- Penn State Policy
- University Libraries' Guidelines
- Cross References
It is the general policy of Penn State to announce publicly all private gifts of $100,000 and above through the Office of Development Communications and Special Projects.
Corporate and foundation gift publicity will be coordinated with the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations.
The University Libraries may consider announcing all gifts under $100,000, on a case-by-case basis, by the Libraries' Director of Development and the Dean of University Libraries and Scholarly Communications, using information supplied on the Gift Publicity Request form.
Following University policy, the Libraries must seek and receive permission to report the individual's or corporation's gift using the standard consent form. The Libraries' Development Office will be responsible for requesting permission to announce the donor(s) name(s) and amount of gift, as well as specific guidance on how the information may be announced, whether in internal publications only or externally. Permission should be received in writing.
In no instance will the Libraries relinquish editorial control of a press release or feature story on a donor. As a courtesy, a draft of the text will be sent to the donor for review; however, the Libraries will retain authority over story content.
All requests for publicity on gifts should be made to the Libraries' Development Officer using the Gift Publicity Request form. News stories that announce gifts under dollar levels noted above are handled by the Dean's/ Development and Alumni Relations/Public Relations and Marketing Offices and will not appear on the Penn State Today Headlines e-newsletter, although they may be placed on other wires or in other venues. The Development Officer will be responsible for approving all publication requests and determining if such requests are appropriate to pursue with the Public Relations and Marketing Office.
Form: Gift Publicity Request Form
Effective Date: July 1991
Date Approved: July 8, 1991 (Libraries Academic Council)
Revision History (and effective dates):
- April 2022 -- Revised
- December 7, 2009 -- Revised to reflect University policy on announcing gifts
- July 8, 1991 -- New guideline
Last Review Date: April 2022