University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition
Michele Kennerly
Associate Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences and Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies
Book Title
L'Art du Sous-Entendu: Histoire - Théoies - Mode d'emploi
Book Description
Professor Pernot was president of the International Society for the History of Rhetoric in 2007 when I attended ISHR for the first time, a year into my Ph.D. course work. The convention met in Strasbourg, France, making it my first international conference, and I was one of only three U.S. American graduate students in attendance. Every minute was exhilarating, and it confirmed my sense that I would like to be a historian of rhetoric. I am now very friendly with many of the scholars I met at ISHR 2007, and I’m honored to serve on the ISHR Council. The book I have selected, Professor Pernot’s most recent work, attends to implication and suggestion as potent modes of rhetorical action. When I needed to read the book to prepare a conference paper, I learned it was not a part of our library’s holdings. Because of the importance of Professor Pernot to my formative years as a young scholar and the importance of his book to rhetorical studies, I am delighted to select his book to mark this occasion.