University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Daniel Foster

Agricultural Teacher Educator, Associate Professor of Agricultural and Extension Education, Innovation Specialist of PSU Global Teach Ag! Initiative
Book Title
Methods of Teaching Agriculture
L.H. Newcomb, J. David McCracken, J. Robert Warmbrod, M. Susie Whittington
Book Description

Agriculture is the most fundamental of necessities for all mankind and is at the foundation of most all of our most pressing global, interdisciplinary, complex issues faced today. Agriculture as an industry needs great leaders. Great leaders are developed by great teachers.

I am blessed to have the opportunity every day engaging in the worthwhile task of helping individuals realize their power for positive change in the world around them through agricultural education. I truly and sincerely love my job. The Methods of Teaching Agriculture text was the required text for a class I taught since coming to Penn State. It is authored by pioneers, mentors and legends of my discipline of agricultural education who inspire me to think boldly and to challenge myself to innovate in ways to help meet the present needs of communities, teachers, and students across the nation. Teaching is a practice that presents incredible opportunity for purposeful engagement.


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