-74The Stratigraphy and Folding of Some Metamorphosed Moine Sediments Around the Carn Chuinneag and Inchbae Granitic Gneisses, by R. I. Harker. Reprinted. Geological Magazine, Vol. XCII, No. 1, 57-62, January-February 1956
56-1Color and Light Scattering of Platinum in Some Lead Glasses, by R. J. Ryder and G. E. Rindone. Reprinted. Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 41, No. 10, October 1958.
56-2Control of Ice Formation in Clouds in Order to Produce Maximum Precipitation Growth, by C. L. Hosler. Reprinted. Proceedings of the Conference on the Scientific Basis of Weather Modification Studies, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, April 10-12, 1956
56-3Saturation Distribution in a Linear System During Oil Displacement, by P.T. Ball and S.S. Marsden.
56-4Recognition of Seismic Pulses by Studies of Their Frequency Spectrum, by B. F. Howell, Jr. and S. P. Mathur. Reprinted Earthquake Notes, Vol. XXVII, September 1956
56-5Synthesis of Spurrite and the Reaction Wollastonite + Calcite ↔ Spurrite + Carbon Dioxide, by O. F. Tuttle and R. I. Harker.
56-6Secondary Uranium Minerals at W. Wilson Mine in the Boulder Batholith, Montana, by D. O. Emerson and H. D. Wright. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 42: 222-239 (1957).
56-7Distribution of Secondary Uranium Minerals in the W. Wilson Deposit, Boulder Batholith, Montana, by H. D. Wright and D. O. Emerson. Reprinted. Economic Geology, Vol. 52, No. 1, January - February, 1957.
56-8Mineralogy of the Lone Eagle Uranium-Bearing Mine in the Boulder Batholith, Montana, by H. D. Wright and W. P. Shulhof. Reprinted. Economic Geology, Vol. 52, No. 2, March - April, 1957.
56-9Ground Vibrations Near Explosions II, by Benjamin F. Howell, Jr.
56-10Paleozoic Evaluation of the Geosynclinal Margin North of the Snake River Plain, Idaho-Montana, by Robert Scholten.
56-12Phase Equilibria at Liquidus Temperatures in the System Iron Oxide-Al2O3-SiO2 in Air Atmosphere, by Arnulf Muan. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 40 [4] 121-133 (1957).
56-13Importance of the Spinel Phase in the Steel Industry, by E. F. Osborn.
56-14Studies of Silica Structure Phases II: Data on FePO4, FeAsO4, MnPO4, BPO4, AlVO4 and others, by E. C. Shafer, M. W. Shafer and Rustum Roy.
56-15Bemerkung zur Struktur von geschmolzenem Li2SO4, by Von T. Forland und J. Krogh-Moe.
56-17The Structure of the High Temperature Modification of Lithium Sulfate, by T. Forland and J. Krogh-Moe.
56-18Partial Air Oxidation of Chattanooga Uraniferous Black Shale C. R. Kinney and Donald Schwartz. Reprinted. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol. 49, 1125, July 1957.
56-19Mineralogy at Penn State, by Charles P. Thronton
56-20Studies of Silica Structure Phases III: New Data on the System AlPO₄, by Elena C. Shafer and Rustum Roy
56-21Weathering Studies. 1. New Data on Vermiculite, by Rustum Roy and L. A. Romo. Reprinted. The Journal of Geology, Vol. 65, No. 6, November 1957
56-22A Survey of the Effect of Composition on the Interanl Friction of Glass by, L.C. Hoffman and W. A. Weyl. Reprinted. The Glass Industry, February 1957
56-23Infra-Red Spectra of a Coalification Series from Cellulose and Lignin to Anthracite, by Prof. C. R. Kinney and E. I. Doucette. Reprinted. Nature, Vol. 182, 785-786, Sept. 20, 1958
56-25Preparation for Graduate School--A Study Based on the Needs of Geophysicists and Geochemists, by B. F. Howell, Jr. Reprinted. Journal of Geological Education, Vol. 5. No. 1, Spring 1957
56-26An X-Ray Mineralogical Study of Some British Guiana Bauxite Deposits, by G. W. Brindley and Willard H. Sutton.
56-27Cyclone Frequencies in the United States for the Period 1905 to 1954, by C. L. Hosler and L. A. Gamage.
56-28The System Cadmium Oxide -Boric Oxide: II. Fluorescence, by F. A. Hummel and E. C. Subbaroa. Reprinted. The Journal of Electrochemical Society, Vol. 104, No. 10, October 1957
56-29The Exchange of Hydrogen by Deuterium in Hydroxyls of Kaolinite, by L. A. Romo. Reprinted. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 60, 987, (1956).
56-30Phase Equilibrium in the System NiO-H₂O¹, by L. A. Romo. Reprinted. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 60, 1021, (1956).
56-31Phase Separation Induced Platinum in Sodium Phosphate Melts, by G. E. Rindone and R.J. Ryder.
56-32Large-Scale Vertical Motion and Weather in January 1953, by Albert Miller and Hans A. Panofsky. Reprinted Bulletin of The American Meteorological Society, Vol. 39, No. 1, January 1958, pp. 8-13.
56-33A Structural Study of the Thermal Transformation of Serpentine Minerals to Forsterite, by G. W. Brindley and J. Zussman.
56-34Phase Relations in the System BaCl₂-BaTiO₃, by D. E. Rase and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 61, 744, (1957).
56-35A Kinetic Study of Dehydroxylation of Kaolinite, by G. W. Brindley and M. Nakahira. Reprinted Proceedings of Fifth National Conference on Clays and Clay Minerals National Academy of Sciences--National Research Council Publication 566. 1958, pp. 266-278.
56-36, 56-37Withdrawn
56-38Serpentines with 6-Layer Ortho-Hexagonal Cells, by J. Zussman and G. W. Brindley. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 42: 666-670 (1957).
56-40The Effect of Explosive Force and Rock Resistance to Blasting, by Dr. B. J. Kochanowsky.
56-41Principles of Blasting , by Dr. B. J. Kochanowsky.
56-42Fuller's Earth From Near Dry Branch, Georgia. A Montmorillonite-Cristobalite Clay, by G. W. Brindley. Reprinted. Clay Minerals Bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 18.
56-43On Complex Formation in the System Na₃lF₆-Al₂O₃, by Tormod Forland.
56-44New Data on Sepiolite and Attapulgite, by Fred A. Mumpton and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. Proceedings of Fifth National Conference on Clays and Clay Minerals, National Academy of Sciences--National Research Council Publication 566, 1958, 136-143
56-45Ramsdellite: Newly Observed in Minnesota, by Cyrus Klingsberg and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. Economic Geology, Vol. 52, No. 5, August, 1957.
56-46A Re-Determination of Equilibria in System MgOH₂O and Comments on Earlier Work, by Della M. Roy and Rustum Roy.
56-47Synthesis, Stability, and Polycrystalline Barium Titanate, by E. C. Subbarao, M. C. McQuarrie, and W. R. Buessem.
56-48On the Aggregation of Ice Crystals to Form Snow, by Charles L. Hosler, Capt. D. C. Jensen, USAF, and Pvt. Leon Goldslak, USA. Reprinted. Journal of Meteorology, Vol. 14, , No. 5, October 1957, pp. 415-420
56-49Phase Equilibrium Relationships at Liquidus Temperatures in the System FeO-Fe₂O₃-SiO₂, by Arulf Muan. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 40 [12] 420-431 (1957).
56-50Phase Equilibria at High Temperatures in Iron Silicate Systems, by Arnulf Muan. Reprinted. The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, 37 [2] 81-84 (1958).
56-51Domain Effects in Polycrystalline Barium Titanate, by E. C. Subbarao, M. C. McQuarrie, and W. R. Buessem. Reprinted. Journal Applied Physics Vol. 28, No. 10, 1194-1200, October, 1957.
56-52An Apparatus for Measurement of the Occlusion of Hydrogen Metals, by M. Kotyk, M.Sc., J. K. Magor, M.Sc., and H. M. Davis, M.Sc., Ph.D.
56-53Ceramic Research at Penn Sate; Part I. Mineralogy and Properties of Clays, by G. W. Brindley
56-54The Reaction Sequence in Larvikite Feldspars, by J. V. Smith and I. D. Muir.
56-55Some Experiments with Steel Ingo "Hot Tops", by M. E. Harnish and M. C. McQuarrie. Reprinted. The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 37, No. 8 August 15, 1958.
56-56Petrography and Porosity of the Cow Run Sand, St. Mary's, West, Virginia, by John C. Griffiths.
56-57The Role of Water Vapour in the Dehydroxylation of Clay Minerals, by G. W. Brindley and M. Nakahira. Reprinted. Clay Minerals Bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 17.
56-58Synthesis of the Chlorites and Their Structural and Chemical Constitution, by Bruce W. Nelson and Rustum Roy.
56-59Contamination From Copper Specimen Grids during Electron Diffraction, by Joseph J. Comer. Reprinted. Journal of Applied Physics , Vol. 28, No. 7, 820, July 1957.
56-60Phase Equilibria in the System Indium-Indium Phosphide, by M. Shafer and K. Weiser. Reprinted. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 61, 1424 (1957).
56-61Studies of the System Iron Oxide-Silica-Water at Low Oxygen Partial Pressures, by S. S. Flaschen and E. F. Osborn. Reprinted. Economic Geology, Vol. 52, No. 8, December 1957.
56-62Studies in Lithium Oxide Systems: I, Li₂O-B₂O₃, by B. S. R. Sestry and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 41, No. 1, January, 1958.
56-64The Calcium -Silicate-Tungstate-Phosphor Phase Relationships and Fluorescent Properties, by D. E. Harrison and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. Journal of Electrochemical Society, Vol. 195, No. 1, January, 1958.
56-66The X-Ray Powder Data File--Present Status and Future Development, by G. W. Brindley. Reprinted. Norelco Reporter, Vol. IV. No. 3.
56-67Kinetics of Dehydroxylation of Kaolinite and Halloysite, by G. W. Brindley and M. Nakahira. Reprinted. Journal of American Ceramic Society, Vol. 40, No. 10, October 1957.
56-68Anchorage Efficiency of Roof Bolt Installations, by Oleg Terichow.
56-69Reactions between Iron Oxides and Alumina-Silica Refractories, by Arnulf Muan. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 41 [8], 275-286 (1958).
56-70Mineralogy, Petrography, and Radioactivity Representative Samples of Chattanooga Shale, by Thomas F. Bates and Erwin O. Strahl.
56-71The System Fe₃O₄-Mn₃O₄, by H. J. Van Hook and M. L. Keith.
56-72Oszillographische Messung im Zersprengeungsgebeit von Kammerminen, by Dr. B. Kochanowsky and Dr. W. Brandt.
56-73Transition Point Depression and its Structural Interpretation in the Binary System Sodium Sulfate-Potassium, by T. Forland and J. Krogh-Moe. Reprinted. ACTA Chemica Scandinavica, 13 (1959) 1051-1063.
56-74An X-Ray Investigation of Lead Silicate Glass, by J. Krogh-Moe.
56-75The Influence of Ionic Substitution on the Stability of Micas and Chlorites, by R. C. Devries and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. Economic Geology, Vol. 53. No. 8, December 1958.
56-77Ceramic Research at Penn State; Part II. The Determination of Liquid Immiscibility in Oxide and Silicate Systems, by F. A. Hummel. Reprinted
56-78Environmental Studies of Carboniferous Sediments: Part I: Geochemical Criteria for Differentiating Marine and Fresh-Water Shales, by E. T. Degens, E. G. Williams, and M. L. Keith. Reprinted. Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Vol. 41, 1957.
56-79The Shortage of Coal Engineers, by H. B. Charmbury.
56-80Three-Seam Preparation Coal Preparation Turns to Specialty Steels, by H. B. Charmbury. Reprinted. Mechanization Magazine. September 1956.
56-81Crystal Chemistry of Hydrous Calcium Silicates: II. Characterization of Interlayer Water, by George L. Kalousek and Rustum Roy. The Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 40, No.7, July, 1957.
56-82On Complex Formation in the System Na₃AlF₆-Al₂O₃, by Tormod Forland.
56-83Studies on Producing Graphitizable Carbons, by C. R. Kinney. Reprinted. Proceedings of the Conferences on Carbon, University of Buffalo, Buffalo, NY. 1956.
56-84Hydrothermal Study of Chromium Orthophosphate, by M. W. Shafer and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 78, 1087 (1956).
56-85Comment on "Drying Behavior and Plastic Properties of Clays" by W. D. Kingery and J. Francli, by Malcolm McQuarrie. Reprinted. The Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 38, No. 9. September, 1955.
57-1Phase Equilibria in the System ZnO-P₂O₅, by Fred L. Katnack and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 105, No. 3, March 1958.
57-2High-Temperature Mechanical Properties of Ceramic Materials: I, Magnesium Dititanate, by E. A. Bush and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. The Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 41, No. 6. June, 1958.
57-3Physical Properties of a Series of Dolomite Cores, by S. S. Marsden, F. A. Horgas and R. K. Gourley. Reprinted. A Symposium on the Sandhill Deep Well Wood County, West Virginia. Report of Investigation No. 18, 1959.
57-4Phase Equilibria at High Temperatures in Oxide Systems Involving Changes in Oxidation States, by Arnulf Muan.
57-5Further Consideration of the Crystal Structure of Kaolinited, by G. W. Brindley and M. Nakahira. Reprinted. Mineralogist Magazine, London. March 1958. Vol. XXXL, No. 240, pp. 781-786.
57-6The "K-Log"--An "In-Situ" Determination of the K-Factor from Electric Logs Alone, by E. James Moore.
57-7Studies in Lithium Oxide System: II, Li₂O-Al₂O₃-Al₂O₃, by F. A. Hummel, B. S. R. Sastry, and Dean Wotring. Reprinted. The Journal of American Ceramic Society, Vol. 41, No. 3, March, 1958.
