University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Anthony Leach

professor of music/music education
Book Title
The African American Heritage Hymnal
GIA Publishing, Chicago, IL
Book Description

Published in 2001, The African American Heritage Hymnal is the primary resource that I use when planning for worship experiences with my congregation, New Bethel Baptist Church, in Washington, DC. Additionally, this has been an important print resource that I always recommend to choral music educators and conductors who attend conferences and in-service meetings where I provide leadership in African American choral music. This publication contains a huge variety of traditional hymns, gospel songs, spirituals, choral responses, and African songs of praise that are helpful to choral conductors in schools, churches, and other community organizations. A new publication, Total Praise was recently issued by GIA but the comprehensive edition of the African American Heritage Hymnal will remain my "go to" source book for many years to come.


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