Dykstra, C. A.


Los Angeles, Calif.
July 5, 1949

Dear Mrs. Mahler-Werfel,
Mr. Arlt tells me that you are having a birthday on August 31. This news reminds me of the lovely visit I had at your house some months back when we discussed as a possibility an alcove in the U.C.L.A. library for the Werfel archives. It also moves me to send you warm felicitations and to wish you many more anniversaries. The university and I are happy in the thought that you live so near to us. For us it is inspiring and gratifying. We hope very much that you will retain your full vigor and enthusiasm and that you will be abundantly able to supervise the arrangement of "The Archives" when the rare book room of the library is finished. This should be early next year. With the cordial greeting of our university and with my great personal regard, I am
Yours very sincerely
C. A. Dykstra (Provost - U.C.L.A.)

handwritten letter from Clarence Addison Dykstra

Clarence Addison Dykstra (1883-1950)


Der Provost der UCLA, wie auch ein anderer Vertreter der Universität, deren Präsident Robert G. Sproul, und Alma Mahler-Werfel standen wohl nur geschäftlich, d. h. im Zusammenhang mit der Einrichtung eines Franz-Werfel-Archivs in Verbindung, von einer besseren Bekanntschaft ist nichts bekannt.