University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Lesley Ross

Associate Professor of Human Development and Family Studies
Book Title
Positively Ninety: Interviews with Lively Nonagenarians
Connie R. Springer
Book Description

This is a wonderful complication of portraits and narratives highlighting the positive aging perspectives of older adults. In a society where aging is often predominately portrayed as a series of declines and losses, examples of positive aging and the benefits that come with aging are sorely needed. Author and photographer Connie Springer based her work on interviews with twenty-eight adults in their nineties resulting in an inspiring and refreshing way to think about how our lives change with time, and how we can help reframe this change into a personally meaningful and positive experience. It is works like this that made me interested in successful and healthy aging. I greatly appreciate those senior in age to myself taking the time to share their experiences and insights so that I can learn from them.


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