University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Christopher G. Engeland

Associate Professor of Biobehavioral Health
Book Title
Michael Crichton
Book Description

I have chosen the book Travels by Michael Crichton, as both this work and the author speak strongly to me of achieving harmony between one’s work and personal life. As with most academics, I have struggled at times to find and maintain a work/life balance. Travels is a work of non-fiction that details many of Crichton's adventures throughout life. The book details his thoughts and feelings as he tracks wild gorillas in the jungles of Rwanda, treks across a landslide in Pakistan, and swims amid sharks in Tahiti. This book, in part, inspired me to train and eventually travel to Africa to summit Mount Kilimanjaro. In other ways, this book has been an inspiration, reminding me of the adventures that await if one is receptive. Further, it speaks to me of the importance of the work/life balance and a manner in which this is attainable. Personally, I must not allow myself to become complacent in either work or life, and should I become so I must strive to rediscover myself.


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