University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Aaron D. Rubin

associate professor of classics and ancient Mediterranean studies, Jewish studies, and linguistics
Book Title
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the World's Ancient Languages
Roger D. Woodard
Book Description
I find myself using this book quite often for reference, as it is an excellent resource for the study of ancient languages. It covers a variety of Semitic languages (my main field), but it treats them in the larger context of the languages of the world. In my research, I find it very important to look at languages from a wide perspective, and each of the world's languages has something different and important to offer the researcher.The book also has some special meaning to me for a number of reasons. First, and most obvious, is that I am a linguist and enjoy reading about all of these obscure ancient languages. Second, two chapters are written by my PhD thesis advisor (John Huehnergard), another by one of my teachers in graduate school (Jo Ann Hackett), and another by my undergraduate and M.A. advisor (Donald Ringe). All three of these people were wonderful teachers, and reading their chapters allows me to continue learning from them. Third, this book was my wife's gift to me when I finished my PhD in 2004. It seemed like an extravagant gift at the time, my copy has been well used.

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