Coal Research Board Special Research Reports

Special Research Reports were prepared for the Pennsylvania Coal Research Board and issued from 1957 - 1993. (TP325.P45)  Prior to publication, reports on research related to these projects appeared in "Report of Research on Pennsylvania's Coal Resources. Working Reports and Interim Progress Reports." 1957-1972.

Special Research prepared for the Pennsylvania Coal Research Board, issued from 1957 - 1993. (TP325.P45)

NumberTitle, Author, Year
SR-1The Crushing of Anthracite, by Herbert Beecher Chambury. 1957.
SR-2Petrographic Composition and Sulfur Content of a Column of Pittsburg Seam Coal, by Russell Richardson Dutche. 1958.
SR-3The Thermal Decrepitation of Anthracite, by Eric Thompson Nelson. 1958.
SR-4The Crushing of Anthracite with a Jaw Crusher, by Pemmasani Dharma Rao. 1958.
SR-5Reactions of a Bituminous Coal with Sulfuric Acid, by Corliss Robert Kinney. 1959.
SR-6Laboratory Studies on the Grindability of Anthracite and Other Coals, by Coal Reserve Board. 1959.
SR-7Coal Characteristics and Their Relationship to Combustion Techniques, by Theodore Sprang Spicer. 1959.
SR-8The Crushing of Anthracite with an Impactor-Type Crusher, by Pemmasani Dharma Rao. 1959.
SR-9The Ignitability of Bituminous Coal (A Resume of a Literature Survey), by Clement Seymour Finney. 1959.
SR-10Effect of Gamma Radiation and Oxygen at Ambient Temperatures on the Subsequent Plasticity of Bituminous Coal, by Frank Rusinko. 1959.
SR-11Properties and Reactions Exhibited by Anthracite Lithotypes Under Termal Stress, by Mason Walsh, Jr. 1959.
SR-12Removal of Mineral Matter from Anthracite by Chlorination at High Temperatures, by George Romero Imperial. 1959.
SR-13Radiation Stability of a Coal Tar Pitch, by Anton Roeger. 1959.
SR-14The Effect of Nuclear Reactor Irradiation During Low Temperature Carbonization of Bituminous Coals, by J.A. Hammond. 1959.
SR-15Effect of Anthracite and Gamma Radiation at Ambient Temperature on the Subsequent Plasticity of Bituminous Coals, by Frank Rusinko. 1959.
SR-16The Isothermal Kinetics of Volatile Matter Release from Anthracite, by Jean Worall. 1959.
SR-17The Combustion of Dust Clouds: A Survey of the Literature, by Daniel James Seery. 1959.
SR-18The Ignitability of Bituminous Coal, by Clement Seymour Finney. 1960.
SR-19Changes in Coal Sulfur During Carbonization, by Richard A. Anderson. 1960.
SR-20The Radiation Chemistry of Coal in Various Atmospheres, by Allan Weinstein. 1960.
SR-21Reaction of Bituminous Coal with Concentrated Sulfuric Acid, by M.P. Thomas. 1960.
SR-22The Nature and Occurrence of Ash-Forming Minerals in Anthracite, by William Spackman. 1960.
SR-23A Phenomenological Approach to the Batch Grinding of Coals, by Robin Pierce Gardner. 1961.
SR-24The Unsteady State Diffusion of Gases from Anthracite at High Temperatures, by Eric Thompson Nelson. 1961.
SR-25Some Advances in X-ray Diffractometry and Their Application to the Study of Anthracites and Carbons, by Michael Arthur Short. 1961.
SR-26The Filtration of Coal Solutions, by Anthony M. Cecere. 1961.
SR-27A Preliminary Investigation into the Application of Coal Petrography in the Blending of Anthracite and Bituminous Coals for the Production of Metallurgical Coke, by Bruce Donald Middleton. 1961.
SR-28Preparation and Properties of Activated Carbons Prepared from Nitric Acid Treatment of Bituminous Coal, by Edward Stephen John Tomezsko. 1961.
SR-29The Reaction of Selected Bituminous Coals with Concentrated Sulfuric Acid, by James R. Malone. 1961.