57-8Effect of Temperature, Structural State and Composition on Albite Pericline and Acline-A Twins of Plagioclase Feldspars, by J. V. Smith. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 43: 546-551 (1958).
57-9Technique of Mapping Geologica Fracture Traces and Lineaments on Aerial Photographs, by Laurence H. Lantern. Reprinted. Photogrammetric Engineering, September 1958.
57-10Studies in System CaO-Al₂O₃-SiO₂H₂O: III, New Data on the Polymorphism of Ca₂SiO₄ and its Stability in the System CaO-SiO₂-H₂O, by Della M. Roy. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 41 [8] 293-299 (1958).
57-11Preparing Coal for Industry, by H. B. Charmbury.
57-12Coal-Water Separations, by H. B. Charmbury.
57-13Gravity Methods Clean Extreme Fine Sizes of Bituminous Coal, by H. B. Charmbury and D. R. Mitchell.
57-14Fining, by Guy E. Rindone. Reprinted. The Glass Industry. September and October, 1957.
57-15Electron-Optical Observations with Crystals of Antigorite, by G. W. Brindley and J. J. Comer. Reprinted. Acta Crystallographica, Vol. 11, Part 2, February 1958.
57-16Australite Investigations and Their Bearing on the Tekite Problem, by William A. Cassidy.
57-17Oberflächen-und Raumladungseffekte in keramischem Bariumtitanat, by W. R Bussem and E. C. Subbarao.
57-18Application of Borehole Geophysics to Mining Exploration, by E. James Moore. Reprinted. 7th Annual Drilling Symposium University of Minnesota, October 1957.
57-19The Thermal Expansion of Ferrites at Temperatures Near the Curie Point, by W. R. Buessem and A. Dorf. Reprinted. Proceedings Thirteenth Annual Meeting Metal Powder Association.
57-20Adsorption and Retention of an Organic Material by Montmorillonite in the Presence of Water, by G. W. Brindley and Mahmoud Rustom. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 43, 627-640 (1958).
57-21Influence of Platinum Nucleation on Crystallization of a Lithium Silicate Glass, by Guy E. Rindone. Reprinted. The Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 41, No.1, January, 1958.
57-23Tektites, by Irving Friedman, Truman P. Kohman, and William A. Cassidy. Reprinted. Science, January 16, 1958, Vol. 127, No. 3289, pages 91-94.
57-24Environmental Studies of Carboniferous Sediments: Part II: Application of Geochemical Criteria, by E. T. Degens, E. G. Williams, and M. L. Keith.
57-25Ceramic Research at Penn State. Part III: Sintering of Refractory Oxides, by M. C. McQuarrie.
57-26Phase Equilibria in the System CaO-Iron Oxide in Air and at 1 Atm. O2 Pressure, by Bert Phillips and Arnulf Muan. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 41 [11] 445-454 (1958).
57-27Laboratory-Determined Electric Logging Parameters of the Bradford Third Sand, by James Moore.
57-28Geographical Significance of Recent Changes in Mining in the Bituminous Coal Fields of Pennsylvania, by George F. Deasy and Phyllis R. Griess. Reprinted. Economic Geography, Volume 33, No. 4, October, 1957.
57-30On the Release of Hydrogen from Molten Aluminum, by Asutosh Pal and H. M. Davis.
57-31Energy Represented by Seismic Waves from Small Explosions, by B. F. Howell, Jr.
57-32The Polymorphism of Nb2O5, by M. W. Shafer and Rustum Roy.
57-33On the Stability of the Phase Fe2O3.Al2O3, by Arnulf Muan.
57-34Cross-Bedding in Pennsylvanian Sandstones of Central Pennsylvania: A Preliminary Study, by Richard P. Nickelsen.
57-35The Nepheline-Kalsilite System. II: Phase Relations, by O. F. Tuttle and J. V. Smith.
57-36Spectroscopic Determination of Arsenic in Anthracite Coal Ashes, by Ronald H. Hall and Harold L. Lovell. Reprinted. Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 30, Page 1665, October 1958.
57-37Versatile Die for Preparation of Potassium Bromide Windows, by Howard T. Grendon and Harold L. Lovell. Reprinted. Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 32, Page 300, February 1960.
57-39Symposium: Planning a Coal Preparation Plant, arranged and edited by H. B. Charmbury and Joseph W. Leonard.
57-40The System MnO-SiO2, by F. P. Glasser.
57-41Equilibrium and Pseudo Equilibrium Low-Temperature Dehydration of Montmorillonoids, by M. S. Crowley and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. The Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 42, No. 1, January 1959.
57-42Atomistic Interpretation of the Hardness of Simple Compounds, by W. A. Weyl. Reprinted. Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute Bulletin, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp 11-18 (1958).
57-43Glasbildung im System KNO3-Ca(NO3)2, by Sigmund Urnes.
57-44Effect of Minor Additions on Sintering of MgO, by G. K. Layden and M. C. McQuarrie. Reprinted. The Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 42, No. 2, February 1959.
57-45Weathering Studies: 2. A Note on the Conversion of Phlogopite to Septechlorite, by Rustum Roy and Frederick A. Mumpton. Reprinted. The Journal of Geology, Vol. 66, No. 3, May 1958.
57-46Silica Structure Studies: V, The Variable Inversion in Cristobalite, by V. G. Hill and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. The Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 41, No. 12, December 1958.
57-47Use of Carbon Isotope Analyses of Carbonates for Differentiating Fresh-Water and Marine Sediments, by Robert N. Clayton and Egon T. Degens.
57-48Die Verteilung des Wasserstoffes im System Stahl-Email, by H. M. Davis, J. H. Keeler and G. P. K. Chu.
57-49Alkali Feldspars: IV. The Cooling History of High-Temperature Sodium-Rich Feldspars, by J. V. Smith and W. S. MacKenzie. American Mineralogist, 43: 872-889 (1958).
57-50Structure and Properties of Natural and Synthetic Minerals, by G. W. Brindley, A. Majumdar, R. Roy and J. V. Smith. Reprinted. The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 37, No. 2, February 15, 1958.
57-51Phase Equilibria and Fluorescence in a Portion of the System ZnO-MnO-P2O5, by F. A. Hummel and Fred L. Katnack. Reprinted. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 105, No. 9, September 1958.
57-52Some Wettability Characteristics of Synthetic Porous Media, by W. A. Gatenby and S. S. Marsden.
57-53Effect of Applied Pressure on the Conductivity, Porosity, and Permeability of Sandstones, by D. O. Wyble. Reprinted. Journal of Petroleum Technology, November 1958.
57-54Polarographic Estimation of Starch and Its Application in Flotation, by Shiou C. Sun, Daniel L. Love, and Richard T. Holzmann. Reprinted. Analytical Chemistry, Volume 30, Number 6, Pages 1074-1076, June 1958.
57-55The X-Ray Study of Synthetic Mg-Al Serpentines and Chlorites, by F. H. Gillery.
57-56Modern Trends of Fine Coal Cleaning in the United States, by D. R. Mitchell and H. B. Charmbury.
57-57Further Observations on the Morphology of Chrysotile and Halloysite, by Thomas F. Bates and Joseph J. Comer. Reprinted. Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference on Clays and Clay Minerals.
57-58Transfer of Fluid Components in a Porous Medium at Constant Saturation and Fluid Velocity, by R. F. Nielsen and R. E. Gilchrist.
57-60Some Mississippian Conodonts from the High Resistivity Shale of the Nancy Watson No. 1 Well in Northeastern Mississippi, by Edward A. Stanley.
57-6129. -- Silica Structure Studies. VI: On Tridymites, by V. G. Hill and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. Transactions of the British Ceramic Society, Vol. 57, No. 8, August 1958.
57-62Some New Maps of the Underground Bituminous Coal Mining Industry of Pennsylvania, by George F. Deasy and Phyllis R. Griess. Reprinted. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol. 47, December 1957, No. 4, pages 336-349.
57-63Achondrite Investigations and Their Bearing on the Origin of Tektites, by W. A. Cassidy.
57-64Studies in the System CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O. IV: Phase Equilibria in the High-Lime Portion of the System CaO-SiO2-H2O, by Della M. Roy. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 43: 1009-1028 (1958).
57-65Rare-Earth Polymorphism and Phase Equilibria in Rare-Earth Oxide-Water Systems, by M. W. Shafer and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. The Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 42, No. 11, November 1959.
57-66A New High-Pressure Form of B2O3 and Inferences on Cation Coordination from Infrared Spectroscopy, by Frank Dachille and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. The Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 41, No. 2, February 1959.
57-67Studies in Lithium Oxide Systems: III, Liquid Immiscibility in the System Li2O-B2O3-SiO2, by B. S. R. Sastry and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. The Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 42, No. 2, February 1959.
57-70The α-β Inversions in Eucryptite and Spodumene, by Thelma Isaacs and Rustum Roy.
57-71A Review of Methods Used to Increase Oil Recovery, by Robert L. Slobod.
57-72Photogeologic Fracture-Trace Mapping in Appalachian Plateau, by L. H. Lattman and R. P. Nickelsen.
57-73The Hudson Bay Railway Route: A Geographical Reconnaissance, by E. Willard Miller. Reprinted. The Journal of Geography, Vol. LVII, No. 4, April 1958.
57-74The Maceral Concept and the Study of Modern Environments as a Means of Understanding the Nature of Coal, by William Spackman. Reprinted. Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences Ser. II, Volume 20, No. 5, Pages 411-423, March 1958.
57-75Analytical Procedures Applicable to Fine-Grained Sedimentary Rocks, by Robert L. O'Neil.
57-76Mineralogy and Chemistry of Uranium-Bearing Black Shales, by Thomas F. Bates and Erwin O. Strahl. Reprinted. 2nd UN Geneva Conference, 1958.
57-77Sr/Rb Age Study of Tektites, by W. H. Pinson, Jr., L. F. Herzog, H. W. Fairbairn and R. F. Cormier.
57-78Geometrics in Petroleum Petrography, by John C. Griffiths. Reprinted. Producers Monthly, Vol. 22, No. 4, Page 40.
57-79Economics of Oil Refining in the Philadelphia Area, by John J. Schanz, Jr., and Robert C. Barwick. Reprinted. The Refining Engineer, April 1957.
57-80Relation of Magnetic Susceptibility to Mineral Composition, by Ernest M. Spokes and David R. Mitchell. Reprinted. Mining Engineering, March 1958.
57-81Morphology and Crystal Chemistry of 1:1 Layer Lattice Silicates, by Thomas F. Bates. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 44: 78-114 (1959).
57-82The Hydraulic Equivalence and Size Distributions of Some Mineral Grains from a Beach, by Donald D. McIntyre. Reprinted. The Journal of Geology, Vol. 67, No. 3, May 1959.
57-83The System ZnO∙CdO∙B2O3, Phase Relationships and Fluorescence, by D. E. Harrison and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 106, No. 1, January 1959.
57-85Discrepancies Between Optic Axial Angles of Olivines Measured Over Different Bisectrices, by P. J. Wyllie. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 44: 49-64 (1959).
57-86Commercial Possibilities of Some Ordovician Limestones in Franklin County, Pennsylvania, by F. M. Swartz and R. R. Thompson. Reprinted. Bulletin of the Mineral Industries Experiment Station, No. 71, 1958.
57-87Method for Determining Non-ignited Acid Insoluble Residue of Carbonate Rocks, by R. R. Thompson. Reprinted. Bulletin of the Mineral Industries Experiment Station, No. 71, 1958.
57-88Potential Tonnages of the Center Iron Sandstone in Perry County, Pennsylvania, by F. M. Swartz and H. J. Hambleton. Reprinted. Bulletin of the Mineral Industries Experiment Station, No. 71, 1958.
57-89An Investigation of Beneficiation of Iron-Bearing Sandstone, by H. L. Lovell and J. W. Leonard. Reprinted. Bulletin of the Mineral Industries Experiment Station, No. 71, 1958.
57-90Correlation of the Pottsville and Lower Allegheny Series in Parts of Clearfield and Centre Counties, by E. G. Williams and R. P. Nickelsen. Reprinted. Bulletin of the Mineral Industries Experiment Station, No. 71, 1958.
57-91Phantom Product -- Mine Refuse, by H. B. Charmbury.
57-92A New Concept of the Transformation Sequence of Kaolinite to Mullite, by G. W. Brindley and M. Nakahira. Reprinted. Nature, Vol. 181, pp. 1333-1334, May 10, 1958.
57-94Thermal Contraction of β-Eucryptite (Li2O∙Al2O3∙2SiO2) by X-Ray and Dilatometer Methods, by F. H. Gillery and E. A. Bush. Reprinted. The Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 42, No. 4, April 1959.
57-95Crystal Structure of Chabazite, A Molecular Sieve, by L. S. Dent and J. V. Smith. Reprinted. Nature, Vol. 181, pp. 1794-1796, June 28, 1958.
57-96Understanding Forecast Terms -- Results of a Survey, by John Sherrod and Hans Neuberger. Reprinted. Bulletin of the American Mineralogical Society, Vol. 39, No. 1, January 1958, pp. 34-36.
57-97Economics of Refining in the Penn Grade Crude Area, by John J. Schanz, Jr. and Robert C. Barwick. Reprinted. The Refining Engineer, February 1958.
57-98Geochemical Indicators of Marine and Fresh-Water Sediments, by M. L. Keith and E. T. Degens.
57-99The Relation Between Eulerian Time and Space Spectra, by H. A. Panofsky, H. E. Cramer and V. R. K. Rao. From the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Vol. 84, No. 361, July 1958.
57-101Silica O, A New Common Form of Silica, by Rustum Roy.
57-102Infra-Red Absorption Data for Serpentine Minerals, by G. W. Brindley and J. Zussman. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 44: 185-188 (1959).
