Policy UL-AD29 Marketing Communications


  • Introduction
  • Purpose
  • Background
  • Procedures and Review
  • Related Links
  • Cross References


As a unit within the University, Penn State University Libraries is required to adhere to Penn State Policy AD61 University Marketing and Communications (https://policies.psu.edu/policies/ad61). 

The University Libraries’ Public Relations and Marketing Department (PRaM) is responsible for adherence to this University Policy, and PRaM’s department head serves as the University Editor Representative for the University Libraries. 


The purpose of the marketing policy is to establish the lines of responsibility for the University's branding, marketing, and communications efforts. It applies to all colleges, campuses and budgetary units of the University, including the University Libraries. 

All University Libraries promotional materials for resources, collections, services, personnel, programs, and events are governed by Policy AD61 and are to be routed through the Office of Public Relations and Marketing to ensure adherence to the University’s policy. This includes news releases, feature articles, social media, digital designs and signage, advertising, invitations, photography, promotional videos, posters and other promotional print materials, and more. 

Note that this does not include teaching materials, such as instructional guides, which are the responsibility of instructors. 


“Effective communications are central to the success of any enterprise, and Penn State is no exception. Whether it is through advertising, media relations, brochures and direct mail, promotional videos, TV commercials, web pages, or other means, the consistent application of strategies to promote and protect the Penn State brand is of vital importance to the institution. 

“The decentralized structure of University management creates dozens of administrative areas with communications needs, but this can also lead to conflicting and inconsistent messages about the University. Successful marketing strategies and communications efforts cannot ensue from isolated or ad hoc tactics. For the University to properly communicate with a consistent voice, it is essential that the communications activities of Penn State be coordinated through one central office.” 


Marketing Communications Project Initiation in the Libraries—Initiate a “Public Relations and Marketing Request” form. 

A member of PRaM will respond to your request within two working days. (If the requester does not hear back, they are encouraged to email  UL-Public-Relations@lists.psu.edu for follow-up.) The request submission sets in motion a fuller discussion between the requester and a member of PRaM to define a plan of action. 

See additional details under Guideline UL-ADG14 Marketing Communications

For promotional signage of co-sponsored events in Foster Auditorium, see Guideline UL-ADG03 Use of Foster Auditorium (Paterno Library)

For permanent signage (e.g. affixed to walls) and temporary signage including for temporary space closures, contact the Facilities Department. Please see also the Office of Physical Plant’s interior and exterior signage procedures. (See Cross-References section below.) 



Effective Date: February 16, 2015

Date Approved: February 16, 2015

Revision History (and effective dates):

  • June 13, 2022 - Revised policy

Last Review Date:  June 2022