SR-30Investigations on the Operation of the Circular Concentrator for Cleaning Fine Coal, by James Kelley Kindig. 1962.
SR-31Mineral Matter Removal from Anthracite by High Temperature Chlorination by George Romero Imperial. 1962.
SR-32The Effect of Crusher Type on the Liberation of Sulfur in Bituminous Coals, by Daniel William Kestner. 1962.
SR-33Investigation of the Circular Concentrator - Flotation Circle System for Cleaning Fine Coal, by Daniel William Kestner. 1962.
SR-34Reactions of Coal with Atomic Species, by Francis Joseph Vastola. 1962.
SR-35The Preparation Characteristics of the Bituminous Coal Reserves in Pennsylvania with Special Emphasis on Sulfur Reduction, by Daryl Samuel Confer. 1962.
SR-36A Study of the Burning Velocity of Laminar Coal Dust Flames, by Howard Benedict Palmer. 1962.
SR-37Molecular Sieve Material From Anthracite, by Joseph Edward Metcalf. 1962.
SR-38Studies of Anthracite Coal at High Pressures and Temperatures, by The Pennsylvania Coal Research Board. 1963.
SR-39Coal Flotation of Low-Grade Pennsylvania Anthracite Silts, by Hok-Shing Liu. 1963.
SR-40Changes in the Physical Properties of Anthracite Upon Heat Treatment, by Venkatar Aman Ramadass. 1963.
SR-41Some Aspects of the Chemistry of Sulfur in Relation to Its Presence in Coal, by P.H. Given. 1963.
SR-42The Unsteady State Diffusion of Gases from Coals, by P.L. Walker. 1964.
SR-43The Effect of Concentration and Particle Size on the Burning Velocity of Laminar Coal Dust Flames, by W.F. Marshall. 1964.
SR-44The Electrokinetic Behavior of Anthracite Coals and Lithotypes, by John A.L. Campbell. 1964.
SR-45An Investigation of the Cyclone for Fine Coal Cleaning, bt Kenneth James Munn. 1964.
SR-46The Utilization of Coal Refuse for the Manufacture of Lightweight Aggregate, by Ronald W. Utley. 1964.
SR-47A Simulation Model on the Optimal Design of Belt Conveyor Systems, by Richard Lee Sanford. 1965.
SR-48Beneficiation of Fly Ash, by R.L. Hornberger. 1965.
SR-49Application of Linear Programming Methods of Mine Planning and Scheduling, by Charles Basil Manula. 1965.
SR-50Petrographic Composition and Sulfur Content of Selected Pennsylvania Bituminous Coal Seams, by S.P. Mansfield. 1965.
SR-51Preliminary Investigation of Fog Disposal Methods Applicable to Greater Pittsburgh Airport, by Joel Norman Myers. 1965.
SR-52Subsurface Disposal of Acid Mine Water by Injection Wells, by Robert Stefanko. 1965.
SR-53Roof Bolt Load and Differential Sag Measurements, by Rodolfo V. De la Cruz. 1965.
SR-54A Study of the Reactions Between Coal and Coal Mine Drainage, by Robert D. Reese. 1965.
SR-55Methods Employed for Underground Stowing (A Resume of a Literature Survey), by Peter Luckie. 1966.
SR-56Computer Simulation of Materials Handling in Open Pit Mining, by Thomas J. O'Neil. 1966.
SR-57The Evaluation of Anthracite Refuse as a Highway Construction Material, by Peter T. Luckie. 1966.
SR-58An Investigation of the Cleaning of Bituminous Coal Refuse Fines by an Experimental Hydrocyclone, by Peter T. Luckie. 1966.
SR-59Chlorination and Activation of Pennsylvania Anthracites, by R.A. Falconer. 1966.
SR-60Development and Testing of an Injection Well for the Subsurface Disposal of Acid Mine Water, by Robert Stefanko. 1967.
SR-61Investigation of the Cyclone Washing of Fine Coal In Water, by Lothar H.E. Weyher. 1966.
SR-62Linear Programming Short Course, by Charles Basil Manula. 1967.
SR-63Planning Belt Conveyor Networks using Computer Simulation, by Charles Basil Manula. 1967.

