University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition
Yang XU
Associate Professor of Business
Book Title
Oshin (DVD series)
Book Description
Oshin is a 1980’s Japanese drama series, which was broadcast in more than 60 countries since it was first aired in Japan by NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) in 1983. The main character, Oshin, is a successful businesswoman who had a modest beginning as a daughter of a tenant farmer forced to work as a live-in servant from the age of 7. This 297-episode melodrama told a story of human endurance and success in the face of extreme proverty, abuse, world wars, natural disasters and deaths in family. I watched this television series with my family many years ago in China as a ten-year-old girl. It profoundly influenced my life because values such as persistence, resilience and loyalty went deep into my heart. It'll continue to motivate me for the rest of my life.