Guideline UL-ING04 Faculty Use of SRTE

This guideline applies to use of the Student Rating of Teaching Effectiveness (SRTE) survey by University Libraries faculty members at any location who are the instructor of record for a credit-bearing Library Studies (L ST) course per the University Registrar’s Office.

The Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence manages the SRTE process for the university. The course instructor and the instructor’s academic administrators are authorized to view the results of SRTE surveys. Instructions for accessing the survey results are provided at the university’s website “Student Rating of Teaching Effectiveness.” Summaries of SRTE scores for each course are also uploaded into the Faculty Activity Insight System (Digital Measures).

The SRTE survey consists of three sets of questions: the University core, the Departmental core (selected by faculty in the unit, if desired), and questions selected by the course instructor. For the list of available questions and complete instructions, consult the webpage “Administering SRTE forms for faculty, instructors and TAs” at the university’s website “Student Rating of Teaching Effectiveness.”

SRTE surveys are administered every time a course is taught. (Exception: the SRTE survey is not administered for a course in which only one student is enrolled, typically an independent study.)

Extra points are not awarded to students as an incentive to complete the SRTE survey.


Student Rating of Teaching Effectiveness (Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence)

Penn State Activity Insight FAQ

Activity Insight Data Import Timelines

Effective Date: February 5, 2014
Date Approved: February 5, 2014 (Library Faculty Organization)

Revision History (and effective dates):

  • December 2003 - Revised guideline
  • April 1991 - Revised guideline
  • March 2004 - Revised guideline
  • February 2014 - Revised guideline
  • April 2016 - Revised guideline

Last Review Date:  April 2016