

  • Beaver Stadium completed; seating capacity 46,284.
  • Honors Program approved for conferring of Honors Diploma.
  • Evan Pugh Research Professorships created; Dr. Waldemar Weyl (ceramics) and Dr. Haskell Curry (mathematics), first recipients.


  • Study Abroad Program established with universities of Cologne and Strasbourg; Dr. Dagobert DeLevie named director; first students (juniors and seniors) enrolled spring term, 1962.


  • Centennial of Morrill Land-Grant Act.
  • Materials Research Laboratory established; aided by $690,000 grant from U.S. Defense Department.
  • College Board scores required for admission of all undergraduate students.


  • Milton S. Hershey Medical Center established with $50 million allocation from M. S. Hershey Foundation; Dr. C. R. Carpenter named executive director of planning committee.
  • Federal Communications Commission approved educational television WPSX-TV (channel 3); began operation 1965.