57-103Replica Studies of Habit-Modified Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate and Ammonium Dihydrogen Arsenate Crystals, by Joseph J. Comer. Reprinted. Journal of Colloid Science, Volume 14, No. 2, April 1959.
57-104Conservation and Stabilization, by John Drew Ridge. Reprinted. "Economics of the Mineral Industries", American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, July 1959.
57-105Presentation of the Mineralogical Society of America Award to Rustum Roy, by E. F. Osborn. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 43: 344-348 (1958).
57-106Quinone Character of Oxidation Products of a Bituminous Coal, by C. R. Kinney and D. L. Love. Reprinted. Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 29, Page 1641, November 1957.
57-107Low-Ash Graphite Prepared from Anthracite, by M. G. Boobar, C. C. Wright, and C. R. Kinney. Reprinted. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol. 50, Page 27, January 1958.
57-108Pyrolytic Reactions of Aromatic Hydrocarbons, by C. R. Kinney.
57-109Carbon Formation from Carbon Monoxide-Hydrogen Mixtures Over Iron Catalysts,. I. Properties of Carbon Formed, by P. L. Walker, Jr., J. F. Rakszawski and G. R. Imperial. Reprinted. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 63, 133 (1959).
57-110Carbon Formation from Carbon Monoxide-Hydrogen Mixtures Over Iron Catalysts. II. Rates of Carbon Formation, by P. L. Walker, Jr., J. F. Rakszawski and G. R. Imperial. Reprinted. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 63, 140 (1959).
57-111Development of Ceramic Insulating Materials for High-Temperature Use, by W. D. Kingery, J. D. Klein and M. C. McQuarrie.
58-1High-Temperature Mechanical Properties of Ceramic Materials: II, Beta-Eucryptite, by E. A. Bush and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 42, No. 8, August 1959.
58-2Studies in Lithium Oxide Systems: IV, Note on Effect of Li2 on Sintering of TiO2, by F. A. Hummel and Tseng-Ying Tien. Reprinted. Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 42, No. 4, April 1959.
58-3Geochemical and X-Ray Investigation of Natural and Synthetic Analcites, by P. Saha. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 44: (1959) Pages 300-313.
58-4X-Ray Diffraction Study of Orientation in the Chattanooga Shale, by E. N. Silverman and T. F. Bates. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 45: (1960) Pages 60-68.
58-5The Ternary System MgO - MnO - SiO2, by F. P. Glasser and E. F. Osborn. Reprinted. Journal of The American Ceramic Society, 43 [3] 132-140 (1960).
58-6X-Ray and Electron Diffraction Data for Sepiolite, by G. W. Brindley.
58-7The Kaolinite-Mullite Reaction Series: I, A Survey of Outstanding Problems, by G. W. Brindley and M. Nakahira. Reprinted. The Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 42, No. 7, July 1959.
58-8The Kaolinite- Mullite Reaction Series: II, Metakaolin, by G. W. Brindley and M. Nakahira. Reprinted. The Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 42, No. 7, July 1959.
58-9The Kaolinite- Mullite Reaction Series: III, The High-Temperature Phases, by G. W. Brindley and M. Nakahira. Reprinted. The Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 42, No. 7, July 1959.
58-10Phase Equilibria in the System Manganese Oxide -- SiO2 in Air, by A. Muan.
58-11Charge Balance and the Stability of Alkali Feldspars, by W. S. MacKenzie and J. V. Smith. Reprinted. Acta Crystallographica, Vol. 12, Part 1, January 1959.
58-14Adsorption-Desorption Characteristics of Synthetic Montmorillo-Noids in Humid Atmospheres, by F. H. Gillery. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 44: (1959) Pages 806-818.
58-15The Crystal Structure of Proto-enstatie, MgSiO3, by J. V. Smith. Reprinted. Acta Crystallographica, Vol. 12, Part 7, July 1959.
58-16Stable and Metastable Equilibria in the Systems Y2O3-Al2O3 and Gd2O3-Fe2O3, by I. Warshaw and R. Roy. Reprinted. Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 42, No. 9, September 1959.
58-17Studies in Lithium Oxide Systems: V. Li₂O-Li₂O-B₂O₃, by B. S. R Sastry and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. The Journal American Ceramic Society, Vol. 42, No. 5, May 1959.
58-18Fluorescent X-Ray Spectrometric Estimation of Aluminum, Silicon, and Iron in the Flotation Products of Clays and Bauxites, by Shiou-Chuan Sun. Reprinted. Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 31, Page 1322, August 1959.
58-19Synchronous Highs: Preferential Habitat of Oil by R. Scholten. Reprinted. The Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Vol. 43, No. 5, August, 1959.
58-20Microstructure in Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate Crystals Induced by Clays during Growth, by J. J. Comer. Reprinted.
58-21Graphical Representation of Amphibole Compositions, by J. V. Smith. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 44: (1959).
58-22The Alkali Feldspars V. the Nature of Orthoclase and Microcline Perthites and Observations Concerning the Polymorphism of Potassium Feldspar, by J. V. Smith and W. S. MacKenzie.
58-23Studies in Lithium Oxide Systems: VII. Li₂O-SiO₂-TiO₂, by K. H. Kim and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 42, No. 6, June, 1959.
58-24Studies in Lithium Oxide Systems: VII, Li₂O-B₂O₃-SiO₂, by B. S. R. Sastry and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Society, Vol. 43, No. 1, January, 1960.
58-26High Pressure Region of the Silica Isotypes, by F. Dachille and R. Roy.
58-27A Structural Study of Talc and Tacl-Tremolite Relations, by I. S. Stemple and G. W. Brindley. Reprinted. The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 43, No. 1. January, 1960.
58-28The Spinal-Olivine Inversion in Mg₂GeO₄, by F. Dachille and R. Roy. Reprinted. Nature, Vol. 183, p.1257 only, May 2, 1959,
58-29Airborn Dust Determinations and a New Method of Particle Sizing, by H. L. Hartman.
58-30Phase Equilibrium Studies in the System CaO-Cr₂O₃-SiO₂, by F. P. Glasser and E. F. Osborn. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 41, [9] 358-367 (1958).
58-31The Port of Genova: External and Internal Relations, by A. L. Rodgers. Reprinted. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol. 48, December, 1958, No.4, pages 319-351.
58-32The Assessment and Reduction of Risks in the Formation of Oil Producing Company and Abstract, by M. A. Bennett and J. J. Schanz, Jr.
58-33Crystal Chemistry Studies, by X-Ray Fluorescence, by E. W. White, H. A. McKinstry, and T. F. Bates. Reprinted, Proceedings, Seventh Annual Conference Industrial Applications of X-Ray Analysis, University of Denver, 1958.
58-34Further Studies on 6CaO-3SiO₂-H₂O, by L. D. Glasser and D. M. Roy. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 44: (1959) pages 447-451.
58-35Reactions in the System TiO₂P₂O₅, by D. E. Harrison and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 42, No. 10 October 1959.
58-36Stability Relations Among Some Manganese Minerals, by A. Muan. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 44: (1959) pages 946-960.
58-37Note on Relation Between Unfired and Fired Densities of Aluminum Oxide Compacts, by N. Vila and M. McQuarrie. Reprinted. The Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 42, No. 6, May, 1959
58-38Apparatus for Testing Coal Sedimentation, by Shiou-Chuan Sun. Reprinted. Mining Engineering, January 1959.
58-39Studies in the System Iron Oxide-Titanium Oxide, by J. B. MacChesney and A. Muan. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 44: (1959). Pages 926-945
58-40Factors Affecting the Cleaning of Fine Coals by Convertor Process, by Shiou-Chuan Sun and W. L. McMorris, III. Reprinted. Mining Engineering, November 1959.
58-41Spontaneous Polarization Potentials and Clay Limonite Deposited in Gatesburg Formation of Central Pennsylvania, by G. W. Gross and E. J. Moore. Reprinted. Economic Geology, Volume 54, 1959.
58-42Phase Equilibria and Fluorescence in the System Zn(PO₃)₂-Mg(PO₃)₂, by J. F. Sarver and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. Journal of The Electrochemical Society Vol. 106, No. 5, June, 1959.
58-44Studies in the System Mn-O: The Mn₂O₃-Mn₃O₄ and Mn₃O₄-MnO Equilibria, by W. C. Hahn, Jr. and A. Muan.
58-45Petrofabric Study of Conestoga Limestone from Hanover, Pennsylvania, by R.P. Nickelsen and G. W. Gross.
58-46Stability and Interconvertibility of Phases in the System Mn-O-OH, by C. Klinsberg and R. Roy. Reprinted.
58-47Oxygen Isotope Fractionation in the System Calcium Carbonate-Water, by R. N. Clayton. Reprinted. The Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 30, No. 5, 1246-1250, May , 1959.
58-48Experimental Studies of Illite, by C. M. Warshaw. Reprinted. "Seventh National Conference on Clays & Clay Minerals"
58-49Determination of Uranium Equilibrium in Rocks Using α and Fission Fragment Radiography, by J. D. Grace and T. F. Bates.
58-50Phase Equilibria in the System Na₂O-Nb₂O₅, by M. W. Shafer and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. The Journal of American Ceramic Society, Vol. 42, No. 10. October, 1959.
58-51Phase Equilibria in the System CaO-Iron Oxide-SiO₂ in Air by, B. Phillips and A. Muan. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 42 [9] 413-423 (1959).
58-52Phase Equilibrium Studies in the System Iron Oxide-Al₂O₃-Cr₂O₃ by, A. Muan and S. Somiya. Reprinted. The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 42, No. 12. December, 1959.
58-53Thermodynamics of Arsenic in Glass, by T. Baek. Reprinted. The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 42, No. 1. January, 1959.
58-54Factors Influencing the Strength of Carbonized Briquets Prepared from Anthanfines and Pitch Binders, by D. W. Gillmore, C. C. Wright, and C.R. Kinney. Reprinted. Journal of The Institute of Fuel, February, 1959.
58-55A Kinetic Study of Deposition of Pyrolytic Carbon Films, by D. B. Murphy, H. B. Palmer, and C.R. Kinney. Reprinted. Industrial Carbon & Graphite, 1958.
58-56The Organ-Species Concept and the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, by G. O. W. Kremp, H. T. Ames, and N. O. Frederiksen. Reprinted. Taxon 8(3): 91-95, 1959.
58-57Some Factors Affecting the Reactivity of Sized Particle Carbons to Carbon Dioxide, by P. L. Walker, Jr. and J. R. Nichols. Reprinted. Industrial Carbon and Graphite, 1958.
58-58Recognition of Coal Lithotypes by Palynological Methods, by G. O. W. Kremp and N. O. Frederiksen.
58-59Cross Section of a Floodplain in a Moist Region of Moderate Relief, by L. H. Lattman. Reprinted. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 275-282.
58-60Size and Shape of Rock-Fragments in Tuscarora Scree, Fishing Creek, Lamar, Central Pennsylvania, by J. C. Griffiths.
58-61Underground Revolution, by Howard L. Hartman.
58-62Photomechanical Method of Frequency Analysis of Seismic Pulses, by B. F. Howell, A. B. Andrews, and R. E. Huber. Reprinted. Geophysics Vol. XXIV, No. 4, October, 1959.
58-63Coal Types-A Function of Swamp Environments, by G. O. Kremp, R. C. Neavel, and J. S. Starbuck. Reprinted.
58-64Pollen and Spores from the Lower Tertiary of North and South Dakota and Some Taxonomic Problems Concerning Their Designation, by G. O. W. Kremp and J. E. Gerhard.
58-65Recovery of Copper from Mine Leach Liquor by Cation Exchange, by Shiou-Chuan Sun and S. Rothschild. Reprinted. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, 1959, Vol. 18B, No. 7, pp. 290-294.
58-66Effect of Carbon Dioxide on the Melting of Granite and Feldspars, by P. J. Wyllie and O. F. Tuttle.
58-67Past, Present, and Future Foci of Bituminous Coal Strip Mining in Pennsylvania by, P. R. Griess and G. F. Deasy. Reprinted. Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, pages 108-114. Vol. XXXII, 1958.
58-68Some Graphic Aspects of Pennsylvania's Bituminous Coal Strip Pits, by G. F. Deasy and P. R. Griess. Reprinted. Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, pages 115-121, Vol. XXXII, 1958.
58-69Measurement of the Properties of Sediments, by J. C. Griffiths. Reprinted. The Journal of Geology, Vol, 69, No. 5, September 1961.
58-70Microscopic Cordierite in Fused Torrdonian Arkose, by P.J. Wyllie. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 44: (1959), pages 1039-1046.
58-72Zeolite Studies. I. Synthesis and Stability of Calcium Zeolites, by M. Koizumi and R. Roy. Reprinted. The Journal of Geology Vol. 68, No. 1, January 1960.
58-73Synthetic Montmorillonoids with Variable Exchange Capacity. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 44: (1959) pages 788-805.
58-75Internal Friction of Simple Alkali Silicate Glasses Containing Alkaline-Earth Oxides: I, Experimental Results, by R. J. Ryder and G. E. Rindone. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 43, [12] 662-669 (1960).
58-76Recruiting the Technical Graduate, by H. L. Hartman. Reprinted. Mechanization, May 1959.
58-77High Temperature Reactions of Clay Mineral Mixtures and Their Ceramic Properties: I, Kaolinite-Mica-Quartz Mixtures with 25 Weight % Quartz, by G. W. Brindley and S. Udagawa. Reprinted. Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 43, No. 2, February 1960.
58-78Role of Oxygen Pressure in the Crystallization and Differentiation of Basaltic Magma, by E. F. Osborn.
58-80Relative Acidities of Glasses Containing Al2O3 and TiO2 as Determined by the Oxygen Electrode, by G. E. Rindone, D. E. Day and R. Caporali. Reprinted. Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 43, No. 11, November 1960.
