Melik Demirel
Here is a brief describtion of the author from wikipedia: Cahit Arf (11 October 1910 – 26 December 1997) was a Turkish mathematician. He is known for the Arf invariant of a quadratic form in characteristic 2 (applied in knot theory and surgery theory) in topology, the Hasse–Arf theorem in ramification theory, Arf semigroups, and Arf rings.
I was first introduced Prof. Arf 's work when I was a student at the Bogazici University, Istanbul Turkey (a premier university of Turkey where the top %0.1 students are accepted from pool of million applicants). Through my career, I came across his work in multiple fields but as a materials scientist, I found it very useful in the applications of topology for the design, synthesis and fabrication of advanced functional materials.
Currently, our library doesn't have the book and I think that this book will be useful for students in materials science as well as mathematics.