Inactive Records Center

Records Center Services during COVID-19 Precautions

At the Office of Records Management, we are doing everything we can to deliver the services needed for mission critical and life sustaining operations related to records access, compliance, training, and guidance.

  • We have resumed normal hours of operation at the Records Center: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Access to Records – Pickups/deliveries can be made via Courier Service, Monday through Friday afternoons. Couriers must adhere to current COVID-19 policies and precautions which will be sent to you via e-mail upon your request for services.
  • Shredding Records Already in Storage – We will continue to shred any records at the Records Center that have fulfilled retention requirements and have been approved for destruction.
  • Blue/White Shredding – Bags or Secure Bins are being received on a case-by-case basis due to the Office of Physical Plant’s (OPP) limited availability. Please confirm with your Facilities Coordinator and contact us with questions. 
  • Training is available via Penn State's LRN Network:  Records Management at Penn State: Getting Your Files Organized the Easy Way (PSU-134).

The Penn State Inactive Records Center (IRC) is a part of the Office of Records Management and is designed to provide secure storage for and appropriate access to active and inactive University Records that must be retained to meet the legal, fiscal, or administrative requirements of the University. We operate on a cost recovery business model and offer records services and storage solutions to the University at low rates

Our office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

For access to historical records stored at the University Archives, please contact Special Collections at



Rates Schedule

Department Contact Information

Inactive Records Center
123 Cato Park Annex II
University Park, PA 16802-1812
Parent Department
Records Management

Inactive Records Center Staff

Name Title Email Office Phone
Records Coordinator
Records Coordinator