58-81Phase Equilibria and Manganese-Activated Fluorescence in the System Zn3(PO4)2-Mg3(PO4)2, by J. F. Sarver, F. L. Katnack, and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 106, No. 11, November 1959.
58-82An Optical Study of Talc-Tremolite Relations, by H. D. Wright. Reprinted. Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 43, No. 1, January 1960.
58-83The Effect of Formation Pressures on Sheet Structures -- A Possible Case of Al-Si Ordering, by M. S. Crowley and R. Roy.
58-84Molecular Sieves, by D. W. Breck and J. V. Smith. Reprinted. Scientific American, January 1959.
58-85Irradiation of Oxidation Products of a Bituminous Coal, by C. R. Kinney and H. L. Lovell.
58-86High Pressure Forms of BPO4 and BAsO4; Quartz Analogues, by F. Dachille and L. S. Dent. Reprinted. Acta Crystallographica, Vol. 12, Part 10, October 1959.
58-87Primary Mineralization of Uranium-Bearing "Siliceous Reef" Veins in the Boulder Batholith, Montana: Part I - The Host Rocks, by H. D. Wright and B. H. Bieler. Reprinted. Economic Geology, Vol. 55, No. 1, Part 1, January - February, 1960.
58-88Sources of Error in the X-Ray Determination of Quartz, by G. W. Brindley and S. Udagawa. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 42, No. 12, December 1959.
58-89Coal Strip Pits in the Northern Appalachian Landscape, by G. F. Deasy and P. R. Griess. Reprinted. The Journal of Geography, Volume LVIII, 1959.
58-90Location of Clay Deposits by Combined Self-Potential and Resistivity Surveys, by G. W. Gross. Reprinted. AIME Transactions (Mining), Vol. 217, 1960.
58-91The Electron Microscope in the Study of Minerals and Ceramics, by J. J. Comer. Reprinted. Symposium on Microscopy Special Technical Publication No. 257, published by the American Society for Testing Materials 1959.
58-92Evidence for Variable Long-range Order in Nearly Anhydrous Gamma Aluminia, by G. W. Brindley and N. Nakahira. Reprinted. Nature, Vol. 183, p. 1620 only, June 6, 1959.
58-93Concentrations of Ions at the Surfaces of Clays, by A. W. Taylor. Reprinted. The Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 42, No. 1. April, 1959.
58-95The System Ca₂SiO₄-Mn₂SiO₄, by F. P. Glasser.
58-96X-Ray Diffraction and Gravimetric Study of the Dehydration Reactions of Gibbsite, by G. W. Brindley and M. Nakahira. Reprinted.
58-97Cell Dimensions, Solid Solutions, Polymorphism, and Identification of Mullite and Sillimanite, by S. O. Agrell and J. V. Smith. Reprinted. The Journal of American Ceramic Society, Vol. 43, No. 2. February, 1960.
58-98Note on a Subsolidus Study of the System CaSiO₃-SrSiO₃, by D. A. Buckner and R. Roy. Reprinted. Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 43, No. 1. January, 1960.
58-99The Ag₂S and Ag₂Se Transitions as Geologic Thermometers, by R. Roy, A. J. Majumdar, and C. W. Hulbe. Reprinted. Economic Geology, Vol. 54, No.7, November, 1959.
58-100The Alkali Feldspars VI. Sanidine and Orthoclase Perthites from the Slieve Gullion Area, Northern Ireland, by C. H. Emuleus and J. V. Smith.
58-101Some Energy Relations in Solid State Reactions Involving Crystalline Phases of Variable Compositions, by A. Muan and W. C. Hahn, Jr. Reprinted. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 63, 1826 (1959).
58-102Phase Relations in the System Iron-Oxide--Cr₂O₃ in Air, by A. Muan and S. Somiya. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 43, [4] 204-209 (1960).
58-103Formation of Amorphous Solids and Characterization of their Structures by Energy Profiles, by W. A. Weyl and E. C. Marboe.
58-104Some Mechanical Properties of Glasses and Crystals as Affected by Changes in Chemical Binding Forces, by W. A. Weyl and E. C. Marboe. Reprinted. Glastechnische Berichte Sounderband V. International GlaskongreB 32 K (1959) Heft. VI, S. VI/1-VI/18.
58-105Mineral Regionalism of the Canadian Shield, by E. W. Miller.
58-106Neueruengen bei Schsctabteufverfahren in den USA (New Developments) in Shaftslinking Methods in the United States, by B. J. Kochanowksy.
58-109Studies in the System CAO-Al₂O₃-SiO₂-H₂O, II: The System CaSiO₃-H₂O, by D.A. Buckner, D. M. Roy, and R. Roy.
58-110Experimental Study of the Polymorphism of Agl, by A. J. Majumdar and R. Roy. Reprinted. The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 63, 1858, (1959).
58-111Low-Temperature Equilibria Among ZrO₂, ThO₂, and UO₂, by F. A. Mumpton. Reprinted. Journal of American Ceramic Society, Vol. 43, No. 5. May, 1960.
58-112Role of Trace Amounts of Uranium in Some Base Metal Sulfides from Vein Deposits, by H. D. Wright, C. M. Smith, and J. J. Hutta. Reprinted. Report of the International Geological Congress, XXI Session, Norden, 1960 Part XVI., Genetic Problems of Ores, Copenhagen 1960.
58-113Tunnelbohren in den USA, by B. J. Kochanowsky.
58-114An Empirical Study of Vertical Velocities in the Lower Stratosphere, by E. S. Epstein.
58-115World Patterns and Trends in Energy Consumption, by E. W. Miller. Reprinted. Journal of Geography, Vol. LVIII, No. 6, September 1959.
58-116Fuel Competition in Pennsylvania's Electric Generating Industry, by G. F. Deasy and P. R. Griess.
58-117High Pressure Studies of the System Mg2GeO4-Mg2SiO4 with Special Reference to the Olivine-Spinel Transition, by F. Dachille and R. Roy.
58-118Primary Mineralization of Uranium-Bearing "Siliceous Reef" Veins in the Boulder Batholith, Montana: Part II - The Veins, by B. H. Bieler and H. D. Wright. Reprinted. Economic Geology, Vol. 55, No. 2, March-April, 1960.
58-119Unusual Galena from the Boulder Batholith, Montana, by W. P. Shulhof and H. D. Wright. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 44: (1959) Pages 1096-1098.
58-120The Ductility of Plated Coatings, by H. J. Read and T. J. Whalen.
58-121Some Observations on the Geniculus in the Pollen of Quercus Prinoides, by E. A. Stanley and G. O. W. Kremp.
58-122Formosan Coal Preparation, by Shiou-Chuan Sun.
58-123The Use of Infra-red Absorption and Molar Refractivities to Check Coordination, by F. Dachille and R. Roy. Reprinted. "Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie", 111, 6, 1959.
58-124Determination of Lanthanum, Cerium, Praseodymium, and Neodymium as Major Components by X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy, by D. R. Maneval and H. L. Lovell. Reprinted. Analytical Chemistry, Volume 32, Number 10 Pages 1289-1292, September 1960.
58-125The System CaO-CO2-H2O and the Origin of Carbonatites, by P. J. Wyllie and O. F. Tuttle. Reprinted. Journal of Petrology, Volume 1, Number 1, February 1960.
58-126Phase Equilibria in the System Iron Oxide-Cr2O3-SiO2 in Air, by A. Muan and S. Somiya. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 43 [10] 531-541 (1960).
58-129Ceramic Research at Penn State. Part IV: Electronic Ceramics, by W. R. Buessem. Reprinted. The Pittsburgh Ceramist, 9 (10) 6-7 May, 1958.
58-130The System Gallium Trioxide-Silica (Ga2O3-SiO2), by F. P. Glasser. Reprinted. The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 63, 2085 (1959).
58-131Studies in Lithium Oxide Systems: VIII, Application of Silicate Liquid Immiscibility to Development of Opaque Glazes, by F. A. Hummel, T. Y. Tien, and K. H. Kim. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 43, No. 4, April 1960.
58-132Modal Analysis of Sediments, by J. C. Griffiths.
58-133Melting of Calcite in the Presence of Water, by P. J. Wyllie and O. F. Tuttle. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 44: (1959) Pages 453-459.
58-134Coal Characteristics and Their Relationship to Combustion Techniques, by T. S. Spicer.
58-135Chemistry of Igneous Rocks I. Differentiation Index, by C. P. Thornton and O. F. Tuttle.
58-136X-Ray Study of the Solid Solution of TiO2, Fe2O3, and Cr2O3 in Mullite (3Al2O3 2SiO2), by K. M. Murthy and F. A. Hummel. Reprint. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 43, No. 5, May 1960.
58-137Experimental Investigation of Silicate Systems Containing Two Volatile Components Part I. Geometrical Considerations, by P. J. Wyllie and O. F. Tuttle.
58-138Revised Equilibrium Diagram for the System Al2O3-SiO2, by S. Aramaki and R. Roy. Reprinted. Nature, Vol. 184, pp. 631-632, August 22, 1959.
58-139Burning Rate of an H-Atom Propellant, by H. B. Palmer. Reprinted. ARS Journal, May 1959.
58-140Une nouvelle methode detude de la chimie de letat solide et son application aux problems des industries des silicates, by W. A. Weyl.
58-141The Relation Between Height Patterns at 500 MB And 100 MB, by P. R. Julian, L. Krawitz and H. A. Panofsky.
58-142Deformation of the Geosynclinal Margin in the Northern Rocky Mountains, by R. Scholten.
59-1Determination of Trace Elements in Lignite Ashes, by R. L. O'Neil and N. H. Suhr. Reprinted. Applied Spectroscopy vol. 14, no. 2, 1960.
59-3Effect of Damping and Vibration Detector Position in Resonance Measurements, by J. A. Ryan. Reprinted. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 32, No. 3, 408-409, March 1960.
59-5The Mullite-Corundum Boundary in the Systems MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 and CaO-Al2O3-SiO2, by S. Aramaki and R. Roy. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 42, No. 12, December 1959.
59-6Melting of Portlandite in the System CaO-H2O, by P. J. Wyllie and O. F. Tuttle. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 42 [9] 448-449 (1959).
59-7Melting in the Earth's Crust, by P. J. Wyllie and O. F. Tuttle. Reprinted. Report of the International Geological Congress, XXI Session, Norden, 1960 Part XVIII., Structure of the Earth's Crust and Deformation of Rocks.
59-8Experimental Verification for the Magmatic Origin of Carbonatites, by P. J. Wyllie and O. F. Tuttle. Reprinted. Report of the International Geological Congress, XXI Session, Norden, 1960 Part XIII., Petrographic Provinces, Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks.
59-9Dielectric Constant and Electrical Resistivity of Natural-State Cores, by G. V. Keller and P. H. Licastro.
59-10Effect of Oxygen Pressure on Crystallization in Simplified Basalt Systems, by E. F. Osborn and P. L. Roeder. Reprinted. Report of the International Geological Congress, XXI Session, Norden, 1960 Part XIII., Petrographic Provinces, Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks.
59-11Ceramic Research at Penn State. Part VI: High Temperature Reactions of Ceramic Materials, by G. W. Brindley. Reprinted. Pittsburgh Ceramist.
59-12Stability Relations of Iron and Manganese Minerals: Phase Equilibria at Liquidus Temperatures in the System Iron Oxide-Manganese Oxide-Silica in Air, by A. Muan and S. Somiya. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 46: (1961) Pages 364-378.
59-13Hydrothermal Stability Studies of the Zircon-Thorite Group, by F. A. Mumpton and R. Roy.
59-14Moderne Masentransportmittel in den USA, by B. J. Kochanowsky. Reprinted. Forden Und Heben, Zeitschrift fur wirtschaftliche Transportgestaltun und Automation, 10. Jahrgang, Heft 2 / 1960.
59-15An X-Ray Fluorescence Method for the Quantitative Determination of Small Amounts of Montmorillonite in Kaolin Clays, by D. N. Hinckley and T. F. Bates.
59-16The Effect of Viscosity Ratio and Path Length in Miscible Displacement in Porous Media, by R. L. Slobod, E. J. Burcik and B. H. Cashdollar.
59-17Structural Changes During the Melting of Crystals and Glasses, by W. A. Weyl and E. C. Marboe.
59-18Isomorphism and Crystalline Solubility in the Garnet Family, by A. L. Gentile and R. Roy. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 45: (1960) Pages 701-711.
59-19Kurzbericht uber bemerkenswerte GroBbohrlochsprengungen in Tagebauen der Vereinigten Staaten, by B. J. Kochanowsky.
59-20Liquid Immiscibility in Silicate Systems, by F. P. Glasser, I. Warshaw and R. Roy. Reprinted. Physics and Chemistry of Glasses, Volume 1, Number 2, April 1960, Pp. 39-45.
59-21Electron-optical Data for Crystals of Scarbroite, by G. W. Brindley and J. J. Comer. Reprinted. Mineralogical Magazine, London, March 1960, Vol. 32, No. 248, pp. 363-365.
59-23Contact Metamorphism of Magnesian Limestones at Crestmore, California, by C. W. Burnham.
59-24High Temperature Mechanical Properties of Ceramic Materials: III Vitrified Chemical and Refractory Porcelains, by G. K. Dunsmore, J. E. Fenstermacher and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, Vol. 40, No. 5, May 15, 1961.
59-26Dilatometric and X-Ray Data for Lead Compounds, I, by J. F. Argyle and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 43, No. 9, September 1960.
59-27Marine and Fresh Water Fossiliferous Beds in the Pottsville and Allegheny Groups of Western Pennsylvania, by E. G. Williams. Reprinted. Journal of Paleontology, Vol. 34, No. 5, 1960.
59-29Electron Microscope Studies of Mullite Development in Fired Kaolinites, by J. J. Comer. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 43, No. 7, July 1960.
