Policy UL-IT01 Computer, Network, and E-mail Account Authorization Process for Library Employees

  • Introduction
  • id+ Card
  • Access Account
  • Employee Directory
  • Libraries Domain Account
  • Libraries ULL Lists, Network File Space & Shares and Workflows Account
  • Calendar
  • Director’s Station
  • Content Management System (CMS)
  • Cross References


The following reflects, in chronological order, the account request and account creation/modification/deletion processes for library computing accounts. This policy excludes Information Technology Services (ITS) Administrative Information Services (IAS) accounts such as IBIS, FIT, etc.

id+ CARD:


Newly hired employees are eligible for a Penn State identification card (id+ card) after acceptance of an offer for employment.  id+ card policies are documented in AD24 - Identification Cards for Students, Faculty/Staff, Affiliates, and Retirees.  The Libraries’ Human Resources Office (LHR) will provide the new employee with a form titled Authorization for ID Card for New Employees (staff only).  Employee completes the form, makes a personal visit for photo at the ID office, and obtains an id+ card.  Valid photo identification, such as driver’s license or passport, must be presented to obtain a card.  ID Office personnel will verify card eligibility based on employment status in University systems at the time of card issuance. 




Upon termination, employee returns card to LHR Office.  LHR destroys the card. 



The Library supervisor of a new employee will inform the new staff member of the process to follow for application for a Penn State Access Account. To obtain an access account, the employee completes the electronic activation process.  Inquiries should be directed to the IT Service Desk.


When an employee changes jobs within the University, LHR will, upon notification, initiate the change with ITS. 


Upon notification of termination from LHR, ITS discontinues the Access Account.  Retirees of the University are eligible to continue their Access Accounts as stated in the Penn State Access Account Qualifications. 

Forgotten Passwords: 

Access Account holders who have forgotten their passwords should contact the IT Service Desk for assistance.



Upon start date of a new employee, LHR staff at University Park enter the employee’s Access Account ID, job title, name, and department into the Employee Directory. 


Employees can modify portions (email address, personal phone number, fax, specialties, etc.) of their own entries.  Upon notification of change, Library Human Resources (LHR) edits restricted fields (name, job title, department). 


Upon notification of termination date, LHR deletes employee record.



When the employee is entered into the library employee directory, an email is sent to ITS Digital Library Technologies (DLT) notifying them to create a domain account for the user. This account allows:

  • Login to Libraries’ faculty/staff workstations and use of those parts of the standard software suite that do not require additional accounts for access
  • Authenticated access to Libraries’ intranet
  • Authenticated access to Libraries’ applications such as Helpdesk, TechSmart and select operational applications

Implementation. The domain account is created within one business day of receipt of auto-generated email upon entry into the employee directory. 

Notification. The employee receives an email sent to their PSU email account notifying them that their domain access has been created. 




When LHR receives termination notice from the employee’s supervisor they remove the account from the employee directory. This action generates an email that is sent to DLT and I-Tech notifying them to remove all account access for the employee.

Implementation. Account access is removed within one business day of receipt of auto-generated email upon removal of entry in employee directory. 

Forgotten Passwords:

Access Account holders who have forgotten their passwords may take their Penn State photo id+ card to one of the Penn State Access Account signature stations.  A list of signature station locations can be found at Penn State Access Account Signature Stations.



The supervisor completes the Account Request form (staff only). 

Implementation.  Within one business day after I-Tech receives the Digital Library Technologies and Libraries Application for Computer Access form, I-Tech shares the information with all parties responsible for the account types indicated on the form. 

Notification of Accounts and Passwords. Upon completion of new Workflows accounts, I-Tech mails the Workflows password and password procedures/policies to the employee through campus mail.  The employee is contacted directly by the unit implementing access to specialized use tools and applications. 


The supervisor completes the Digital Library Technologies and Libraries Application for Computer Access form, indicates the changes needed to the account, and mails the completed form to I-Tech.


The supervisor completes the top portion of the Digital Library Technologies and Libraries Application for Computer Access form, indicates "delete" and mails the form to I-Tech. 

Forgotten Passwords:

WorkFlows Password:  Employee submits a University Libraries Helpdesk request at https://staff.libraries.psu.edu/i-tech/staff-support/helpdesk-libraries…. (staff only)

University Libraries Listservs (ULL)

See Policy UL-IT04 Email for complete information on ULLs. 



Upon notification, LHR establishes a Calendar account based on information provided by the supervisor on the Digital Library Technologies and Libraries Application for Computer Access form. 


The employee is responsible for maintaining personal information. 


Upon notification, LHR deletes the Calendar account. 



Within one business day of receipt of the Digital Library Technologies and Libraries Application for Computer Access form, I-Tech creates the account and notifies the user that the account has been created. 




Director's Station access is deleted upon receipt of an account delete request via the Digital Library Technologies and Libraries Application for Computer Access form.   



Employees who have been assigned web authoring responsibility register for CMS training with supervisor's permission.  After training, the CMS Team will create the account access. 


Requests for changes or access to author additional sites are made to the CMS Team.  This requires approval from supervisor and site owner. 


CMS accounts are deleted upon receipt of an account delete request via the Digital Library Technologies and Libraries Application for Computer Access form.


Other Policies in this manual should also be referenced, especially the following:

UL-IT02 – University Libraries Staff Information Technology Use Policies

UL-IT03 – Workstation Policy and Procedural Guidelines for Libraries’ Employees

Guideline UL-ITG01 – Suggestions for Effective Use of Libraries Staff Workstations and the Network

Effective Date:  November 12, 2007
Date Approved:  November 12, 2007 (Dean’s Library Council)

Revision History (and effective dates):

  • February 9, 2012 -- Revised to reflect the change in responsibility for processing the Account Request form (Digital Library Technologies and Libraries Application for Computer Access) from DLT to I-Tech
  • September 1, 2011 -- Revised policy; Streamlined and Reformatted
  • November 12, 2007 -- Revised policy; Streamlined and Reformatted

Last Review Date:  February 2012