Fall 2022 - Spring 2023
Spring 2023
Monday, March 20: Care & Custody: Past Responses to Mental Health
noon - 1:00 p.m.
Library Seminar Room 004
Recorded Presentation
Lorie Kramer and Garrett Huck

The treatment of people living with mental disorders and prisoners have a long and dark history in the United States, especially here in Pennsylvania. During October 2022, the Penn State Hazleton Rehabilitation and Human Services program visited some historic sites with ties to the human rights movement to better understand our history and to gain inspiration moving forward in our careers as human services professionals. Please join RHS students and faculty for a discussion of not only our past mistakes, but most importantly, what we learned on our recent visit to Eastern State Penitentiary and The Pennhurst School, located in the greater Philadelphia area.
Drs. Lorie Kramer and Garrett Huck are Rehabilitation and Human Services faculty at Penn State Hazleton.
Also presenting are three students:
- Kahlan Ciardullo (Psychology)
- Dalton Kramer (Rehabilitation and Human Services)
- Courtney Stone (Rehabilitation and Human Services)

March 21: Hyperinsulinemia: The Root Cause of Chronic Disease
12:15 - 1:15 p.m.
Library Seminar Room 004
Recorded Presentation
View the handout
Rose Petrilla

In the US, 96 million people have Prediabetes, that's 1 of every 3 people and many will go on to developing Diabetes Mellitus. Learn how to reverse it and improve your marginal decade! This presentation will explain insulin resistance and how it causes hyperinsulinemia. I will also review the clinical signs and symptoms of prediabetes, what are the best markers of metabolic health, and talking points about laboratory tests for you to discuss with your doctor.
Dr. Rosemarie Petrilla has a Bachelor of Health Science and Master of Physical Therapy from Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, Doctor of Physical Therapy from Temple University. A licensed Physical Therapist for 34 years, Teaching Professor of Physical Therapy for 31 years, teaching responsibilities are Pathophysiology and Physical Agents. Research interests are Metabolic Disease, Prediabetes, Diabetes, and Chronic Disease.
Tuesday, April 4: From Data Harm to Data Justice: Privacy and Social Justice
noon - 1:00 p.m.
Library Seminar Room 004
Recorded Presentation
View the handout
Sarah Hartman-Caverly and Alexandria Chisholm

Is your personal data implicated in data harm to others? Join privacy literacy teacher-scholars Sarah Hartman-Caverly and Alexandria Chisholm to explore the role of privacy in social justice work. We’ll examine privacy through a social justice lens, consider the disparate impact of personal data profiling and algorithmic interventions on society’s most vulnerable members, and discuss solutions for restoring data rights and data justice. Using a case study approach to discuss news stories about real people’s experiences, this presentation is accessible to anyone with an interest in privacy and social justice.
Sarah Hartman-Caverly is a reference and instruction librarian at Penn State Berks, where she liaises with Engineering, Business and Computing division programs. Sarah’s research examines the compatibility of human and machine autonomy from the perspective of intellectual freedom, and she publishes and presents on privacy as part of this work. She earned her MS(LIS) and MS Information Systems from Drexel University College of Computing & Informatics (then iSchool), and holds a BA Anthropology from Haverford College.

Together, Sarah and Alex created the national award-winning Digital Shred Privacy Literacy Initiative, comprising the Penn State Berks Privacy Workshop Series, Digital Shred Privacy Literacy Toolkit, and privacy literacy research.
Fall 2022
Wednesday, November 9: What do they eat? A look inside the diet of invasive Flathead Catfish from the Susquehanna River Basin, Pennsylvania
Recorded presentation

In this lecture series talk, we investigate the diet of a recent aquatic invader in the Susquehanna River Basin, Pennsylvania, the Flathead Catfish. The Flathead Catfish is a large predatory fish species that was first detected in this river system in 2002. Little is known about what it is eating and as a result which organisms may be most vulnerable to predation. The talk will be presented by Dr. Megan Schall, Assistant Professor of Biology and Sydney Stark, M.S. student in Wildlife and Fisheries Science. This work and Sydney’s M.S. program received grant funding support from Pennsylvania Sea Grant.
Tuesday, October 18: How to be Your Own Sommelier for the Holidays
Recorded Presentation

This discussion explains the theory of food and wine pairing and is packed with practical tips. Think about impressing your family and friends with your ability to combine food dishes with the perfect wine to elevate the dining experience.
Barb Brazon is the Hazleton Campus Program Coordinator, Information Sciences and Technology and wine professional. She began her formal education in wine studies at The Wine School of Philadelphia (2001) - Wine School’s beginners, Wine Levels 1 thru 3. Then in 2010 she earned a professional wine certification from the Wine Spirit and English Trust (WSET), an internationally respected program. From WSET, she received placement of “Distinction” in levels 1 and Level 2 and holds Level III certifications. In the blind-tasting portion of the examination for WSET she earned a rank of Distinction and in the four-hour essay examination, a rank of Merit.
Thursday, October 13: A "Heap of Swords:" The Origin and Legacy of the First World War
Recorded Presentation
Session Handouts

This lecture examines how a single event, undertaken by an obscure historical figure, led to a global conflict that killed millions and toppled centuries-old empires. Although the United States entered the “Great War” in 1917, the impact transformed daily life, from the way we tell time to the way Americans paid taxes and ate their daily meals. In this presentation, I explore the ripple effects of history, demonstrating how European tensions “Over There” altered life on the U.S. homefront, in ways that are still visible today.
Dr. Justin Nordstrom is a Professor of History, Arts and Humanities at Penn State Hazleton. He is passionate about World War I studies and food history.