University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Roderick Lee

Associate Professor of Information Systems
Book Title
Interaction design: Beyond human-computer interaction 3rd Edition
Rogers, Y., Sharp, H., & Preece, J.
Book Description

During my doctoral studies, I was privileged to have one of the founders of the field of Human-Computer Interaction, John M. Carroll, as my dissertation chair. Our interactions marked the beginning of my serious study of Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Design presents an authoritative and detailed coverage of the theory and practice of Human-Computer Interaction.  This book has been a primary resource for my teaching and research for nearly a decade.  After adopting Interaction Design in my human-centered design course, I noticed a significant increase in students’ learning and appreciation of the subject. In addition, Interaction Design was a primary reference for my doctoral research and dissertation.  I believe that this book will be an inspiration to faculty, students, and others who are interested in Human-Computer Interaction, Information Systems, and Interaction Design.


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