EMS Bulletins

The Bulletins present accounts of original research and frequently are not limited to the presentation of the results of a single research project, but may contain a number of research papers on related topics. They were issued by the Earth and Mineral Sciences Experiment Station from 1922 to 1974.

Bulletin NumberTitle
Bulletins from EMSL Experiment Station 1922-1974
Bull. 1An Investigation of the Properties of Smithing Coals, by H.J. Sloman. 1922.
Bull. 2Petrography of the Mica Peridotite Dike at Dixonville, Pennsylvania, by Arthur P. Honess and Charles K. Graeber. 1926.
Bull. 3The Theory of Crystal Etching and Its Significance in the Classification of Crystals, by Arthur P. Honess. 1921.
Bull. 4The Helderberg Group from Central Pennsylvania to Southwestern Virginia, by Frank McKim Swartz. 1929.
Bull. 5Bentonite in Pennsylvania, by C. A. Bonine and Arthur P. Honess. 1929.
Bull. 6Production Data on Appalachian Oil Fields, by Clark F. Barb and Paul G. Shelley. 1930.
Bull. 7The Ceramic Industries of Pennsylvania, by Joseph B. Shaw. 1930.
Bull. 8Oil-Field Waters of Pennsylvania, by Clark F. Barb. 1931.
Bull. 9Proceedings of the First Petroleum and Natural Gas Conference, held at The Pennsylvania State College, Oct. 24-25, 1930.
Bull. 10A Method for Determining the Effective Porosity of a Reservoir-Rock, by Kenneth B. Barnes. 1931.
Bull. 11Proceedings of the Second Petroleum and Natural Gas Conference, held at The Pennsylvania State College, May 20-21, 1932.
Bull. 12Proceedings of the Third Pennsylvania Mineral Industries Conference, Petroleum and Natural Gas Section, held at The Pennsylvania State College, May 5-6, 1933.
Bull. 13The Geography of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, an Industrial Center, by Raymond E. Murphy. 1934.
Bull. 14Proceedings of the Third Pennsylvania Mineral Industries Conference, Ceramics Section, in cooperation with the Pittsburgh Section of the American Ceramic Society, held at the Pennsylvania State College, Oct. 20-21, 1933.
Bull. 15Proceedings of the Third Pennsylvania Mineral Industries Conference, Coal Section, held at the Pennsylvania State College, Nov. 10-11, 1933.
Bull. 16Proceedings of the Spring Meeting, American Petroleum Institute, Division of Production, Eastern District, held at The Pennsylvania State College, April 6-7 1934.
Bull. 17The Economic Geography of York, Pennsylvania, A City of Diversified Industries, by Raymond E. Murphy. 1935.
Bull. 18Proceedings of the Fourth Pennsylvania Mineral Industries Conference, Metallurgy Section, Pennsylvania Interchapter Meeting of the American Society for Metals, held at the Pennsylvania State College, May 4-5, 1934.
Bull. 19Proceedings of the Fifth Pennsylvania Mineral Industries Conference, Petroleum and Natural Gas Section, held at The Pennsylvania State College, April 26-27, 1935.
Bull. 20Proceedings of the Sixth Pennsylvania Mineral Industries Conference, Petroleum and Natural Gas Section, in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Natural Gas Men's Association, held at The Pennsylvania State College, April 24-25, 1936.
Bull. 21Proceedings of the Seventh Pennsylvania Mineral Industries Conference, Petroleum and Natural Gas Section, in cooperation with The Pennsylvania Natural Gas Men's Association, held at The Pennsylvania State College, April 30-May 1, 1937.
Bull. 22Determination of the Minimum Temperature of Sustained Combustion of Solid Fuels, by H.W. Nelson, O.P. Brysch and J.H. Lum. 1938.
Bull. 23The Chemistry of the Petrographic Constituents of Bituminous Coal, Part 1. Studies on Fusain, by Walter Fuchs, A.W. Gauger, C.C. Hsiao and C.C. Wright. 1938.
Bull. 24Petrology of the Bradford Sand of the Kane District, by Allen W. Waldo. 1938.
Bull. 25Proceedings of the Eight Pennsylvania Mineral Industries Conference, Petroleum and Natural Gas Section, in cooperation with The Pennsylvania Natural Gas Men's Association, The Pennsylvania Grade Crude Oil Association, The Bradford District Pennsylvania Oil Producer's Association, held at the Pennsylvania State College, May 27-28, 1938.
