Nittany Lion Shrine Historical Display and Beautification
Year | Gift |
1861 | Portrait of Evan Pugh Classes of 1861 through 1866 contributed toward Civil War Memorial tablet. |
1862 | Portrait of David Wilson, first vice president, professor |
1892 | Portrait of Josiah Jackson, professor. |
1895 | Centennial Student Aid Fund. |
1898 | Loan Fund - redesignated for Eisenhower Chapel pulpit (third unit). |
1900 | Portrait of George W. Atherton, seventh president. Fifty memorial benches for the University Park Campus. |
1903 | Organ for Schwab Auditorium. Gateway at Atherton Street-Pollock Road entrance to campus. Bronze bust of President Atherton. |
1904 | Clock Tower for Old Main |
1905 | Scholarship and loan fund. |
1907 | Library books - President Atherton's personal library, mainly in political science. Infirmary room equipment for proposed first hospital. Library books in nuclear engineering for Engineering Library. |
1908 | Memorial scholarship fund for two annual freshman scholarship gifts. Planted class ivy at commencement on McAllister Hall. |
1909 | Monument (granite) at President Atherton's grave beside Schwab Auditorium. Planted class ivy at commencement on Armory Tower. Bronze plaque with base-relief portrait of General James A. Beaver, mounted on boulder at Beaver Stadium. |
1910 | Clock in Carnegie Library. Student loan fund. Portrait of Joseph M. Willard, mathematics professor. Planted class ivy at commencement on Old Engineering Building. |
1911 | Boulder (granite) at Open Air Theatre, front campus, marking Old Main quarry site. Baseball grandstand at "new" Beaver Field. Bronze busts: Fred Lewis Pattee, American Literature professor; Edwin Erle Sparks, eighth president; A. Howry Espenshade, English professor, registrar; Evan Pugh, first president. Planted class ivy at commencement on Schwab Auditorium. |
1912 | Wireless tower and radio station. Infirmary fund. Class memorial loan fund. Planted class ivy at commencement on Carnegie Building. |
1913 | Old Main stone terrace and steps. Class memorial loan fund. Drinking fountain at Old Willow, Allen Street mall. Pipe organ (first) in Schwab Auditorium. Concert harp in Arts I Recital Hall. |
1914 | Hospital building fund. |
1915 | Stone retaining wall on front campus. Sun dial in front of Old Main. Stone benches at HUB. |
1916 | Bronze lamp posts in front of Schwab Auditorium. Memorial gateway at main entrance. Memorial scholarship fund. |
1917 | President's chair (sedile) for commencement in auditorium. Student loan fund. |
1918 | War Bonds. Gateway at Pugh Street entrance with the class of 1917. |
1919 | Greek (stone) bench in Open Air Theatre Class memorial fund. |
1920 | Memorial scholarship fund. |
1921 | Memorial scholarship fund. |
1922 | Memorial scholarship fund. |
1923 | Equipment and maintenance of X-ray room of infirmary. |
1924 | Memorial piano fund for Steinway Concert Piano. The women of the class contributed part of the cost of a piano for Mary Beaver White Hall. |
1925 | Memorial gateway at Pugh Street entrance. |
1926 | Scoreboard and timer (electric) for "new" Beaver Field. The women of the class presented kitchen equipment for Mary Beaver White Hall. |
1927 | Development of a winter sports park at Thompson Spring. |
1928 | Class ivy planted. Development of a winter sports park at Thompson Spring. Scholarship fund. |
1929 | Class ivy planted. Development of a winter sports park at Thompson Spring. |
1930 | Development of a winter sports park at Thompson Spring. |
1931 | Development of a winter sports park at Thompson Spring. |
1932 | Temporary loan fund. Mural in Old Main - Land Grant Fresco by Henry Varnum Poor Library books fund. |
1933 | Loan fund. Artists course revival. Memorial Award for an Outstanding Contribution in the Field of Humanities by a Penn State Faculty Member. Endowment fund. |
1934 | Elevator in infirmary. Student loan fund. |
1935 | Library books endowment fund. |
1936 | Pipe organ for Schwab Auditorium. Telescope on Buckhout Laboratory roof. |
1937 | Westminster Chimes, carillon unit for Old Main tower. Student loan fund. |
1938 | Astronomical observatories. Pipe organ for Arts I recital hall. Class funds added to Renaissance Fund. |
1939 | Ski lodge (Bald Top Mountain near Boalsburg). All-faith chapel fund. |
1940 | Nittany Lion shrine sculpture by Heinz Warneke |
1941 | Scholarship loan fund. |
1942 | Loan fund for war veterans of class returning to college. |
