University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Carrie Jackson

Professor of German and Linguistics
Book Title
The political economy of Poland's transition: new firms and reform governments
John E. Jackson, Jacek Klich, Krystyna Poznanska
Book Description

My dad has been a great mentor to me over the years. From being my statistical consultant on countless article manuscripts to helping me navigate the job market, the tenure process and all the pitfalls the profession throws our way, he has always been there and willing to offer advice whenever I needed it (and—equally importantly—rarely offering advice when I hadn’t asked him for it first!). He has also been a great role model as I now mentor my own undergraduate and Ph.D. students. Given the many hours we have also spent talking about Polish and European politics, and the impact this has had on my ability to convey the complexities of modern German and European politics and culture to my students, it is only fitting to choose his book on Poland’s transition in the post-Communist era as a way to acknowledge that I could not have made it to this point in my career without him. Thanks, Dad!


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