University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Jason Bennett

Associate Professor of Chemistry
Book Title
Analytical Electrochemistry: 3rd edition
Joseph Wang
Book Description

When I was an undergraduate student trying to find my way through a rigorous chemistry curriculum, I had a little trouble finding my niche.  It was in my Analytical Chemistry class that the topic of electrochemistry struck a particular cord with me.  I liked the puzzle of adapting a few key equations to a variety of situations as well as the idea of facilitating chemical reactions by transferring electrons.  In my senior year, my advisor convinced me to enroll in his graduate-level electrochemistry course and the 2nd edition of this text was the course textbook.  That book opened my eyes to the practical usefulness of electrochemistry in a very readable manner.  It was a great introductory text that I read completely and still reference often in my current electrochemistry research.  I credit that text for paving the way for my current research.  It is for this reason that I have chosen its most recent edition to recognize my promotion and tenure at Penn State.


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