The Economic Importance of the Coal Industry to Pennsylvania, by George H.K. Schenck. 1967.

SR-65An Evaluation of Factors Influencing Acid Mine Drainage Production from Various Strata of the Allegheny Group and the Ground Water Interactions in Selected Areas of Western Pennsylvania, by Frank Thomas Caruccio. 1967.

Potential Injection Well Strata for Acid Mine Water Disposal in Pennsylvania, by Robert Stefanko. 1967.


A Survey of the Location, Magnitude, Characteristics and Potential Uses of Pennsylvania Refuse, by James W. Peters. 1968.

SR-68A Landscape Architectural Approach to Reclamation of Development of Deep Anthracite Strip Pits, by E. Lynn Miller. 1968.
SR-69The Oxygenation of Iron (II) - Relationship to Coal Mine Drainage Treatment, by T.E. Stauffer. 1968.
SR-70A Method for Determining the Partition Curve of a Coal Washing Process, by Peter T. Luckie. 1969.
SR-71The Reinvestigation of Highly Acidic Spoil Banks in the Bituminous Coal Region of Pennsylvania, by Martin L. Horn. 1969.
SR-72Acid and Aluminum Toxicity as Related to Strip Mine Spoil Banks in Western Pennsylvania, by L.E. Beyer.  1969.
SR-73Designing a Rock Bolting System, by D.S. Choi. 1969.
SR-74An Electrokinetic Study of Bituminous Coal Froth Flotation and Flocculation, by John A.L. Campbell. 1969.
SR-75A Complete Mining Simulation, by C.B. Manula. 1969.
SR-76An Investigation of the Natural Beneficiation of Coal Mine Drainage, by Robert Ion Lachman. 1970.
SR-77Application of a Continuous Mining System in a Medium Pitching Anthracite Bed of Northeastern Pennsylvania, by Ghanashyann Mishra. 1970.
SR-78Evaluation of Monorail Mine Haulage System, by Sakir Oguz. 1971.
SR-79Pennsylvania Anthracite Refuse: A Summary of a Literature Survey on Utilzation and Disposal, by Theodor Sprang Spicer. 1971.
SR-80Investigation of the Haldex (Simdex) Process for Beneficiating Coal Refuse: Hungarian Practice - 1969, by D.C. McLean. 1971.
SR-81Coal Mine Refuse Disposal in Great Britain, by H. Gordon Glover. 1971.
SR-82Prevention of Coal Mine Drainage Formation by Well Dewatering, by Parizek. 1971.
SR-83Pennsylvania Anthracite Refuse: A Literature Survey on Chemical Elements in Coal and Coal Refuse, by Shiou-chuan Sun. 1971.
SR-84Shallow Groundwater Flow System Beneath Strip and Deep Coal Mines at Two Sites, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, by Robert Lewis Brown. 1971.
SR-85The Design and Application of Borehole Extensometer, by Howard George Spark.  1971.
SR-86Methodology for the Characteristics of Anthracite Refuse, by Dale Allen Augenstein. 1971.
SR-87Crushing Anthracite Refuse, by J.K. Greenlee. 1971.
SR-88Environmental Characteristics Affecting Plant Growth on Deep-Mine Coal Refuse Banks, by Donald Nevinson Thompson. 1971.
SR-89Ectomycorrhizal Establishment and Seedling Response on Variously Treated Deep-Mine Coal Refuse, by Andrew Koiner Nicholas. 1971.
SR-90Anthracite Refuse Pollution and Socio-Economic Planning in Northeastern Pennsylvania., by Robert Paul Larkin. 1971.
SR-91A Study of the Concrete Block Industry: A National and Regional Approach, by Thomas George Langton. 1972.
SR-92Growth of Tree Seedlings and Use of Amendments of Bituminous Refuse, by George Washington Welsh.. 1972.
SR-93Bulk Transport of Anthracite Refuse, by Elizabeth Anne Semon. 1973.
SR-94Operation Anthracite Refuse, by Herbert Beecher Chambury. 1973.
SR-95Simulation of Quantity and Quality Control in Mining Ventilation, by Angelius Silesius Owili-Eger. 1973.