1943 | Memorial loan fund. |
1944 | Two flag poles for "new" Beaver Field. Memorial scholarship fund. |
1945 | Student union building fund contribution. |
1946 | Mural in Old Main. |
1947 | Student union building fund. |
1948 | Student press fund. Furniture to be used in Alumni Office reception area. |
1949 | Student art display area. Operation of book exchange. |
1950 | Positiv (portable organ) |
1951 | Donald MacIntire Memorial Scholarship Fund |
1952 | Student radio station. Funds for piano and Faculty Club. |
1953 | Chapel fund. Record album collection for library. |
1954 | Chapel fund. |
1955 | Chapel fund. |
1956 | Ambulance for Ritenour Health Center. |
1957 | Library books for recreational reading. |
1958 | Student AM radio station. |
1959 | Library fund for books by contemporary American writers. |
1960 | Entrance gate to Beaver Stadium. President's Fund |
1961 | Study abroad scholarship. Boat dock and landing facilities at Stone Valley Lake. President's Fund. |
1962 | Loan fund. |
1963 | Loan fund. 43-inch bronze seal of the University over the fireplace in the main lounge of the HUB. |
1964 | Library books fund for American cultural heritage collection. 24-inch numeral electric time clock for Beaver Stadium. |
1965 | Mobile, "Spring Blossoms," by Alexander Calder in Playhouse lobby, Arts II. |
1966 | Sundial on Old Main terrace. |
1967 | Fund to be invested by the University. Gift to be designated at a later date. |
1968 | Class of 1968 scholarship. |
1969 | The Lion's Pantry, the student food bank |
1970 | Renaissance Fund. |
1971 | Renaissance Fund. |
1972 | Commonwealth Campuses Renaissance Fund. University Libraries Art Museum. |
1973 | Commonwealth Campuses Renaissance Fund. University Libraries Art Museum. |
1974 | Commonwealth Campuses Renaissance Fund. University Libraries Art Museum. |
1975 | Commonwealth Campuses Renaissance Fund. University Libraries Art Museum. |
1976 | Commonwealth Campuses Renaissance Fund. University Libraries Art Museum. |
1977 | University Libraries The Arts. |
1978 | Antique bronze bell for football stadium. Kevin Steinberg Memorial Scholarship Fund as part of Renaissance Fund. |
1979 | University Libraries Scholarship Fund. |
1980 | Class Fund Agriculture Activities Center |
1981 | Class Fund Commonwealth Campuses Colleges Agriculture Activities Center |
1982 | Stone Valley Commonwealth Campuses Colleges |
1983 | Stone Valley Commonwealth Campuses Colleges Ag. Arena |
1984 | University Libraries Endowed Book Fund Commonwealth Campuses Colleges |
1985 | University Libraries books and materials |
1986 | Elm Re-Leaf '86 for the campus mall which funded the purchase of elm trees |
1987 | Landscaping the entrance to Penn State at the corner of College Avenue and Shortlidge Road |
1988 | Computerized interview training center for Career Development and Placement Services |
1989 | Outdoor study lounge adjacent to Pattee Library |
1990 | Creamery Courtyard |
1991 | Creamery Cafe |
1992 | PSU Landmark Sign by Beaver Stadium |
1993 | Valerie Christein Urgent Care Unit in Ritenour Building |
1994 | Extended Hours Facility, Pattee Library |
1995 | Foundry Park |
1996 | Elm Tree Endowment |
1997 | Peace Garden |
1998 | HUB Terrace |
1999 | HUB Aquariums |
2000 | Living Machine Project |
2001 | Historic Light Restoration Project |
2002 | Historic Street Clock Project |
2003 | HUB-Robeson Mural |
2004 | Willard Plaza |
2005 | Sesquicentennial Commemorative Design piece - part of HUB lawn reconstruction |
2006 | East Campus Tulip Tree Promenade |
2007 | Celebration Garden at Rec Hall |
2008 | Gateway Element at Atherton and Curtin Roads |
2009 | Restoration and Display of the Old Main Bell |
2010 | Marsh Meadow Boardwalk and Overlook at the Arboretum |
2011 | Penn State Veterans Plaza |
2012 | Nittany Lion Shrine Historical Display and Beautification |
2013 | "We Are" Sculpture |
2014 | HUB Green Roof Terrace |
2015 | Solar Panel Array |
2016 | Endowment for Penn State's Center for Counseling & Psychological Services |
2017 | Lion's Pantry Program Student Endowment |
2018 | HUB Alma Mater display: The Student Farm Endowment; support for the Textbook and Educational Resources Fund |
2019 | Pollinator and Bird Garden Entryway Dedication in the Arboretum |
2020 | CAPS Endowment |
2021 | Student Access and Equity Fund |
2022 | UPUA/UHS Wellness Fund |
2023 | Support for Complete Penn State |
2024 | UPUA Basic Needs Endowment |