University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Michel Haigh

associate professor of communications
Book Title
The Persuasion Handbook: Developments in Theory and Practice
James P. (Price) Dillard, & Professor Michael W. Pfau
Book Description

I selected this book in remembrance of Dr. Michael Pfau. Dr. Pfau was a world-renowned scholar in the areas of social influence, persuasion, and political communication. He was my "academic dad," mentor, and, advisor. Each day I strive to be the best teacher, mentor, and scholar to continue his academic legacy. There are days I long to call and ask advice, and I feel an overwhelming sense of loss when I know I can't. I have an academic angel looking over me, and he was smiling the day I received early tenure and promotion. I am blessed because I can share these academic milestones with Ginger Pfau, my "academic" mom. She approved of my book selection, and agreed this book would be useful for graduate and undergraduate students. Dr. Pfau loved books. He would highlight the pages, and the really important parts would be highlighted and underlined both. He would always ask students not to bend the spine. I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate getting tenure than donating a book he wrote in his honor.


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