Records Management

The Office of Records Management was created in 1989 and is given its authority from  University Policy AD35, University Archives and Records Management The goals of the Office of Records Management are to achieve economy and efficiency in the creation, maintenance, use, and disposition of University Records. The office focuses on three key areas: Record Retention and Disposition, File Organization, and Outreach and Education.

Records Retention & Disposition

  • Identifies the permanently valuable records of Pennsylvania State University or those functions and activities for which documentation must be preserved
  • Specifies, through records retention schedules, records to be preserved as having archival value
  • Authorizes, on a continual basis, the disposition of specified recurring series of records
  • Audits, annually, to see that retention schedules are up-to-date and followed
  • Confirms requirements and compliance needs for University Records

File Organization

  • Identifies, recommends, and applies revisions in filing practices and techniques to maintain records easily and to retrieve them rapidly, to ensure their completeness, and to facilitate the disposition of inactive records
  • Limits the proliferation of transitory or duplicate copies of University Records
  • Identifies systems of records and ensures responsibility parties understand file organization practices

Outreach & Education

  • Teaches training sessions and workshops, on how to identify, understand, and use records retention schedules within the University
  • Teaches training sessions and workshop on various file organization methods, plans, practices, and systems for the improvement of information management
  • Consults on project and systems implementation to help understand how system functionality and recordkeeping requirements can be best developed and applied
  • Collaborate with colleagues and leaders across the University via committee membership, stakeholders’ engagement, or presentations to leadership groups

Remote Services

We continue to deliver services related to records access, compliance, training, and guidance. We can collaborate with you remotely via zoom meetings, screen sharing, phone calls, Microsoft Teams, and many other tech tools.

More About Us

Department Contact Information

W308 Pattee Library
96 Curtin Road
University Park, PA 16802

Records Management Staff

Name Title Email Office Phone
Records Analyst
Records Coordinator
Records Coordinator
University Records Management Officer