University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Jeanine Staples

Associate Professor of Literacy and Language
Book Title
Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness and the Politics of Empowerment
Patricia Hill Collins
Book Description

This book made an indelible impression on me as an as an early career scholar. In it, Patricia Hill Collins captures a portion of the power, mystery, transcendency and intelligence of Black women feminist thinkers. She presents myriad vantage points, lived experiences and philosophical theories that portraiture identities in ways that had not yet been acknowledged, let alone embraced, by mainstream intelligentsia. She broke boarders and transgressed hindrances established to limit the contributions of particularly raced, gendered and classed voices. This work speaks to inclusion, dynamism, and critical consciousness. It supports inquiry and revelation for those interested in honoring traditionally marginalized voices. It shows, still, that Black women's voices, thoughts, feelings and actions are already empowered. They are not waiting for someone to free them from anything. 


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