University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Raymond Gibney

Associate Professor of Management
Book Title
Dr. Seuss's Beginner Book Collection
Dr. Seuss
Book Description

My parents taught me to read from these books. As first generation Americans, my mother and father knew that an education was the key to success. These books were and still are the building blocks of an education. From these books, the world opens to many other books and experiences. Many subsequent books have touched my life and meant so much, but they would have never been read without these books. At my undergraduate commencement, the speaker provided each student with a Dr. Seuss book (Oh, the places you'll go!) with the reminder to never forget the lessons taught by this icon of American literature.The fondness of the time spent reading with my parents, the lifelong pursuit of learning and many a life lesson all owe their beginnings to Dr. Seuss.


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