University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Xenia Hadjioannou Associate Professor of Language and Literacy Education

Book Title: Speech Genres and Other Late Essays

Author: Bakhtin, M. M. (Edited by: Holquist, Michael; Emerson, Caryl)

Selection Statement:

After all, our thought itself –philosophical, scientific, and artistic- is born and shaped in the process of interaction and struggle with others’ thought, and this cannot but be reflected in the forms that verbally express our thought as well. (Bakhtin, 1986, 92)

Bakhtin's work has been crucial in establishing a new paradigm in the study of language, within which language is viewed as a tool fundamental both to the cognitive and social development of the individual, as well as to the existence and development of human culture.

Edited by Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist, this translated volume of six essays is a collection of Mikhail Bakhtin's last works. In these texts, Bakhtin articulates conceptualizations of language-in-action with concision and brilliant insight, while at the same time their notebook quality affords readers a fascinating view into Bakhtin's thinking.

Year: 2012