59-30Competitive Capabilities of Pennsylvania's Electric Generating Plants in the Coming Atomic Era, by G. F. Deasy and P. R. Griess. Reprinted. Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, pages 134-148, Vol. XXXIII, 1959.
59-31Progress Report on the Atlas of Pennsylvania Coal and Coal Mining, by P. R. Griess and G. F. Deasy. Reprinted. Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, pages 125-133, Vol. XXXIII, 1959.
59-32Studies in Lithium Oxide Systems: IX, Li2O-Al2O3-TiO2, by K. H. Kim and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 43, No. 12, December 1960.
59-33Zone Leveling of Boron into Zone-Melted Iron, by B. F. Oliver and A. J. Shaler. Reprinted. Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of AIME, Vol. 218, No. 2, pp. 194-196 April 1960.
59-34Experimental Investigation of Silicate Systems Containing Two Volatile Components. Part II. The Effects of NH3 and HF, in Addition to H2O on the Melting Temperatures of Albite and Granite, by P. J. Wyllie and O. F. Tuttle.
59-36Evaluation of the Amount and Distribution of Montmorillonite in Some Georgia and South Carolina Kaolins, by D. N. Kinckley and T. F. Bates. Reprinted. "Eighth National Conference on Clays and Clay Minerals" Pergamom Press 1960.
59-37Dielectric Behavior of Rocks and Minerals, by B. F. Howell, Jr. and P. H. Licastro.
59-38X-ray Precession Photography at Temperatures Up to 1300˚C, by J. V. Smith and W. L. Brown. Reprinted. "Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie", 115, 1/2, 1961.
59-40Classification and a Scheme for the Identification of Layer Silicates, by C. M. Warshaw and R. Roy.
59-41Bituminous Coal Consumption, by W. G. Jaworek and J. J. Schanz, Jr. Reprinted. Coal Age, May 1960.
59-42Adsorption of Non-ionic Aliphatic Molecules From Aqueous Solutions on Montmorrilonite. Clay-Organic Studies II, by R. W. Hoffman and G. W. Brindley.
59-44The Elastic Modulus and Internal Friction of Electrodeposited Copper, by H. J. Read and A. H. Graham.
59-45Crushing of Anthracite for the Reduction of Domestic to Steam Sizes, by P. D. Rao, H. B. Charmbury and D. R. Mitchell. Reprinted. AIME Transactions, volume 220, 1961.
59-46The Diabatic Wind Profile, by H. A. Panofsky, A. K. Blackadar and G. E. McVehil.
59-47A Survey of Wind Characteristics Below 1500 FT, by A. K. Blackadar.
59-48Changes Effected in Layer Silicates by Heating Below 550˚C, by C. M. Warshaw, P. E. Rosenberg and R. Roy. Reprinted. Clay Minerals Bulletin, Vol. 4, No. 23, 1960.
59-49The System Iron Oxide-TiO2-SiO2 in Air, by J. B. MacChesney and A. Muan. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 43 [11] 586-591 (1960).
59-50Stability Relations of Iron Oxides: Phase Equilibria in the System Fe3O4-Fe2O3 at Oxygen Pressures up to 45 Atmospheres, by B. Phillips and A. Muan. Reprinted. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 64, 1451 (1960).
59-52High Temperature Mechanical Properties of Ceramic Materials: IV, Sintered Mullite Bodies, by J. E. Fenstermacher and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 44, No. 6, June 1961.
59-53Solid-Solid and Solid-Vapor Reactions and a New Phase in the System Mn-O, by C. Klingsberg and R. Roy. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 43, No. 12, December 1960.
59-54A Spectrum of Vertical Velocity Near the Surface, by H. A. Panofsky and R. A. McCormick.
59-55Preliminary Results on the Aggregation of Ice Crystals, by R. E. Hallgren and C. L. Hosler. Reprinted. Monograph No. 5, American Geophysical Union, 1960.
59-56Frequency Distributions in Accessory Mineral Analysis, by J. C. Griffiths. Reprinted. The Journal of Geology, Vol. 68, No. 4, July 1960.
59-58Relationship Between the Stratigraphy and Petrography of Pottsville Sandstones and the Occurrence of High-Alumina Mercer Clay, by E. G. Williams. Reprinted. Economic Geology, Vol. 55, 1960.
59-59High-Pressure Phase Transformations in Laboratory Mechanical Mixers and Mortars, by F. Dachile and R. Roy. Reprinted. Nature, Vol. 186, No. 4718, pp. 34 and 71, April 2, 1960.
59-60Stability Relations of Calcium Ferrites: Phase Equilibria in the System 2CaO·Fe2O3-FeO·Fe2O3-Fe2O3 Above 1135˚C, by B. Phillips and A. Muan. Reprinted. Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of AIME, Vol. 218, No. 6, pp. 1112-1118 Dec. 1960.
59-61Terrain Damages Resulting From Bituminous Coal Stripping in Pennsylvania, by G. F. Deasy and P. R. Griess. Reprinted. Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, pages 124-130.Vol. XXXIV, 1960.
59-62Factors Influencing Distribution of Steam-Electric Generating Plants, by G. F. Deasy and P. R. Griess. Reprinted. The Professional Geographer, Volume XII, May 1960, Number 3.
59-63BTU's for Electricity in Pennsylvania, by P. R. Griess and G. F. Deasy. Reprinted. Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, pages 136-139. Vol. XXXIV, 1960.
59-65Alpha to Beta Transition in Germania Quartz and a Pressure-Temperature Diagram for GeO2, by J. F. Sarver and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 43, No. 6, June 1960.
59-66High Temperature Reactions of Clay Mineral Mixtures and Their Ceramic Properties: II, Reactions of Kaolinite-Mica-Quartz Mixtures Compared with the K2O-Al2O3-SiO2 Equilibrium Diagram, by G. W. Brindley and D. M. Maroney. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 43, No. 10. October 1960.
59-67A New Method for "Ferrous Iron" and "Excess Oxygen" in Rocks, Minerals and Oxides, by C. O. Ingamells.
59-69Analytical Accuracy in Gas Chromatography Using Thermal Conductivity Detectors, by A. Weinstein. Reprinted. Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 32, Page 288, February 1960.
59-70Characteristics of Coal Preparation Plant Slurries, by H. B. Charmbury and D. R. Mitchell.
59-71Cleaning Fine Coal With the Circular Concentrator Table, by H. B. Charmbury. Preprint. Blast Furnace, Coke Oven and Raw Materials Conference, April 4-6, 1960, Chicago, Illinois.
59-72Comeback of the Silica Brick Industry, by H. B. Charmbury and H. L. Lovell.
59-74Isomorphous Substitution and Infrared Spectra of the Layer Lattice Silicates, by V. Stubican and R. Roy. Reprint. American Mineralogist, 46: 32-51 (1961).
59-75Bituminous Coal - Source of Organic Fertilizer?, by H. B. Charmbury and T. S. Polansky. Reprinted. Mechanization Magazine, January 1960.
59-76The Alcohol Slug Process for Increasing Oil Recovery, by C. Gatlin and R. L. Slobod. Reprinted. Petroleum Transactions, Volume 219, 1960.
59-77Research on Methods for Improving Oil Recovery From Pennsylvania Oil Fields, by R. L. Slobod.
59-78Population and Functional Changes of Villages in Western Pennsylvania, by E. W. Miller. Reprinted. The Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine, Volume 43, Number 1.
59-79The System CdO-H2O, by L. S. Dent Glasser and R. Roy.
59-80The System NaAlSiO4 (Nepheline) - NaAlSi3O8 (Albite) -H2O, by P. Saha. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 46: (1961).
59-81A Thermodynamic Approach to Chemical Kinetics, by M. Garfinkle.
59-82Results of Treating Iron With Sodium Sulfite to Remove Copper, by A. Simkovich and R. W. Lindsay.
59-83Etude Systematique Des Reactions A Haute Temperature Dans Les Argiles. Relations Avec Les Proprietes Ceramiques, by G. W. Brindley and M. Udagawa.
59-84Nouveau Concept Sur Les Reactions De Passage: Kaolinite → Mullite, by G. W. Brindley and M. Nakahira.
59-85Automatically Operated Balanced Filters for a Counter Diffractometer, by H. A. McKinstry and M. A. Short.
59-86The Crystal Structure of Spurrite, Ca5(SiO4)2CO3. II. Description of Structure, by J. V. Smith. Reprinted. Acta Crystallographica, Vol. 13, Part 6, June 1960.
59-87Infrared Studies of Some Complexes Between Ketones and Calcium Montmorrilonite. Clay-Organic Studies. Part III, by L. G. Tensmeyer, R. W. Hoffmann and G. W. Brindley. Reprinted. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 64, 1655 (1960).
59-88Observations on Cation Exchange in Some Manganese Minerals by Electrodialysis, by B. L. Sreenivas and R. Roy. Reprinted. Economic Geology, Vol. 56, 1961, pp. 198-203.
59-89Portable Crusher for Open Pit and Quarry Operations, by B. J. Kochanowsky.
59-90Influence of "Displacive-Shearing" Stresses on the Kinetics of Reconstructive Transformations Effected by Pressure in the Range 0-100,000 Bars, by F. Dachille and R. Roy. Reprinted. J. H. De Boer et al. (Editors) Reactivity of Solids Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on the Reactivity of Solids Amsterdam, 1960.
59-91Detection and Correction of Nonlinearity in X-Ray Proportional Counters, by M. A. Short. Reprinted. The Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 31, No. 6, 618-620, June 1960.
59-92Zeolite Studies III: On Natural Phillipsite, Gismondite, Harmotome, Chabazite, and Gmelinite, by H. Hoss and R. Roy.
59-93The Effect of Cooling on the Recrystallization of Magnetite, by F. J. Lecznar and H. B. Charmbury.
59-94The Tensile Properties of Type 410 Stainless Steel Deformed Before and After Martensite Transformation, by Y. Hosoi and K. E. Pinnow. Preprint. Forty-Second Annual Convention of the American Society for Metals, Philadelphia, October 17-21, 1960.
59-95Conditions of Glass Formation Among Simple Compounds, by W. A. Weyl and E. C. Marboe. Reprinted. The Glass Industry, August, September, October, November, December, 1960, and January, February, March and April, 1961.
59-96The Occlusion of Hydrogen by Annealed Hypoeutectoid Iron-Carbon Alloys, by M. Kotyk and H. M. Davis. Preprint. Forty-Second Annual Convention of the American Society for Metals, Philadelphia, October 17-21, 1960.
59-97On the Mechanism of Occlusion of Hydrogen by Cold-Worked Hypoeutectoid Iron-Carbon Alloys, by J. E. Werner and H. M. Davis. Preprint. Forty-Second Annual Convention of the American Society for Metals, Philadelphia, October 17-21, 1960.
59-98Metastable Liquid Immiscibility and Subsolidus Nucleation, by R. Roy. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 43, No. 12, December 1960.
59-99Hydrothermal Melting of Shales, by P. J. Wyllie and O. F. Tuttle. Reprinted. Geological Magazine, Vol. XCVIII, No. 1, January - February, 1961, pp. 56-66.
59-100Morphologic Classification of Sponge spicules, With Descriptions of Siliceous Spicules from the Lower Ordovician Bellefonte Dolomite in Central Pennsylvania, by P. E. Butler.
59-101High Temperature Energy Relations in the Alkali Borates: Binary Alkali Borate Compounds and Their Glasses, by G. S. Smith and G. E. Rindone. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 44, No. 2, February, 1961.
59-102High Pressure-High Temperature Polymorphism of the Oxides of Lead, by W. B. White, F. Dachille and R. Roy. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 44, No. 4, April, 1961.
59-103Outlook for Pennsylvania Bituminous Coal Production, by J. J. Schanz.
59-104Chlorine Inhibition of Carbon Monoxide Flames, by H. B. Palmer and D. J. Seery.
59-105The Influence of Secondary Atmospheric Moisture upon Carbon Monoxide Flames, by D. J. Seery and H. B. Palmer.
59-106The Rate of Decomposition of Nitrosyl Chloride in Shock Waves, by B. Deklau and H. B. Palmer. Reprinted. Eighth Symposium (International) on Combustion, The Williams & Wilkins Company, Baltimore 2, Md. 1962.
59-107The Industrial Geography of the Port of Genova, by A. L. Rodges.
59-109Correlation of Elemental Analysis and Phase Identification as Viewed by a Mineralogist, by J. V. Smith. Reprinted. Symposium on Identification of Water-Formed Deposits Special Technical Publication No. 256 Published by the American Society for Testing Materials 1959.
59-110Activity Measurements in Oxide Solid Solutions: The Systems NiO-MgO and NiO-MnO in the Temperature Interval 1100-1300˚C, by W. C. Hahn, Jr. and A. Muan. Reprinted. International Journal of the Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol. 19, Nos. 3/4, pp. 338-348.
59-111Linear Topography in the Southwestern Palouse, Washington-Oregon, by P. F. Lewis. Reprinted. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol. 50, June, 1960, No. 2, pages 98-111.
59-113Phase Equilibria at Liquidus Temperatures in the System Iron Oxide-Titanium Oxide at Low Oxygen Pressures, by J. B. MacChesney and A. Muan. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 46: (1961) Pages 572-582.
59-114The Aggregation of Small Ice Crystals, by C. L. Hosler and R. E. Hallgren. Offprinted. Discussions of The Faraday Society, 1960, No. 30.
59-115Sedimentation and Tectonism in the Thrust Belt of Southwestern Montana and East-Central Idaho, by R. Scholten. Reprinted. Wyoming Geological Association Guidebook Fifteenth Annual Field Conference - 1960.
59-116Polymorphism and Subsolidus Equilibria in the System GeO2-TiO2, by J. F. Sarver.
59-117Internal Friction of Progressively Crystallized Glasses, by D. E. Day and G. E. Rindone. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 44, No. 4, April, 1961.
