Search - Exact Search

Search - Exact Search

EXACT search is a radio button choice that is located on the Quick Search screen; it returns records that exactly match the word(s) you're searching.

Use Exact when you want to find records that contain word(s) that match precisely what you've typed -- and in the order that you typed them, letter-for-letter beginning with the first word you typed.

An exact search of Titles for the word "computers" only retrieves records where the title of the record is computers. Tip: When using an exact search with the Author field, be sure to type the last name first: Hemingway, Ernest

Begins with vs Exact

Begins with provides a search that results in an alphabetical list for the item you searched. The items retrieved are displayed alphabetically. For example if you search Science using Begins with and limiting by Journal Title, you will retrieve a list of journals whose titles begin with the word Science

Exact search will search literally for the terms you enter and only for those terms. The items retrieved will be the ones with that exact terminology. For example if you search Science using Begins with and limiting by Journal Title, you will retrieve a list of journals that Science is the only term in the title. This type of search is especially useful for locating one word titles such as Science, Nature, Time, Newsweek, etc.