University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Tulay Girard

associate professor of marketing
Book Title
Multivariate Data Analysis
Joseph F. Hair, Jr, William C. Black, Barry J. Babin, Rolph E. Anderson
Book Description

Among the many books that I have enjoyed reading, there is one book that I have read frequently—not necessarily for enjoyment—but to learn independently how to design research and progress in my career. I used the third edition of Multivariate Data Analysis heavily throughout my doctoral program and at the dissertation stage, and continued using the fifth and seventh editions of this book during my tenure track position. What I like about this book is that I can "easily" figure out how to design my research. I have cited this book in almost all of my empirical research. The book was first published more than 30 years ago and I am sure that I will be using its current editions until I retire.

This is my opportunity to thank the authors for providing this excellent guide book for academicians who work on empirical research.


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