59-118The Damping of Vibratory Motion by Soap Films, by E. J . Burcik and R. C. Newman. Reprinted. The Journal of Colloid Science, Volume 15, No. 4, August 1960.
59-119High Temperature Reactions of Clay Mineral Mixtures and Their Ceramic Properties: III, Shrinkage and Porosity in Relation to Initial Mineralogy, by G. W. Brindley, D. M. Maroney and S. Udagawa. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 44, No. 1. January, 1961.
59-120Use of Graded Viscosity Zone to Reduce Fingering in Miscible Phase Displacements, by R. L. Slobod and S. J. Lestz. Reprinted. Producers Monthly, Vol. XXIV, No. 10, Pages 12-19 August 1960.
59-122An Alternative Derivation of the Diabatic Wind Profile, by H. A. Panofsky.
59-123Tensile Properties of Copper-Bearing Low Carbon Steel, by G. W. Bush and R. W. Lindsay.
59-123, 2nd copyTensile Properties of Copper-Bearing Low Carbon Steel, by G. W. Bush and R. W. Lindsay. Preprint. Forty-First Annual Convention of the American Society for Metals, Chicago, November 2-6, 1959.
60-1The Reaction Series Gibbite→CHI Alumina→Kappa Alumina→Corundum, by G. W. Brindley and J. O. Choe. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 46, : (1961), pages 771-785.
60-2Aged Determination by X-Ray Fluorescence Rubidium-Strontium Ration Measurement in Lepidolite., by L. F. Herzog. Reprinted. Science, July 29, 1960, Vol. 132, No. 3422, pages 293-295.
60-3Relationships Between Reservoir Petrography and Reservoir Behavior of Some Applachain Oil Sands, by J. C. Griffiths.
60-5The Preparation of Fluorescent Germania, by J. F. Sarver and F. A. Hummels. Reprinted. Journal of Electrochemical Society, Vol. 108, No. 2, February, 1961.
60-6A New Interpretation of the Aging of Aluminum Hydroxide Gel, by E. C. Marboe and S. Bentur.
60-7A New Approach to Assignment of Infra-Red Absorption Bands in Layer-Silicates, V. Stubican and R. Roy.
60-8Studies in the System Li₂O-Al₂O₃-Fe₂O₃-H₂O, by D. W. Strickler and R. Roy. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 44, No. 5, May, 1961.
60-9Phase Diagrams for Alkali Feldspars, by J. V. Smith. Reprinted. Report of the International Geological Congress, XXI Session, Norden, 1960, Part XXI.
60-10Atomic, Chemical, and Physical Factors that Control the Stability of Alkali Feldspars ,by J. V. Smith.
60-11Analysis of Fracture Trace Pattern of Adak and Kagalaska Islands, Alaska, by H. Lattman and A. V. Segovia.
60-12Strip Pits and the Sanitary Landfill Processes, by G. F. Deasy and P. R. Griess. Reprinted. Mineral Industries, November, 1960, Vol. 30, Number 2.
60-13Paper III-S9. Crystalline Solubility and Zeolitic Behavior in Garnet Phases in the System CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2, by B. M. Roy and R. Roy.
60-14Discriminating Between Refractory and Non-refractory quartzite by Quantitative Petrography, by G. V. Wood. Reprinted. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, December 1961.
60-15Infrared Extinction Coefficients of Ketones Adsorbed on Ca-Montmorillonite in Relation to Surface Coverage. Clay Organic Studies. Part IV, by R. W. Hoffman and G. W. Brindley. Reprinted. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 65, 443 (1961).
60-16Melting Relations of Magnesium Oxide-Iron Mixtures in Air by B. Phillips, S. Somiya, and A. Muan. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 44 [4] 167-169 (1961).
60-17The Intensity of X-Ray Scattering From Non-Crystalline Material, by H. A. McKinstry and M. A. Short. Reprinted. "Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie", 114, 3/4, 1960.
60-18Short - Period Variations in Freezing - Nucleus Concentration, by C. L. Hosler and M. C. Richmond.
60-19Ice Crystal Aggregation, by C. L. Hosler and R. E. Hallgren.
60-20Internal Friction of Simple Alkali Silicate Glasses Containing Alkaline-Earth Oxides: II, Interpretation and Discussion, by R. J. Ryder and G. E. Rindone. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 44, No. 11, November 1961.
60-21On the Antiquity of "Sedimentation" and Hydrology (With Some Moral Conclusions), by P. D. Krynine.
60-22Climatic Fluctuations in the Great Basin 1931-56, by F. L. Wernstedt. Reprinted. Journal of Range Management, Volume 13, Number 4, July, 1960.
60-23Chilling Behavior of a Roll-Type Cast Iron, by K. E. Pinnow and R. W. Lindsay.
60-24Absorption of Seismic Waves in Rock, by B. F. Howell, Jr.
60-25The Metallurgical Aspects of Hydrogen Embrittlement in Metal Finishing, by H. J. Read.
60-26Identification of Clay Minerals by Single Crystal Electron Diffraction, by G. W. Brindley, C. De Kimpe. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 46: (1961) Pages 1005-1016.
60-27Relationships of General Structure to Gold Mineralization in the Kilo Area (Central Africa), by R. Woodtli. Reprinted. Economic Geology, Vol. 56, 1961, pp. 584-591.
60-28Gold Impregnation Deposits in the Moto Area (Central Africa), by R. Woodtli. Reprinted. Economic Geology, Vol. 56, 1961, pp. 603-607.
60-29Developments and Research in the Sawing of Slate, by F. D. Hoyt and H. L. Hartman.
60-30Pressure Changes at Splits and Junctions in Mine Ventilation Circuits, by H. L. Hartman.
60-32Adsorption of Ethylene Glycol and Glycerol by Montmorillontie, by R. W. Hoffman and G. W. Brindley. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 46: (1961) Pages 450-452.
60-34Studies in Lithium Oxide Systems: X, Lithium Phosphate Compounds, by T. Y. Tien and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 44, No. 5, May, 1961.
60-35Analyses of Identical Samples by More Than One Laboratory, by L. F. Herzog. Reprinted. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 91, Article 2, Pages 207-220, April 3, 1961.
60-36Studies in Lithium Oxide Systems: XI, Li2O-B2O3-P2O5, by T. Y. Tien and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 44, No. 8, August, 1961.
60-37Crystallographie - Analyses des profils des bandes de diffraction bidimensionelle dans la montorillonite. Influence des cations echangeables. J. Longuet-Escard, J. Mering and G. W. Brindley.
60-38High Pressure Polymorphism of Manganous Fluoride, by L. M. Azzaria and F. Dachille. Reprinted. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 65, 889, (1961).
60-41Behavior of Sulfur Under Magmatic and Hydrothermal Conditions and Its Effect on S32/S34 Ratios, by J. D. Ridge. Reprinted.
60-42A Structural Explanation of Polymorphism and Transitions of MgSiO₃l, by W. L. Brown, N. Morimoto, and J. V. Smith. Reprinted The Journal of Geology, Vol. 69, No. 5., September 1961.
60-43Hornblende-Cummingtonite Intergrowths, by B. Asklund, W. L. Brown, and J. V. Smith.
60-44The System Iron Oxide-Manganese Oxide in Air, by A. Muan and S. Somiya.
60-45The System SiO₂-P₂O₅, by T. Y. Tien and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 45, No. 9. September 1962.
60-46Orientation and Packing of Aliphatic Chain Molecules on Montmorillonite. Clay Organic Studies-VI, by G. W. Brindley and R. W. Hoffman. Reprinted. Clay and Clay Minerals, Vol. 9, 1962.
60-47Hydrogen Sorption on Graphite at Elevated Temperatures, by J. P. Redmond and P.L. Waker, Jr. Reprinted. Journal of Physical Chemistry , 64, 1093 (1960).
60-49Fuel Interchangeability---Measuring its Extent in U. S. Energy Markets, by W. G. Jaworek and J. J. Schanz Jr.
60-50Ionic Coordination in Alumniosilicic Gels in Relation to Clay Mineral Formation, by C. De Kimpe, M. C. Gastuche, and G. W. Brindley. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 46: (1961).
60-51Halloysite and Gibbsite Formation in Hawaii, by T. F. Bates. Reprinted. Clay and Clay Minerals, Vol. 9. (1962).
60-52Phase Equilibria in the System CaO-SiO₂-H₂O, by D.M. Roy and R. I. Harker. Reprinted. Fourth International Symposium on Chemistry of Cement, Vol. I., pp. 196-201.
60-53Coal and Coal Seam Composition as Related to Preparation and Carbonization, by W. Spackman, W. F. Berry, R. R. Dutcher, and A. H. Brisse. Reprinted. Regional Technical Meetings of American Iron and Steel Institute (1960).
60-54Borehole Geophysical Methods for Analyzing Specific Capacity of Multiplayer Wells, by G. D. Bennett and E. P. Pattern, Jr.
60-55How Jigs Solve a Coal Problem by, H. B. Charmbury. Reprinted.
60-57Activity Measurements in Oxide Solid Solutions: The Systems "FeO"-MgO in the Temperature Interval 1100° to 1300°C, by W.C. Hahn, Jr. and A. Muan. Reprinted. Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of AIME . Vol. 224, No. 3, pp. 416-420, June 1962.
60-60Quantitative Determination of Kaolinite By X-Ray Diffraction, by G. W. Brindley and S. S. Kurtossy. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 46: (1961) pages, 1205-1215.
60-61Gem Stones and Allied Materials, by R. H. Jahns. Reprinted. Industrial Minerals and Rocks, The American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, January 1960.
60-62Factors Influencing Thickness of the Earth's Crust, by B. F. Howell, Jr. and R. A. Woodtli.
60-63Attempted Low-Temperature Syntheses of Kaolin Minerals, by G. W. Brindley and C. DeKimpe. Reprinted. Nature, Vol. 190, No. 4772, p. 254 only, April 15, 1961.
60-64Scale Analysis of Atmospheric Turbulence at 2M, by H. A. Panofsky.
60-65Properties of Molded Ceylon Natural Graphite, by F. Rusinko, Jr. and P. L. Walker, Jr. Reprinted. Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Carbon. Pergamon Press, Oxford-London-New York-Paris, 1960.
60-66Proton Retention in Heated 1:1 Clays Studied by Infrared Spectroscopy, Weight Loss and Deuterium Uptake, by V. Stubican and R. Roy. Reprinted. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 65, 1348 (1961).
60-67Infrared Spectra of Layer-Structure Silicates, by V. Stubican and R. Roy. Reprinted. Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 44, No. 12. December, 1961.
60-68The Kaolinite-Mullite Reaction Series: IV, The Coordination of Aluminum. G. W. Brindley and H. A. McKinstry. Reprinted. Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 44, No. 10. October, 1961.
60-69Hypothesis for the Mechanism of Rock Failure Under Impact, by M. M. Singh and H. L. Hartman.
60-70Stress Distribution Beneath a Wedge-Shaped Drill-Bit Loaded Statically, by S. Tandanand and H. L. Hartman. Reprinted. International Symposium on Mining Research, Vol. II, Pergamon Press, New York-Oxford-London-Paris, 1962.
60-71Phase Equilibria and Tin-activated Luminescence in Strontium Orthophosphate Systems, by J. F. Sarver, F. A. Hummel and M. V. Hoffman. Reprinted. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 108, No. 12, December, 1961.
60-72Coal Paleobotany, by W. Spackman. Reprinted. McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 1960, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., Coal paleobotany, 239.
60-73Apparent Relation Between Elastic Modulus and Transverse Modulus of Rupture, by J. E. Fenstermacher and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 44, No. 6, June 1961.
60-74Cordierite-Indialite; A New Manganese-Activated Phosphor, by F. A. Hummel. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 108, No. 8, August 1961.
60-75Earth, by B. F. Howell, Jr. Reprinted. McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 1960, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.
60-76The System MgO-CO2-H2O at High Pressures and Temperatures, by L. S. Walter, P. J. Wyllie and O. F. Tuttle. Reprinted. Journal of Petrology, Volume 3, Number 1, February 1962.
60-77Crystallographic and Physical Changes of Some Carbons Upon Oxidation and Heat Treatment, by W. V. Kotlensky and P. L. Walker, Jr. Reprinted. "Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Carbon" Pergamon Press, Oxford-London-New York-Paris, 1960.
60-78Adsorption Phenomena and Their Effects on Analytical Accuracy in Gas Chromatography, by A. Weinstein. Reprinted. Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 33, Page 18, January 1961.
60-79High Pressure Phenomena, by F. Dachille and R. Roy. Reprinted. McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 1960, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.
60-80Effects of Ultrahigh Pressures on Glass, by H. M. Cohen and R. Roy. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 44, No. 10, October 1961.
60-81Effects of High Pressure on Glass: A Possible Piezometer for the 100-Kilbar Region, by R. Roy and H. N. Cohen. Reprinted. Nature, Vol. 190, No. 4778, pp. 798-799, May 27, 1961.
60-82The Preparation and Properties of Synthetic Clay Minerals, by R. Roy.
60-83Geophysics, by B. F. Howell, Jr. Reprinted. McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 1960, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.
60-84Stripped and Breaker-Waste Lands of the Anthracite Region, by G. F. Deasy and P. R. Griess. Reprinted. Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, pages 129-136, Vol. XXXV, 1961.
60-85Some Specific Potential Tourist Sites in the Anthracite Region, by P. R. Griess and G. F. Deasy. Reprinted. Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, pages 212-220, Vol. XXXV, 1961.
60-86An Atomistic Explanation of the Phase Relations in the Alkali-Silica Systems, by W. A. Weyl. Reprinted. Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute Bulletin, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp 57-72 (1961).
60-87Crystal Chemistry of Pyrochlore, by E. Aleshin and R. Roy. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 45, No. 1, January, 1962.
