University Research
Libraries are evolving from print-based repositories to new structures with physical and digital collections as well as physical and virtual presences. As researchers and partners in creating new knowledge to be shared with the world, we provide strong academic research collections in both traditional and digital formats, and help our patrons access shared collections internationally. The world of scholarly communication is changing and the products of research are becoming more diverse, thus we will invest in new collaborations that strengthen our ability to acquire and manage critical research materials needed by our community of scholars.

Goal 1
Serve as an active partner in University research and leverage the University Libraries broad involvement with the University community to foster interdisciplinarity and innovation and to distribute support broadly.
- Create and implement a research services model that crosses organizational and unit boundaries, provides support for current and emerging researcher needs, and promotes University research by increasing its visibility and impact.
- Develop and implement a multi-campus service approach to promote awareness of University Libraries services, and their alignment with University priorities and strategic directions.
- Collaborate with colleges, academic programs and institutes, and various University Libraries publishing services (including Penn State University Press, ScholarSphere, and Open Publishing) to facilitate the publication of Penn State research and scholarship in a variety of formats.
Goal 2
Diversify and maximize the materials we make available to the Penn State community by broadening the concept of what constitutes collecting, by promoting open access and new forms of scholarly communication and highlighting distinctive collections as a core component.
- Foster the use of digital repositories and data where researchers may search for the products of scholarship as well as contribute their own work.
- Work toward coordination of collection strengths with peer institutions and consortia to create a sustainable set of information resources.
- Expand technology infrastructure to support research dissemination and re-use at home and abroad.
- Take reparative action to encourage (create) equity and justice in the Libraries collections and services for supporting research and Center voices, perspectives, and needs of marginalized groups and foreground ethics of care in our collections and services supporting research. Support all researchers needs, particularly of people of color and people with disabilities.