Moriah Szpara
Virus: An Illustrated Guide to 101 Incredible Microbes
This book demonstrates several themes of importance to science, the first of which is the inherent beauty of the natural world. In the case of viruses, it has taken the scientific advancements of electron microscopy to reveal the minute details of virus particles. New viewers often find that the symmetry and beauty of these virions contrasts with common perceptions about the cruel efficiency of viruses in causing disease. The second theme represented by this book is scientific outreach -- books such as this one make accurate science both accessible and interesting for everyone. This book also demonstrates the team effort required for scientific advancement, where both leadership and individual contributions matter. This book was authored by my colleague Marilyn Roossinck, with many scientists contributing their images and data to create a successful work. Marilyn's creative approaches to virus ecology and evolution have shaped my thinking and my lab's research, making this book a fitting choice for this occasion.