SR-96The Utilization of Incinerated Anthracite Mine Refuse as an Aggregate in Bituminous Mixes for Surfacing Highways, by Herbert Beecher Chambury. 1973.
SR-97Feasibility Study of the Vertical Transport of Coal by Pipeline, by Richard Allen Hartman. 1973.
SR-98Further Studies in the Treatment of Coal Mine Drainage Formation by Biochemical Iron Oxidation and Limestone Neutralization, by Harold Lemuel Lovell. 1974.
SR-99Analysis of Leakage and Friction Factors in Coal Mine Ventilation Systems, by R. Kharkar. 1974.
SR-100Hydrogeological Influences in Preventative Control Mine Drainage from Deep Coal Mining, by Harold Lemuel Lovell. 1974.
SR-101Effect of Mulches and Amendments on the Survival and Growth of Vegetation Planted on Anthracite Processing Wastes, by M. Kusko. 1974. 
SR-102A Computer Simulation Model for Coal Preparation Plant Design and Control, by Anthony Walters. 1976.
SR-103A Report on Anthracite Open Pit Mining - A Feasibility Study, by the Department of Mineral Engineering. 1976. Part I. Summary Report.
SR-104Part II. Engineering and Mine Cost Analysis Report Exhibits Nos. 1 and 2, by the Department of Mineral Engineering.
SR-105Part III. Estimating Relocation Costs Report Exhibit No. 3, by the Department of Mineral Engineering.
SR-106Part IV. Environmental Reclamation Report Exhibit No. 4, by the Department of Mineral Engineering.
SR-107Part V. Demographic Impact Simulation Report Exhibit No. 5, by the Department of Mineral Engineering.
SR-108Part VI. Legal Requirements for Anthracite Surface Mining Report Exhibit No.6, by the Department of Mineral Engineering.
SR-109Part VII. A Preliminary Community Attitude Survey in the Middle Anthracite Region. Report Exhibit No. 7, by the Department of Mineral Engineering.
SR-110Pyrite in Coal - Its Forms and Distribution as Related to the Environments of Coal Deposition in Three Selected Coals from Western Pennsylvania, by Jamie Reyes-Navarro. 1976.
SR-111An Analysis of Underground Extraction Techniques for Thick Coal Seams, by Christopher John Bise. 1976.
SR-112The Use of Pennsylvania Coals in Low BTU Gasification Processes - A Preliminary Study, by W. Spackman. 1976.
SR-113Digital Simulation of the Yield Potential of the Elliot Park-Burgoon Aquifer in Eastern Clearfield and Western Centre Counties, Pennsylvania,  by James M. Gerhart. 1977.
SR-114A Computer Analysis of Coal Preparation Plant Economics and Equipment Selection, by R.D. Zigmond. 1979.
SR-115Mine Development Project Management: A Case Study, Based on Coal Preparation Plant, by F.G. Crack. 1980.
SR-116Optimal Location of and Production Scheduling for a Centralized Coal Preparation Plant, by Barbaro. 1982.
SR-117Volatile Matter Release During Pyrolysis of Demineralized and Metal Cation Loaded Lignites, by Yoshinobu Otake. 1982.
SR-118Tectonic History of Coal-Bearing Sediments in Eastern Pennsylvania Using Coal Reflectance Anisotropy, by Jeffrey R. Levine. 1983.
SR-119Handbook of State and Local Taxation of Solid Minerals, by George H.K. Schenck. 1984.
SR-120An Investigation into the Distribution of Sulfur in a Longwall Panel, by Ralph Wesley Barbaro. 1986.
SR-121Aspects of Petrography, Palynology and Inorganic Constituents of Subbituminous Coal from Canyon Creek, Alaska, a High-latitude Tertiary Coal Field, by Michelle N. Lamberson. 1988.
SR-122The Chemistry of Coal Maceral Fluorescence, with Special Reference to the Humanite/Vitrinite Group, by Rui Lin. 1988.
SR-123Valuation of Coal Mining Properties, by John Weir.