University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Michael Hickner

Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Book Title
Nobel Prize Women in Science: Their Lives, Struggles, and Momentous Discoveries: Second Edition
Sharon Bertsch McGrayne
Book Description

I would like to dedicate this book to some of my heroes, mentors, and colleagues in science. Many people overcome obstacles on their way to success, but women have shown particular grit, perseverance, and genius in achieving at the highest levels of science and engineering. They inspire me and push me to be a better scientist myself and to also work to find the next generation of scientists that are sitting in my classroom or working in my lab. In 2018, it is clear that women have not gotten the credit they deserve and barriers still exist that prevent science from benefiting from some of the best minds on the planet. We need more women in science and I hope this book will inspire women and encourage them to continue to strive and achieve in the face of continuing headwinds. I will remain an advocate for creating a welcoming scientific community and continuing to push science to a more diverse, vibrant future. We need more women in science and we all need to work together to get there. Science and the scientific community will be the greatest beneficiaries of our efforts.


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