Bull. 26Hydrogenation of the Petrographic Constituents of Pittsburgh Seam Coal, by C.C. Wright and George C. Sprunk. 1939.
Bull. 27Problems and Trends in the Mineral Industries of Pennsylvania, by W.M. Myers. 1939.
Bull. 28Hydrogenation of the Petrographic Constituents of High Splint Seam Coal, by C.C. Wright and George C. Sprunk. 1939.
Bull. 29Petrology and Genesis of the Third Bradford Sand, by P.D. Krynine. 1940.
Bull. 30Proceedings of the Ninth Pennsylvania Mineral Industries Conference, Petroleum and Natural Gas Section, in cooperation with The Pennsylvania Grade Crude Oil Association, The Bradford District Pennsylvania Oil Producer's Association, held at The Pennsylvania State College, April 26-27, 1940.
Bull. 31The Resistance of Anthracite to Mechanical and Thermal Shock, by C.C. Wright, L.L. Newman, and A.W. Gauger.
Bull. 32Test Results on the Use of Anthracite in Heavy-Oil Water-Gas Operations at the Pottsville Gas Works, by L.L. Newman, C.C. Wright, and A.W. Gauger, 1941.
Bull. 33Proceedings of the Tenth Pennsylvania Mineral Industries Conference, Petroleum and Natural Gas Section, in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Natural Gas Men's Association, The Pennsylvania Grade Crude Oil Association, The Bradford District Pennsylvania Oil Producer's Association, held at The Pennsylvania State College, May 2-3, 1941.
Bull. 34Studies Concerning the Pressure Developed During the Carbonization of Coal, by Walter Fuchs, A.G. Sandhoff, J.A. Taylor and A.W. Gauger. 1941.
Bull. 35The Performance of a Completely Automatic Domestic Bituminous Coal Stoker In Laboratory and Home Installation Tests, by T.S. Spicer, J.M. Pilcher, C.C. Wright and A.W. Gauger. 1942.
Bull. 36Test Results in the Use of Anthracite in Gas-Oil Water-Gas Operations at the Carlisle Gas Works, by L.L. Newman, C.C. Wright and A.W. Gauger. 1942.
Bull. 37Heating Domestic Service Water with Bituminous Coal, by T.S. Spicer, F.F. Dennis, and C.C. Wright. 1943.
Bull. 38Tenth Anniversary of the Bradford District Research Group Program at the Pennsylvania State College. 1943.
Bull. 39Proceedings of the Eighth Technical Conference on Petroleum Production. 1944.
Bull. 40Progress in Research for Biennium 1943-45. 1945.
Bull. 41Ninth Technical Conference on Petroleum Production. Nov. 2-3, 1945.
Bull. 42Proceedings of a Housing and Heating Conference. 1945.
Bull. 43Geology and Economic Aspects of the More Important High-Calcium Limestone Deposits in Pennsylvania, by F.M. Swain, in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Railroad. 1946.
Bull. 44Preparation of Humic Acids from Bituminous Coal and Their Separation From Mineral Matter and Fusain by Solvent Treatment, by T.S. Polansky, C.R. Kinney, and A.W. Gauger. 1946.
Bull. 45Tenth Technical Conference on Petroleum Production. November 1-2, 1946.
Bull. 46Progress in Research for Biennium 1945-47. 1947.
Bull. 47Properties and New Uses of Pennsylvania Slate. 1947.
Bull. 48Eleventh Technical Conference on Petroleum Production. Oct. 31-Nov. 1, 1947.
Bull. 49Petrographic Characteristics, Plastic and Carbonizing Properties of Chilean Cols, by A.W. Gauger and Americo Albala. 1948.
Bull. 50More Profit in Mechanical Mining Through Studies of Loading and Gathering Performance, by A.W. Bitner and D.R. Mitchell. 1948.
Bull. 51The Domestic Mining Industry of the United States in World War II, by John Davis Morgan, Jr. 1949.
Bull. 52Twelfth Technical Conference on Petroleum Production. Oct. 14-16, 1948.
Bull. 53Progress in Research for Biennium 1947-49. 1949.
Bull. 54Thirteenth Technical Conference on Petroleum Production/a. 1949.
Bull. 55Progress in Research for Biennium 1949-1951.
Bull. 5614th Technical Conference on Petroleum Production. 1951.
Bull. 57A New Approach to Surface Chemistry and to Heterogeneous Catalysis, by W.A. Weyl. 1951.
Bull. 58Industrial Studies of Pennsylvania Slate Production. 1951.
Bull. 5915th Technical Conference on Petroleum Production. Oct. 24-26, 1951.
