Daniel Mansson
One of Maslow’s needs (i.e., love and belongingness) has received considerable attention among social scientists during the past two decades. The book Communicating Affection: Interpersonal Behavior and Social Context by Kory Floyd has served as a foundation for scholars advancing this line of inquiry. Floyd identified three types of affectionate communication (i.e., verbal statements, nonverbal behaviors, and social support) that have been associated with improved physiological, psychological, and social/relational health in close interpersonal relationships.The arguments, which are based on empirical evidence, presented in Floyd’s book culminate in the development of Affection Exchange Theory (AET). Since its inception in 2006, AET has guided scholars’ efforts to understand the interplay between affectionate communication and personal and relational health across a multitude of relational contexts. As such, AET and the book Communicating Affection: Interpersonal Behavior and Social Context have served a pivotal role in my grandparent-grandchild research during my time at Penn State.