60-88Crystal Orientation as Influenced by Platinum Nucleation, by G. E. Rindone. Reprinted. Symposium on Nucleation and Crystallization in Glasses and Melts, edited by M. K. Reser, G. Smith, and H. Insley, The American Ceramic Society, 1962. 123 pp.
60-89Nephelinization in the Haliburton-Bancroft District, Ontario, Canada, by J. Gittins. Reprinted. The Journal of Geology, Vol. 69, No. 3, May 1961.
60-90Phase Equilibria in a Part of the System "FeO"-MnO-SiO2, by P. V. Riboud and A. Muan. Reprinted. Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of AIME, Vol. 224, No. 1, pp. 27-33, Feb. 1962.
60-91Electrolytic Micromachining of Iron Whisker Surfaces, by B. C. Banerjee and P. L. Walker, Jr. Reprinted. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 108, No. 3, March 1961.
60-92Polymorphism of the Rare Earth Sesquioxides, by I. Warshaw and R. Roy. Reprinted. The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 65, 2048 (1961).
60-94Geological Significance of Fracture Traces, by L. H. Lattman and R. H. Matzke. Reprinted. Photogrammetric Engineering, June 1961.
60-95A "New" Crucible Material for Study of Iron Silicates, by A. Muan. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 44, No. 6, June 1961.
60-96Phase Equilibria as a Guide in Refractory Technology, by A. Muan and E. F. Osborn. Reprinted. The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, 41, [7] 450-455 (1962).
60-97Thermal-Expansion Measurements from Nonindexed High-Temperature X-Ray Powder Patterns, by I. Warshaw and R. Roy. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 44, No. 8, August, 1961.
60-98Changing Patterns in the Mineral Economy of the United States, 1939-1954, by E. W. Miller. Reprinted. The Professional Geographer, Volume XIII, May 1961, Number 3.
60-100Stability Relations of Magnesium Metasilicate Polymorphs, by J. F. Sarver and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 45, No. 4, April, 1962.
60-101The Ternary System CaO-MnO-SiO2, by F. P. Glasser. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 45 [5] 242-249 (1962).
60-102High Temperature X-ray Studies on the Polymorphism of MgSiO3, by W. L. Brown and J. V. Smith. Reprinted. "Zietschrift fur Kristallographie", 118, 3/4, 1963.
60-103Further Studies of the Crystallization of a Lithium Silicate Glass, by G. E. Rindone. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 45, No. 1, January, 1962.
60-104Effects of Interrupted Quenching Procedures on Properties of Type 410 Stainless Steel, by J. Bressanelli and J. Hoke.
60-106Dependence on Temperature of the Distribution of Cations in Oxide Spinels, by R. K. Datta and R. Roy. Reprinted. Nature, Vol. 191, No. 4784, pp. 169-170, July 8, 1961.
60-107Electron Microscopy of Minerals, by T. F. Bates. Reprinted. The Encyclopedia of Microscopy, Edited by George L. Clark, 1961, Reinhold Publishing Corporation.
60-108Permeability and Compressibility Tests Aid in Selecting Suitable Hydraulic Fill Materials, by D. G. Mickle and H. L. Hartman. Reprinted. Mining Engineering, November 1961.
60-109The Changing Market for Metals, by J. F. McDivitt.
60-110The Threat of Soviet Oil, by J. F. McDivitt.
60-112Compatibility of Hydrated Sodium Metasilicate Glasses with Inorganic and Organic Compounds, by E. F. Bertaut. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 45, No. 2, February, 1962.
60-113Mineral Raw Materials for European Industry, by J. F. McDivitt.
60-114On the Mechanism of Cathodic Crystal Growth Processes, by B. C. Banerjee and P. L. Walker, Jr. Reprinted. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 108, No. 5, May, 1961.
60-114AOn the Mechanism of Cathodic Crystal Growth Processes, by B. C. Banerjee and P. L. Walker, Jr. Reprinted. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 108, No. 12, May, 1961.
60-115Thermodynamic Properties of Pd-Fe Alloys in the Temperature Range 1200-1460˚C, by E. Aukrust and A. Muan. Reprinted. Acta Metallurgica, Vol. 10, pp. 555-560.
60-116Silver-Palladium Alloys as a Crucible Material in Studies of Low-Melting Iron Silicates, by A. Muan. Reprinted.The American Ceramic Society Bulletin, 42 [6] 344-347 (1963).
60-117Phase Equilibria and the Crystallization of Glass, by R. Roy. Reprinted. Symposium on Nucleation and Crystallization in Glasses and Melts, edited by M. K. Reser, G. Smith, and H. Insley, The American Ceramic Society, 1962. 123 pp.
60-118Phase Equilibria in the System MgO-FeO-Fe2O3 in Temperature Range 1400˚ to 1800˚C, by B. Phillips and A. Muan. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 45 [12] 588-591 (1962).
60-120Trace Elements in Igneous Rocks, Northwestern and Central Arizona, by G. W. Putman and C. W. Burnham.
60-121Crystal Structures with a Chabazite Framework. I. Dehydrated Ca-Chabazite, by J. V. Smith. Reprinted. Acta Crystallographica, Vol. 15, Part 9, September 1962.
60-122Bond Dissociation Energies in Small Hydrocarbon Molecules, by B. E. Knox and H. B. Palmer. Reprinted. Chemical Reviews, Volume 61, June, 1961.
60-123A Method for Determining the Solubility of Water in Silicate Melts, by C. W. Burnham and R. H. Jahns.
60-125Revised Phase Diagram for the System Al2O3-SiO2, by S. Aramaki and R. Roy. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 45, No. 5, May, 1962.
60-126The Effect of Fast Neutrons and Gamma Radiation during the Low Temperature Carbonization of Bituminous Coals, by J. A. Hammond and P. L. Walker, Jr. Reprinted. Fuel: A Journal of Fuel Science, Volume XL, May 1961.
60-127The Uses and Abuses of Bond Energies, by B. E. Knox and H. B. Palmer. Reprinted. Journal of Chemical Education, Vol. 38, Page 292, June, 1961.
60-128Tilt Your Drill -- Improve Efficiency, by B. J. Kochanowsky.
60-129Influence of Pressure and Strain in the Polymorphism of Ca2SiO4, by R. Roy. Reprinted. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on the Chemistry of Cement.
61-1Dichotomous Keys to the Koppen System, by Pierces F. Lewis. Reprinted. The Professional Geographer, Vo. XIII, September 1961, Number 5.
61-2Activities of Iron in Iron-Platinum Alloys at 1300°C, by R. W. Taylor and Arnulf Muan. Reprinted. Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of AIME, Vol. 224, No. 3, pp.500-502, June 1962
61-3Mechanisms of Mineral Zoning, by H. L. Barnes. Reprinted Economic Geology, Vol. 57, 1962, pp. 30-37.
61-4Spectrochemical Analysis of Rocks, Minerals and Related Materials, by Oiva I. Joensuu and Normal. H. Suhr. Reprinted. Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 16, No. 3, No. 62.
61-5The Sulphurizing Action of Hydrogen and Sulphide on Coke, by T.S. Polansky, E. C. Knapp, and C. R. Kinney. Reprinted. Journal of Institute of Fuel, June, 1961.
61-6Experimental Determination of X-ray Compton Scattering from Carbon Blacks and other Non-Crystalline Materials, by M. A. Short. Reprinted. Acta Crystallographica, Vol. 14, Part 5, May 1961.
61-7Some Kinetics of the Carbonization of Benzene, Acetylene, and Diacetylene at 1200°, by R. S. Slysh and C. R. Kinney. Reprinted. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 65, 1044 (1961).
61-8The Effect of Mobility Ratio and Vertical Fractures on the Sweep Efficiency of a Five-Spot, by J. H. Hartsock and R. L. Slobod.
61-9The Radiation Chemistry of Bituminous Coals in Various Atmospheres by A. Weinstein, F. Rusinko, Jr. and P. L. Walker, Jr. Reprinted. Fuel, A Journal of Fuel Science. Vol. XL, July, 1961.
61-10Data on the Fugacity of CO₂ in Mixtures of CO₂ and H₂O, by L. S. Walter.
61-11Ozonization of Chattanooga Uraniferous Black Shale, by C. R. Kinney and J. T. Leonard. Reprinted. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, Vol. 6 No. 3, July, 1961.
61-12Amine Flotation of Pennsylvania White Residual Clays, by Shiou Chuan Sun and S. M. Cohen.
61-13The System Manganese Oxide-Alumina in Air, by T. Ranganathan, B. E. Mackean, and Arnulf Muan. Reprinted. Journal of American Ceramic Society, 45 [6], 279-281 (1962).
61-14A New Polymorph of AL₂O₃SIO₅ and Further Studies in the System AL₂O₃-SIO₂H₂O, by Shiego Armaki and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 48: pages 1322-1347 (1963).
61-15The Vertical Distribution of Wind and Turbulent Exchange in a Neutral Atmopshere, by Alfred K. Blackadar.
61-16Crystal Structure with a Chabazite Framework II. Hydrated Ca-Chabazite at Room Temperature, by J. V. Smith and F. Rinaldi and L. S. Dent Glasser. Reprinted. Acta. Crystallographica, Vol. 16, Part 1, January 1963.
61-17Contact Surface Tailoring in Chemical Shock Tube, by Howard B. Palmer and Bruce E. Knox. ARS Journal, June 1961.
61-18A New Method for the Separation of Strontium From Rubidium for Rb-Sr Isotope Dilution Analysis, by W. G Dueser.
61-19The Budget of Turbulent Energy in the Lowest 100 Meters, by A. H. Panofsky.
61-20The Reaction Series, Gibbsite→Chi→Alumina→Kappa Alumina→Corundum. II, by G. W. Brindley.
61-21Modification of the Alcohol Slug Process for Application to the Bradford Reservoir, by R. L. Slobod and R. E. McDonald, Jr. Reprinted. Producers Monthly, Vol. 26, No. 1, pages 3-6. Jan. 1962.
61-22Determining Ventilation Requirements for Continuous Miners, by Howard L. Hartman.
61-23Facies and Types of Hydrothermal Alteration, by C. Wayne Burnham.
61-24Summary of the Natural Graphite Industry with Notes on Recent Trends, by John J. Schanz, Jr., and A. B. T. Werner. Reprinted. Transactions of SME, Vol. 223, No. 4, December 1962.
61-25The Shock Tube as a Tool in Fuel and Combustion Research, by Howard B. Palmer. Reprinted. Journal of The Institute of Fuel, September, 1961.
61-26The Application of Experimental Data to Metamorphic Reactions, by P. J. Wyllie.
61-27Effects of the Changes in Slope Occurring on Liquidus and Solidus Paths in the System Diopside-Anorthite-Albite, by Peter J. Wyllie.
61-28Melting Relations of CaO- Manganese Oxide and MgO-Manganese Oxide Mixtures in Air, by P. V. Riboud and Arnulf Muan. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 46, [1] 33-36 (1963).
61-29The Reaction of Bituminous Coals with Ammonia in the Presence of Radiation, by A. Weinstein and P. L. Walker, Jr. Reprinted Fuel, A Journal of Fuel Science, Vol. XL, September, 1961.
61-30Rubidium-Strontium Age Determination of Muscovites and Biotites from Pegmatites of the Blue Ridge and Piedmont , by W. G. Deuser and L. F. Herzog.
61-31Experimental Studies in Bowen's Decarbonation Series: I: P-T Univariant Equilibria of the "Monticellite" and "Akermanite" Reactions, by L. S. Walter.
61-32Structure-Controlled Reactions in Kaolinite-Disapore-Boehmite Clays, by R. J. Bratton and G. W. Brindley. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 45, No. 11. November, 1962.
61-33Properties of of Soda Aluminosilicate Glasses, : I, Refractive Index, Density, Molar Refractivity, and Infrared Absorption Spectre,by Delbert E. Day and Guy E. Rindone. Reprinted. American Ceramic Society, Vol. 45, No. 10. October, 1962.
61-34Crystallographic Aspects of Some Decomposition and Recrystallization Reactions, by G. W. Brindley. Reprinted. "Progress in Ceramic Science, Volume 3" Pergamon Press, Oxford-London-New York-Paris, 1963.
61-35Alumina Extraction from a Pennsylvania Diaspore Clay by an Ammonium Sulfate Process, by J. W. Fetterman and Shiou-Chuan Sun. Reprinted. Extractive Metallurgy of Aluminum Interscience Publishers, New York (1963).
61-36Influence of Neutron Irradiation on First-Order Displacive Transitions in Quartz and Cristobality, by Rustum Roy and C. P. Buhsmer. Reprinted. Journal of Applied Physics: 36, 331 (1965).
61-37The Analysis of 10-14 to 10-5 CC STP Noble Gas Samples by Mass Spectrometry, by L. F. Herzog, T. J. Eskew and R. L. Erwin. Reprinted. "1961 Transactions of the Eighth Vacuum Symposium and Second International Congress" Pergamon Press, Oxford-London-New York-Paris, 1962.
61-38Evaluation of the Reliability of Fluid Flow Models for Areal Sweepout Studies, by Robert L. Slobod and Duane A. Crawford.
61-39Chemical Causes of Zoning of Sulfide Minerals, by H. L. Barnes.
61-40Chemistry of Ore Transport in Epithermal and Telethermal Deposits, by H. L. Barnes.
61-41Melting Phenomena in the System CaO-SiO2-H2O: 1, The Join Ca2SiO4-Ca(OH)2, by R. I. Harker, D. M. Roy and O. F. Tuttle. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 45, No. 10. October, 1962.
61-42The System CaF2-Ca(OH), by J. Gittins and O. F. Tuttle.
61-43Effect of Transverse Diffusion on Fingering in Miscible-Phase Displacement, by R. L. Slobod and R. A. Thomas.
61-44Modal Analyses of three Quartzites and their Textural Implications, by G. V. Wood and J. C. Griffiths. Reprinted. The Journal of Geology, Vol. 71, No. 4, July 1963.
