The Office of Records Management collaborates with Units of University (Colleges/Campus/Administrative Areas) to develop and gain formal approval of all Records Retention Schedules. In order to properly manage University Records, the retention and disposition requirements records must be covered by a Record Series and Retention Schedule that is approved by the Records Management Advisory Committee (RMAC).
The Office of Records Management is currently developing a new procedure and process to identify, define and provide guidance for Units as it relates to records management compliance. The Office of Records Management will assess a Unit’s compliance by having the Unit complete survey/questionnaire and then meet in person with the Office of Records Management to discuss the results of the survey and various records management compliance situations specific to that Unit. After those initial steps are completed, the Office of Records Management will then develop a Unit specific action plan to define and explain what the Unit needs to do in order to be more compliant and efficient in managing University Records.
Units that would like to learn more about this process or have inquiries about its status should contact the Records Management Officer. Units should also be aware of other University-wide policies and offices related to records management compliance. Visit Related Policies and Offices for details.