Penn State Class Gifts

Nittany Lion Shrine Historical Display and Beautification

Class Gifts
1861Portrait of Evan Pugh
Classes of 1861 through 1866 contributed toward Civil War Memorial tablet.
1862Portrait of David Wilson, first vice president, professor
1892Portrait of Josiah Jackson, professor.
1895Centennial Student Aid Fund.
1898Loan Fund - redesignated for Eisenhower Chapel pulpit (third unit).
1900Portrait of George W. Atherton, seventh president.
Fifty memorial benches for the University Park Campus.
1903Organ for Schwab Auditorium.
Gateway at Atherton Street-Pollock Road entrance to campus.
Bronze bust of President Atherton.
1904Clock Tower for Old Main
1905Scholarship and loan fund.
1907Library books - President Atherton's personal library, mainly in political science.
Infirmary room equipment for proposed first hospital.
Library books in nuclear engineering for Engineering Library.
1908Memorial scholarship fund for two annual freshman scholarship gifts.
Planted class ivy at commencement on McAllister Hall.
1909Monument (granite) at President Atherton's grave beside Schwab Auditorium.
Planted class ivy at commencement on Armory Tower.
Bronze plaque with base-relief portrait of General James A. Beaver, mounted on boulder at Beaver Stadium.
1910Clock in Carnegie Library.
Student loan fund.
Portrait of Joseph M. Willard, mathematics professor.
Planted class ivy at commencement on Old Engineering Building.
1911Boulder (granite) at Open Air Theatre, front campus, marking Old Main quarry site.
Baseball grandstand at "new" Beaver Field.
Bronze busts: Fred Lewis Pattee, American Literature professor; Edwin Erle Sparks, eighth president; A. Howry Espenshade, English professor, registrar; Evan Pugh, first president.
Planted class ivy at commencement on Schwab Auditorium.
1912Wireless tower and radio station.
Infirmary fund.
Class memorial loan fund.
Planted class ivy at commencement on Carnegie Building.
1913Old Main stone terrace and steps.
Class memorial loan fund.
Drinking fountain at Old Willow, Allen Street mall.
Pipe organ (first) in Schwab Auditorium.
Concert harp in Arts I Recital Hall.
1914Hospital building fund.
1915Stone retaining wall on front campus.
Sun dial in front of Old Main.
Stone benches at HUB.
1916Bronze lamp posts in front of Schwab Auditorium.
Memorial gateway at main entrance.
Memorial scholarship fund.
1917President's chair (sedile) for commencement in auditorium.
Student loan fund.
1918War Bonds.
Gateway at Pugh Street entrance with the class of 1917.
1919Greek (stone) bench in Open Air Theatre
Class memorial fund.
1920Memorial scholarship fund.
1921Memorial scholarship fund.
1922Memorial scholarship fund.
1923Equipment and maintenance of X-ray room of infirmary.
1924Memorial piano fund for Steinway Concert Piano.
The women of the class contributed part of the cost of a piano for Mary Beaver White Hall.
1925Memorial gateway at Pugh Street entrance.
1926Scoreboard and timer (electric) for "new" Beaver Field.
The women of the class presented kitchen equipment for Mary Beaver White Hall.
1927Development of a winter sports park at Thompson Spring.
1928Class ivy planted.
Development of a winter sports park at Thompson Spring.
Scholarship fund.
1929Class ivy planted.
Development of a winter sports park at Thompson Spring.
1930Development of a winter sports park at Thompson Spring.
1931Development of a winter sports park at Thompson Spring.
1932Temporary loan fund.
Mural in Old Main - Land Grant Fresco by Henry Varnum Poor
Library books fund.
1933Loan fund.
Artists course revival.
Memorial Award for an Outstanding Contribution in the Field of Humanities by a Penn State Faculty Member.
Endowment fund.
1934Elevator in infirmary.
Student loan fund.
1935Library books endowment fund.
1936Pipe organ for Schwab Auditorium.
Telescope on Buckhout Laboratory roof.
1937Westminster Chimes, carillon unit for Old Main tower.
Student loan fund.
1938Astronomical observatories.
Pipe organ for Arts I recital hall.
Class funds added to Renaissance Fund.
1939Ski lodge (Bald Top Mountain near Boalsburg).
All-faith chapel fund.
1940Nittany Lion shrine sculpture by Heinz Warneke
1941Scholarship loan fund.