61-45Interpretation of Transient Strain Pulses Recorded in Rock Under Impact of a Chisel-Shaped Bit, by Madan M. Singh and Howard L. Hartman.
61-46Studies in Lithium Oxide Systems: X11, Li2O-B2O3-Al2O3, by K. H. Kim and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 45, No. 10. October, 1962.
61-47Controlled Synthesis of Heteropolytypic (Mixed-Layer) Clay Minerals, by J. T. Iiyama and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. "Clays and Clay Minerals" Volume X, Pergamon Press, Oxford-London-New York-Paris, 1963.
61-48Dilatometer and X-ray Data for Zinc Compounds. I by Pu-Yi Wen, J. J. Brown and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. "Transactions of the British Ceramic Society," Vol. 63, No. 9, pp. 501-508 September, 1964.
61-49Relationship Between Volume and Axes of some Quartzite Pebbles from the Olean Conglomerate, Rock City, New York, by J. C. Griffiths and C. M. Smith.
61-50Activated Carbon from Anthracite, by Masayuki Kawahata and P. L. Walker, Jr. Reprinted. Proceedings of the Anthracite Conference, Bull. 75, Mineral Industries Experiment Station, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa., September, 1961.
61-51The Application of an Improved Steam Distillation Apparatus to the Determination of Fluoride in Rocks and Minerals, by C. O. Ingamells.
61-52Determination of Major and Minor Alkalies in Silicates by Differential Flame Spectrophotometry, by C. O. Ingamells.
61-53Effectiveness of Shearing Stresses in Accelerating Solid Phase Reactions at Low Temperatures and High Pressures, by Frank Dachille and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. The Journal of Geology, Vol. 72, No. 2, March 1964.
61-54Quantitative Determination of Carbon Suboxide by Gas Chromatography, by Thomas J. Hirt and Howard B. Palmer. Reprinted. Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 34, Page 164, January 1962.
61-55Some Techniques for Investigating the Unsteady-State Molecular Flow of Gas through a Microporous Medium, by E. T. Nelson and P. L. Walker, Jr. Reprinted. Journal of Applied Chemistry, 1961, 11, pp. 358-364.
61-56Some Experimental Difficulties Encountered in the Application of X-Ray Diffractometer Measurements to the Matrix method of R. Diamond for the Determination of Crystallite Size Distributions in Turbostratic Carbons, by H. A. McKinstry and M. A. Short. Reprinted. "Proceedings of the Fifth Carbon Conference" Volume II, Pergamon Press, Oxford-London-New York-Paris, 1963.
61-57Acid Leaching of Uranium from some South Dakota Lignites, by Shiou-Chuan Sun & J. W. Fetterman.
61-58Liquid Immiscibility in the system BaO-SiO2, by J. F. Argyle & F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. Physics and Chemistry of Glasses, Volume 4, Number 3, June 1963, pp. 103-105.
61-59Mineralogical Studies of Kaolinite-Halloysite Clays: Part I. Identification Problems, by G. W. Brindley, Persio de Souza Santos, and Helena de Souza. Reprinted. The American Mineralogist, Vol. 48, July-August, 1963.
61-60Boron Substitution in Synthetic Micas and Clays, by V. Stubican and R. Roy. Reprinted. The American Mineralogist, Vol. 47, September-October , 1962.
61-61Properties of Soda Aluminosilicate Glasses: II, Internal Friction by, Delbert E. Day and Guy E. Rindone. Reprinted. Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 45, No. 10 October 1962.
61-62Dilatometric and X-Ray Data for Lead Compounds, II, by J. F. Argyle and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 46, No. 1, January, 1963.
61-63Experimental Studies on Bowen's Decarbonation Series: II: P-T Univarian Equilibria of the Reaction: Forsterite + Calcite + Monticellite + Periclase + CO₂, by L. S. Walter. Reprinted. American Journal of Science, Vol. 261, October 1963, P. 773-779
61-64Subsolidus Equilibria and Luminescence Data on Phases in the System MGO-GeO₂-SiO₂-TiO₂, by J. F. Sarber and F. A. Hummel. Reprinted. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. Vol. 110, No.7, July 1963.
61-65A New Family of Rare Earth Compounds, by I. Warshaw and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. Inorganic Chemistry, 1, 719 (1962).
61-66Thermal Decomposition Kinetics of Carbon Suboxide, by H. B. Palmer and T. J. Hirt. Reprinted. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 84, 113, (1962).
61-67The Petrology of Picritic Rocks in Minor Intrusions-A Picrite Sill on the Island of Soay (Hebrides), by P. J. Wyllie and H. I. Drever.
61-68Distribution of Trace Elements between Clays and Zeolites Formed by Hydrothermal and Alteration of Synthetic Basalts, by D. B. Hawkins and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica ACTA, Journal of the Geochemical Society, Vol. 27, pp.785 to 795.
61-69Effects of HIgh Pressure on Glass, by R. Roy and H. M. Cohen. Reprinted. 'The Physics and Chemistry of High Pressure.
61-69AReply to "Comments on 'Effects of Ultrahigh Pressures on Glass' ", by H. M. Cohen and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. Journal of American Ceramic Society, Vol 45, No. 8, August, 1962.
61-70Interaction of Evaporated Carbon Films with Nickel, by B. C. Banerjee and P. L. Walker, Jr. Reprinted. Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 33, No. 1, 229-230, January, 1962.
61-71Pyrolytic Carbon Formation From Carbon Suboxide, by B. C. Banerjee, T.J. Hirt, and P. L. Walker, Jr. Reprinted. Nature, Vol. 192, No. 4801, pp. 450-451. November 4, 1961.
61-73Apparent Densities and Internal Surface Areas of Selected Carbon Blacks, by P. L. Walker, Jr. and W. V. Kotlensky.
61-74Regional Differences in Some Chemical and Physical Properties of Pennsylvania Anthracite Industry, by George F. Deasy and Phyllis R. Griess. Reprinted. Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, pages 237-246. Vol. XXXVI, 1962.
61-75Some Regional Differences in the Decline of Pennsylvania's Anthracite Industry and their Implications in Area Redevelopment, by Phyllis R. Griess and George F. Deasy. Reprinted. Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences, pages 247-254, Vol. XXXVI, 1962.
61-76Carbonatitic Lavas, by P. J. Wyllie and O. F. Tuttle. Reprinted. Nature, Vol 194, No. 4835, p. 1269 only, June 30, 1962.
61-77Modifications of Opposed Anvil Devices, by F . Dachille and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. 'The Physics and Chemistry of High Pressures'.
61-78Changing Patterns of Fuel Production and Consumption in the European Coal and Steel Community Countries, by E. Willard Miller. Reprinted. Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, pages 205-211, Vol. XXXV, 1961.
61-79Quantitative Studies of High-Temperature Reactions of Quartz-Kaolinite-Feldspar Mixtures, by G. W. Brindley and Rojald M. Ougland. Reprinted. Trans. British Ceramic Society, Vol. 61, 1962.
61-80Examination of Electrodeposits by Low-Voltage X-Ray Radiography, by Harold J. Read and William A. Nystrom.
61-81Phase Transitions in LiAl₅O₈, by R. K. Datta and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. Journal of American Ceramic Society, Vol. 46, No. 8. August, 1963.
61-82Relationship Between Sulfur in Coals and the Occurrence of Marine Roof Beds, by E. G. Williams and M. L. Keith. Reprinted. Economic Geology, Vol. 58, 1963, pp. 720-729.
61-83The Effects of Addition Agents on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Electrodeposits, by Harold J. Read.
61-84An Investigation of Hard-Metal Inserts for Cutting Slate, by Ivan F. Jackson and Howard L. Hartman.
61-85Geophysical Surveys in the Triassic Basin, North Chester County, Pennsylvania--A Progress Report, by C. Crowe, R. Ghaffar-Adly, and J. C. Shank. Reprinted. Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, pages 225-231, Vol. XXXVI, 1962.
61-86Investigation of the Dynamic Failure By High-Speed Photography, by Sathit Tandanand and Howard L. Hartman. Reprinted. "Proceedings of the Fifth Rock Mechanics Symposium" 1963.
61-87Effect of Initial pH, Phosphate, and Silicate on the determination of Aluminum with Aluminon, by Pa Ho Hsu. Reprinted. Soil Science, Vol. 96, No. 4, October 1963.
61-88The System InAs-GaAs, by H. J. Van Hook and E. S. Lenker.
61-89Suggested Volcanic-Syngenetic Origin for Certain European Massive Sulfite Deposits, by John D. Ridge. Reprinted. Transactions of SME, March 1963; AIME Trans., Vol. 226, 1963.
61-90Physical Chemistry of Steelplant Refractories, by E. F. Osborn and Arnulf Muan. Reprinted. Electric Furnace Steelmaking, Vol. II, pp 215-281, 1963.
61-91An unusual Beryl from Arizona, by Waldemar T. Schaller, Rollin E. Stevens and Richard H. Jahns. Reprinted. American Mineralogist, 47: (1962), Pages 672-699.
61-92Electron-Optical Studies of the Kaolinite-Mullite Transformation, by J. J. Comer and R. S. Tishler.
61-93Kinetics of Vapor-Phase Hydration of Magnesium Oxide, by George K. Layden and G. W. Brindley. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 46, No. 11. November, 1963.
61-95Electrolytic Synthesis of Kaolinite Under Hydrothermal Conditions, by Daniel B. Hawkins and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. The Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 45, No. 10. October, 1962.
61-96Experimental hydrothermal studies on rock alteration and clay mineral formation, by D. B. Hawkins and Rustum Roy. Reprinted. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1963, Vol. 27, pp. 1047 to 1054.
61-97Crater geometry relations in percussive drilling, by H. L. Hartman.
61-98Devonian System from shelf edge to Geosyncline, Southwestern Montana-Central Idaho, by Robert Scholten and Mortimer H. Hait, Jr. Reprinted. Billings Geological Society, Thirteenth Annual Field Conference Guidebook, 1962.
61-99Electron Microscopic Investigations on the Structure and Topography of Electrodeposited Nickel, by B. C. Banerjee and P. L. Walker, Jr.
61-100The Impact of Materials Science on Universities, by Maurice E. Bell. Reprinted. Journal of Metals, May 1962.
61-101Properties of Soda Aluminosilicate Glasses: III, Coordination of Aluminum Ions by, Delbert E. Day and Guy E. Rindone. Reprinted. Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Vol. 45, No. 12. December, 1962.
61-102Crystal Chemistry in Research on Ionic Solids, by Rustum Roy.
61-103The Characteristics of Modern Organic Sediments and Their Use in the Identification, Description, and Interpretation of Carbonasceous Rocks and Rock Sequences, by W. Spackman and C. P. Dolsen.
61-104Secondary Mineralization in Wind Cave. South Dakota, by William B. White and George H. Deike.
61-105Layered Pegmatite-Aplite Intrusives, by Richard H. Jahns and O. Frank Tuttle
61-106Oxygen Isotope Studies on Origin of Tektites, by Hugh P. Taylor, Jr. and Samuel Epstein. Reprinted. Journal of Geophysical Research Vol. 67, No. 11, October, 1962.
61-107Chemical Effect on X-Ray Spectra, by Eugene W. White and Herbert A. McKinstry.
61-108Fahbare Brecher Fur Tagebau-und Steinbruchsbertiebe, by Dr. Boris Kochanowsky.
61-109Some Factors Influencing Blasting Efficiency, by Boris J. Kochanowsky. Reprinted. "Mining Research" 1961.
61-110Inclined Drilling and Blasting, by Dr. B. J. Kachanowsky. Reprinted. Mining Congress Journal, November, 1961.
61-111High-Pressure Sheelite-Structure Polymorphs of Rare-Earth Vanadates and Arsenates, by V. S. Stubican and Rustum Roy.
61-112The Latest Developments in Open-Work Mining in USA, by Dr. B. J. Kochanowsky.
61-113Theory and Practice of Inclined Drilling for Surface Mining, by Dr. B. J. Kochanowsky. Reprinted. Pit and Quarry. April, 1961.
61-114Inclined Drilling, by Dr. B. J. Kochanowsky. Reprinted. 14th Annual Convention of National Crushed Stone Assoc., pp. 32-49, Jan. 1961.
61-115Theory and Practice of Inclined Drilling for Surface Mining, by Dr. Boris J. Kochanowsky.
61-116Crystal Chemistry of Rare-Earth Sesquioxides, Aluminates and Silicates, by Israel Warshaw and Rustum Roy.
63-55Glass Formation in Carbonate Systems,by R. K. Datta, D. M. Roy, S. P. Faile, and O. F. Tuttle. Reprinted. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 47, No. 3, March, 1964.
63-56Magnetic Studies on Adsorption of Gases, I. Instrumentation of Dual Purpose Magnetic Susceptibility and Adsorption Balance, by L. N. Mulay and L. K. Keys. Reprinted. Official Digest, Vol. 37, No. 485, pages 617-625. June 1965.
63-57Electrical Resistance Measurements of Kaolinite and Serpentine Powders During Dehydroxylation, by M. Nakahira. Reprinted. Clays and Clay Minerals, Proceedings of the National Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, September/October, 1963.
63-58Kinetics and Mechanisms of Dehydration and Recrystallization of Serpentine--II, Spectrum of Activation Energies for Recrystallization, by G. W. Brindley and Ryozo Hayami. Reprinted. Clays and Clay Minerals, Proceedings of the 12th National Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, September/ October, 1963.
63-59Tridymite-Cristobalite Relations and Stable Solid Solutions, by D. M. Roy and Rustum Roy.
63-60Geology and Mineralogy of the Sedimentary Kaolins of the Southeastern United States--A Review, by Thomas F. Bates. Reprinted. Clays and Clay Minerals, Proceedings of the 12th National Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, September/ October, 1963.