University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition
Keith B. Wilson
Associate Professor of Rehabilitation and Professor-in-Charge of Rehabilitation Programs
Book Title
Racism and Psychiatry
Book Description
Because the department I am in (Department of Counseling Psychology, Counselor Education, and Rehabilitation Services) is responsible for training school counselors, vocational rehabilitation counselors, and counselors who may specialize in drug and alcohol dependency, this book is of particular interest to me. It does an excellent job in laying the foundation of psychology, counseling, and psychiatry in the United States. More specifically, this book is a must read for students and health care professionals who seek to understand how racism and stereotyping has been a part of the human services (e.g., counseling and psychology) as long as people have been keeping records. The main reason I like this book is because this book displays, through empirical analysis and scrutiny, the roots of racism in the fields that we now call psychology, counseling, and psychiatry. This book also give insight to the many reason pertaining to low utilization rates for counseling services, for example, regarding racial minorities in the United States. A must read for people who like to be challenged!The information found in this book will not be found in any of your mainstream psychology texts. Thus, the valuable information for students and professional alike is priceless.