Bull. 6016th Technical Conference on Petroleum Production. Oct. 22-24, 1952.
Bull. 61Progress in Research, Biennium 1951-1953. June 1953.
Bull. 6217th Technical Conference on Petroleum Production Oct. 28-30, 1953.
Bull. 63Natural Gas Pipeline deposits by L.T. Bissey and J.F. Villarreal. 1954.
Bull. 6418th Technical Conference on Petroleum Production, Oct. 6, 7, and 8. 1954.
Bull. 65The Selection and Design of Refractory Ignition Arches for Single Retort Stokers, by T.S. Spicer and R.J. Grace. 1955.
Bull. 66What's New in the Pennsylvania Slate Industry, by Frank Dalburg Hoyt. 1956.
Bull. 67Progress in Research for Biennium 1953-1955.
Bull. 6819th Technical Conference on Petroleum Production Nov. 16-18, 1955.
Bull. 69Historical Statistics of Pennsylvania's Mineral Industries, 1759-1955. [errata] 1957.
Bull. 70Proceedings of the Anthracite Conference Oct. 18-19. 1956.
Bull. 71Commercial Possibilities of Some Ordovician Limestones in Franklin County, Pennsylvania, by Frank M. Swartz and R.R. Thompson
; Method for Determining Non-ignited Acid Insoluble Residue of Carbonate Rocks, by Richard R. Thompson;
Potential Tonnages of the Center Iron Sandstone in Perry County, Pennsylvania, by Frank M. Swartz and H. J. Hambleton;
An Investigation of Beneficiation of Iron-Bearing Sandstone by H.L. Lovell and J.W. Leonard.
Correlation of the Pottsville and Lower Allegheny Series in Parts of Clearfield and Center Counties
, by E.G. Williams and R.P. Nickelsen. July 1958.
Bull. 72Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Drilling Symposium. Theme: Exploration Drilling, Oct. 8-10, 1959. Edited by H.L. Hartman. March 1960.
Bull. 73Atlas of Pennsylvania Coal and Coal Mining: Part I, Bituminous Coal. G.F. Deasy and P.R. Griess. December 1959.
Bull. 74The Use and Interchangeability of Fuels in Pennsylvania, by W.G. Jaworek and J.J. Schanz. 1960.
Bull. 75Proceedings of the Anthracite Conference, Nov. 15-16, 1960. 1961.
Bull. 76Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Rock Mechanics, March 30-April 1, 1961.
Bull. 77Mineral Conservation Series—Flood Plain Sediments of Halfmoon Creek, Pennsylvania, by Alan A. Adler and Laurence H. Lattman; Commercial Possibilities of Some Cambrian and Ordovician Limestones and Dolomites in Blair and Centre Counties, Pennsylvania, by Richard R. Thompson; Application of Statistical Methods in Prospecting for High–Alumina Clay, by E.C. Williams and J.C. Griffiths. 1961.
Bull. 78The Effect of Present Depreciation Allowances on the United States Steel Industry, by H.F. Fatzinger. 1962.
Bull. 79Historical Statistics of Pennsylvania's Mineral Industries, 1956-1960, by J.J. Schanz, Jr. 1963. [errata]
Bull. 80Mineral Conservation Series—Atlas of Pennsylvania Coal and Coal Mining: Part II, Anthracite, by G.F. Deasy and P.R. Griess. 1963.
Bull. 81General Information Retrieval Program for Geological, Geophysical, and Geochemical Data, by J.N. Weber and P. Deines. 1964.
Bull. 82Trace Metals in Stream Sediment Southeastern Pennsylvania, by M.L. Keith, E.F. Cruft and E.G. Dahlberg. 1967.
Bull. 83Gaseous Equilibria in Portions of the System C-H-O-S. David H. Speidel and Emerson F. Heald.
Bull. 84Historical Statistics of Pennsylvania's Mineral Industries 1961-1965. J.J. Schanz, Jr. 1967. [errata]
Bull. 85Studies of Phase Equilibria in the Systems: CaO-MgO-Al2O3-TiO2-SiO2. E.F. Osborn, K.H. Gee, A. Maun, P.L. Roeder, G.C. Ulmer, 969.
Bull. 86Trace Metals in Stream Sediment of Southeastern Pennsylvania
Bull. 87Historical Statistics of Pennsylvania's Mineral Industries 1966-1970
Bull. 88Temperature - Oxygen Fugacity Tables for Selected Gas Mixtures in the System C-H-O at One Atmosphere Total Pressure