University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Ivan Esparragoza

Professor of Engineering
Book Title
The Theory and Practice of Sustainable Engineering
Braden R. Allenby
Book Description

Sustainable engineering is a process that integrates technical, environmental, social, and economic aspects during the solution of engineering problems. This approach is becoming a common and, in many cases, mandatory practice; however, sustainable engineering is complex due not only to the nature of the different dimensions that must be considered during the solution but also to the interaction between the dimensions. This process requires that future engineers have a mindset and skills to address issues in a sustainable way. Allenby's textbook provides a comprehensive overview of sustainable engineering with interdisciplinary perspectives and systems that are critical to understanding this intricate subject. This book is a great reference for students not only in engineering but in other disciplines related to sustainability. My research agenda has been inspired and influenced by this textbook, and I have used the concepts in my classes to inspire future engineers to find sustainable solutions.


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