University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Qunhua Li

Associate Professor of Statistics
Book Title
Mathematical Statistics: Basic Ideas and Selected Topics, Volumes I-II Package
Peter .J. Bickel and Kjell A. Doksum
Book Description

I had the privilege to work with one of the authors of this book, Peter Bickel, as a postdoc at UC Berkeley. Although Peter is a world-renowned mathematical statistician, he greatly values statistical applications and always puts usefulness as the first principle to develop any methods or theory. He emphasizes statistical thinking and always motivates and interprets statistics from an intuitive and simple way. This profoundly impacts the way I think and do research. And in my personal opinion, this is what statistics as a field should be. This book precisely reflects this way of thinking. It is a deep mathematical statistical textbook, carrying great insights and covering many modern topics. Unlike many other textbooks in mathematical statistics, it carries deep statistical thinking, aiming to help readers tie concepts together. It has been used as the textbook for the first-year statistical PhD course at UC Berkeley for many years.


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