University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Recognition

Akif Undar

professor of Pediatrics, Surgery, and Bioengineering
Book Title
Cardiopulmonary Bypass - Principles and Management
Kenneth M. Taylor, MD, ed.
Book Description
This book was my most valuable resource for understanding fundamental principles of cardiopulmonary bypass (bypassing heart and lung during open-heart surgery) procedures during my studies in graduate school. My PhD research topic was "Design and performance of physiologic pulsatile flow cardiopulmonary bypass systems for neonates and infants." Dr. Taylor’s book has served as an excellent guide in helping me to not only gain understanding of the principles of CPB procedures, but also providing all of the details and mechanisms of pulsatile perfusion and their impact on vital organs during extracorporeal circulation. Although this book was published over 20 years ago, it is my opinion that it continues to be a perfect resource for beginners studying cardiopulmonary bypass procedures.

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