University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Kevin A. Boon Associate Professor

Book Title: The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind

Author: Julian Jaynes

Selection Statement:

I first learned of Julian Jaynes's multidisciplinary work on consciousness through an excerpt published in Mother Jones (if memory serves). I was a teenager at the time and enthralled by the scope of his research. It was my first exposure to scholarly writing and I found it intellectually invigorating. When the book was finally published in 1976, I bought and read a copy.

Jaynes's book certainly contributed to my decision as an undergraduate to major in Psychology and inspired higher academic ambitions, ultimately leading toward my graduate work in literature. I still find myself referring to the text in my own writing all these many years later.

The title was also great for charades!

Year: 2006