1942Loan fund for war veterans of class returning to college.
1943Memorial loan fund.
1944Two flag poles for "new" Beaver Field.
Memorial scholarship fund.
1945Student union building fund contribution.
1946Mural in Old Main.
1947Student union building fund.
1948Student press fund.
Furniture to be used in Alumni Office reception area.
1949Student art display area.
Operation of book exchange.
1950Positiv (portable organ)
1951Donald MacIntire Memorial Scholarship Fund
1952Student radio station.
Funds for piano and Faculty Club.
1953Chapel fund.
Record album collection for library.
1954Chapel fund.
1955Chapel fund.
1956Ambulance for Ritenour Health Center.
1957Library books for recreational reading.
1958Student AM radio station.
1959Library fund for books by contemporary American writers.
1960Entrance gate to Beaver Stadium.
President's Fund
1961Study abroad scholarship.
Boat dock and landing facilities at Stone Valley Lake.
President's Fund.
1962Loan fund.
1963Loan fund.
43-inch bronze seal of the University over the fireplace in the main lounge of the HUB.
1964Library books fund for American cultural heritage collection.
24-inch numeral electric time clock for Beaver Stadium.
1965Mobile, "Spring Blossoms," by Alexander Calder in Playhouse lobby, Arts II.
1966Sundial on Old Main terrace.
1967Fund to be invested by the University. Gift to be designated at a later date.
1968Class of 1968 scholarship.
1969The Lion's Pantry, the student food bank
1970Renaissance Fund.
1971Renaissance Fund.
1972Commonwealth Campuses Renaissance Fund.
University Libraries Art Museum.
1973Commonwealth Campuses Renaissance Fund.
University Libraries Art Museum.
1974Commonwealth Campuses Renaissance Fund.
University Libraries Art Museum.
1975Commonwealth Campuses Renaissance Fund.
University Libraries Art Museum.
1976Commonwealth Campuses Renaissance Fund.
University Libraries Art Museum.
1977University Libraries The Arts.
1978Antique bronze bell for football stadium.
Kevin Steinberg Memorial Scholarship Fund as part of Renaissance Fund.
1979University Libraries Scholarship Fund.
1980Class Fund Agriculture Activities Center
1981Class Fund Commonwealth Campuses Colleges
Agriculture Activities Center
1982Stone Valley Commonwealth Campuses Colleges
1983Stone Valley Commonwealth Campuses Colleges
Ag. Arena
1984University Libraries Endowed Book Fund
Commonwealth Campuses Colleges
1985University Libraries books and materials
1986Elm Re-Leaf '86 for the campus mall which funded the purchase of elm trees
1987Landscaping the entrance to Penn State at the corner of College Avenue and Shortlidge Road
1988Computerized interview training center for Career Development and Placement Services
1989Outdoor study lounge adjacent to Pattee Library
1990Creamery Courtyard
1991Creamery Cafe
1992PSU Landmark Sign by Beaver Stadium
1993Valerie Christein Urgent Care Unit in Ritenour Building
1994Extended Hours Facility, Pattee Library
1995Foundry Park
1996Elm Tree Endowment
1997Peace Garden
1998HUB Terrace
1999HUB Aquariums
2000Living Machine Project
2001Historic Light Restoration Project
2002Historic Street Clock Project
2003HUB-Robeson Mural
2004Willard Plaza
2005Sesquicentennial Commemorative Design piece - part of HUB lawn reconstruction
2006East Campus Tulip Tree Promenade
2007Celebration Garden at Rec Hall
2008Gateway Element at Atherton and Curtin Roads
2009Restoration and Display of the Old Main Bell
2010Marsh Meadow Boardwalk and Overlook at the Arboretum
2011Penn State Veterans Plaza
2012Nittany Lion Shrine Historical Display and Beautification
2013"We Are" Sculpture
2014HUB Green Roof Terrace
2015Solar Panel Array
2016Endowment for Penn State's Center for Counseling & Psychological Services
2017Lion's Pantry Program Student Endowment
2018HUB Alma Mater display:  The Student Farm Endowment; support for the Textbook and Educational Resources Fund
2019Pollinator and Bird Garden Entryway Dedication in the Arboretum
2020CAPS Endowment
2021Student Access and Equity Fund
2022UPUA/UHS Wellness Fund
2023Support for Complete Penn State
2024UPUA Basic Needs Endowment